
THE CURE: Tales of a Highschool Girl

She lived her life as a normal teenager that goes unnoticed for everyone, suddenly the vampires appeared on her way and she almost becomes one but then she discovered she cannot be a vampire. How is that possible? Let Lizzy tells you how is possible, let yourself go for the secrets this story contains and discover that this new story could be more than another fanfic of 'Twilight' *I'm sorry if you found writing mistakes in this story but English is not my cradle language*

AndSha_Garso · Book&Literature
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29 Chs


It was a rainy day at Carnegie School and I hadn't too much to do, the school day was already finish and Alice has gone five minutes ago excusing a sudden headache; so I had to walk alone to home. I had forgotten my umbrella at home so I hadn't anything to guard myself besides my sweater, which wasn't very effective and so when the water began to fall more voraciously I decided to take refuge in the first bus stop I found in the way. The minutes passed and I was starting to get impatient, I hadn't anything to entertain myself because I don't even have minigames in my cellphone and so I felt that the time was eternal while I was listening every impatient tap I gave with my fingernail against the bench when suddenly somebody who was also looking for a rain refuge sat beside me.

— Hi Lizzy, Are you alright?

— Edward! Yes, I'm fine, How are you?

— Wet. — he said laughing — Are you cold?

— Yes, just a little. — I said trembling while I dry whit my sleeve the water that drained from my hair and slid down my forehead.

— Well then take this, put in on. — he said handing me the black raincoat that had been removed seconds before.

— Oh, thank y... — I tried to say but he was already gone, instead, it was in the bench his umbrella and I could see him running away from me a lot of meters far away.