
Information? About Damn Time.

After being thrown into the middle of nowhere again and finding other people ,they turn out to be a village of bull people. Everyone here is apparently ,hot-tempered. Seems to be a common trait in this village. Slightly because of discrimination and the other part is their nature. Both combine to make them want to fight at the sight of me. Lucky for me these guys are at least letting me explain my purpose.

"I'm lost and looking for other people so I can ask for directions."

I say this while looking a bit distressed. I then added a tint of apology in my expression and they treated me as a lost wanderer. They looked understandingly at my ragged clothes. Seeing how I've been in the woods for months with no new clothes or cleaning myself. I fit the bill of lost traveler. They bring me in a small hut and get me a change of clothes. Just some cloth and leather to make padding and clothes. It's enough to cover me and that's good. They offered me a meal and I declined saying that this is enough and I'm already too grateful to them.

"So ,where are you heading?"

Ah. I need a destination. Hey Council ,If you're gonna drop me here ,can you at least provide me a location. Like a well known city or landmark so these guys know where it is? After waiting a couple seconds ,I was surprised to see the council actually responding.


The Council Of Worlds ,accepts your request for information.

Granting Level-1 Information....

Anomaly is located in the Emerald Forest near Beacon Academy ,in the kingdom of Vale.


"Do you guys know of a place called Beacon Academy? From what I was told ,I needed to go there."

"Beacon Academy!?"

After seeing the shock in their face ,I notice that the place might be too famous as they start to hold a little bit of respect in their eyes. Oh well ,that's even better because there should be only 1 place with such a name around with that reputation.


Hold on. I've come to a realization. After saying so many things like that ,I've suddenly remembered my familiarity with these terms. These are all from an animated cartoon in my first life. It was called RWBY ,if I recall correctly. Alright ,I have one more question that can confirm if I'm right or not.

"So have you all spotted any Grimm nearby. I'm a bit worried about getting surprised ,I'm just a newbie to this after all."

"Yeah ,you're right about that! I think it's just the normal Beowulfs and Boarbatusks. Maybe an Ursa if you're very unlucky."

Alright that confirms it. I'm in RWBY. Alright I can work with this. I know a little bit about the RWBY timeline. First Silver eyes are the Grimm's greatest weakness. As well as Aura existing and hunters. I also know the past and future events. My memories are a bit disarrayed ,but the shock put them slightly together.


Name: Taida Orisu

Age: 17

Cultivation: Nascent Beginning R5

Physique: Spirit Water Body(x4)

Dao Seed: Rare Ice Spirit Dao Seed(x4)

Left Eye: Epic Spirit Eye Of Slowness

Right Eye: Epic Spirit Eye Of Heaviness

STR: 1631

END: 1732

SOUL: 50

Technique: Great River Tortoise Flow Mantra(8 Qi/1 Sec)

Total Qi/Sec: 128/1

Total Insight/Sec: 20/1

Mail: None


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