
THE CURE: Tales of a Highschool Girl

She lived her life as a normal teenager that goes unnoticed for everyone, suddenly the vampires appeared on her way and she almost becomes one but then she discovered she cannot be a vampire. How is that possible? Let Lizzy tells you how is possible, let yourself go for the secrets this story contains and discover that this new story could be more than another fanfic of 'Twilight' *I'm sorry if you found writing mistakes in this story but English is not my cradle language*

AndSha_Garso · Book&Literature
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29 Chs


"I would rather go blind than to see you walk away from me"

Friday morning was good and it had a promise to be perfect. This would be the first morning that Edward rides me to school. I woke up early to take a shower and after that, I did a fast inspection of my wardrobe before choose a blue denim skinny jeans, a white shirt of long sleeves, a blue sweater, my black coat nonformal and my white sneakers. Before to leave my room I took my usual pink scarf and my gray cap. Then I downstairs backpack in hand with time enough left to breakfast.

When I was ending to brush my teeth I received a phone call from Edward to asking me to out, he was already outside and I was too much excited. At the moment I saw him, I jumped to his arms and so he had to carry me to his car in his arms.

At lunchtime, I met with Alice and Edward like the usual but this time they were already outside to my classroom before my class finished. But, when the class finally finished, Jeanne stopped me before I could go.

— Hey Lizzy, how are you been?

— Not your business anymore Jeanne, now please take off my way.

— Come on, tell me the truth, who did you sleep to could be the friend and girlfriend to the two people most popular in the school?

— Please save your words to yourself, you need them more than I, and before to attack or judge somebody else you need to see yourself in a mirror. Now, if you excuse me, I should go to talk with people I do care about.

— And what about Jacob? — said when I turned around to go away — do you ever care about him? Is Edward better than him?

— Well, I don't know the bed of Jacob as well as you do. Don't worry about me anymore, I'm not going to interfere in your sluty-tale with Jacob anymore. — I answered and then I finally could leave her.

Lunch with my two favorite people in the world always is the best in my school days. We were sat at my favorite place like the usual, listening some of our favorite music while we were talking about school gossips and about how did I put Jeanne in her place earlier, we agreed about she really deserve that. After lunch, we came back to class.

At the time of departure, I searched for Edward at the parking to could go home together but, when found him, I was too much surprised to react. Edward was already inside his car but he wasn't alone, he was with Tiffany! And they were too much close I should say. I saw them but they never saw me so the only thing I could do was walked away from them.

I walked until I arrived at the bus stop, I thought about call Alice but she was yet in class and so I didn't want to interrupt her. Five minutes later, a bus that goes to a place close to Riverside Park arrived and so I got on without tinking.

Once at the park, I walked until I found a free banking and I sat there trying to keep calm. Really my attempt to distract myself was going well until I realized that I was sit in the same n¿banking of my first date with Edward and so I couldn't contain my tears anymore. Everything got worse when I receive Edward's message telling me: "Where are you, Lizzy? I'm waiting for you in my car for one hour ago. Please hurry up, we should talk about something important."

Five minutes later, when I was desperately crying, a guy sat next to me. He was handsome, with blond curly hair, blue ocean eyes, thick eyebrows, long eyelashes, and beefy appearance but not robust. He didn't look older than a guy of nineteen or twenty age, surely I would fell in love with him if I wasn't already in love with somebody. He was wearing blue denim jeans, a gray t-shirt, a black windbreaker jacket, and black sneakers. I was taking a look strangely relaxing to him when offered me a handkerchief engraved with a couple of initials that I assumed belonged to his name.

— Thank you. — I answered drying my tears.

— Do you feel better now?

— I... I think so. — I answered realizing that actually I already stopped crying.

— That's good, you were breaking my heart with that heartbreaking way to cry.

— Excuse me, but... What are you doing here? I mean, I appreciate the gesture but it's weird that a stranger comforts me.

— Well, if I am honest with you... Not even I know what am I doing here. I just felt a strange need to comfort you... What's it's your name?

— Well, I'm Elizabeth... Elizabeth Denker is my name. — I said suddenly nervous.

— It's a cute name.

— Thank you. And... what is yours?

— I'm... Patrick. — He said doubting about his own name

— It's also a cute name. So... Patrick, do you have Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or something like that? You are my sadness savior.

— Jaja, better forget about me, Lizzy. You won't see me never again.

— What? But...

— Shhh — said interrupting me — listen to me before I go, use the handkerchief I gave to you every you feel sad or heartbreaking like today. Remember that you're stronger than you think but you should be careful. I don't want to see you broken again, Okay?

— Okay, but... — I said but I couldn't finish my phrase 'cause my phone rang at that moment announcing that I had a phone call — Excuse me, I should answer this phone call. But please stay a while, I'll be back soon.

I walked a little steep away from Patrick and then I answered my phone, it was Alice.

— Hello?

— Elizabeth! Where the fuck are you? My brother told me he's waiting for you at the school parking. We are so much concerned about you Elizabeth!

— Alice... I'm... I'm not okay... He broked my hearth. I'm at Riverside Park.

— What?! I will kill him! Stay where you are, I will go to pick you!

— Thank you, Alice, you are my second savior today. But please come along.

After that phone call, I turned around to face Patrick and thank him again but that couldn't be possible, Patrick was already left.