
The crowned princess of paradise

Calista Galanis was always passionate about video games and science but she also has a passion for fashion. Being a prodigy also gave her quite a chance to create her own world. A sudden change will cause lots of confusion and thoughts. But only one thing won't be forgotten completely,the desire to continue on living.

Dorixxo · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Unexpected meeting

Auburn hair, dark brown eyes and a medium length black dress,this is how the so-called goddess looked like. Calista's heart stopped for a second,Arlo had a single thing to say: If this is a goddess then that means I'm dead.

"Shut up,what if she hears?"

"If she does,she does,this is how ears work."

"You're right, I shouldn't worry that much,she won't do any crime anyways."

"How can you be so sure? You don't even know who she is,what if she's some kind of monster in disguise,she might look good but that doesn't mean that if she looks naive she isn't dangerous,she literally beheaded that person!"

"I think it was an accident."

"How do you behead someone on accident? This girl sure is crazy,we should run away from here."

"Didn't you say that you had nowhere to go? I'm the creator of the game without me you'd be lost."

The beautiful girl looked around for a minute and then said in a calm tone of voice. "If someone is here, I would like them to know that if they don't show themselves, I'm afraid I'll need to show up with different techniques.

"I told you she'll hear us!"

"If you didn't make such a fuss,we wouldn't have been hunted now!"

"Stop talking!"

"If I shall stop,you should too!"

"Then stop."

"What if I don't want to?"

"You're seriously craving to get us killed,shut up!"

"Shut up!"

"Can I help you two with something so that you can stop arguing? You two are seriously scratching my brain."

"We were just passing by, we're gonna go now if you don't mind." Said Calista with a scared expression, never in her life,she felt so scared for her life.

Arlo didn't panic it was mostly because he wasn't scared of death or what could occur because of this unexpected meeting,he expected a beheading scene,but he wasn't too happy about it because he understood that even though he wants that, Calista doesn't,the feeling of fright was easy to sense from her as well as the feeling of helplessness.

The thought was just excruciating,the look she gave both of them was crucial,it could only show that at any second she was ready to execute them and slash their throats open.

As silence was filling up the room only one thing could be heard at a little time after: The sound of a laughing girl,she was laughing because she saw how scared Calista was.

"Don't be afraid I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just going to ask you,where are you heading?"

"So,I received a request from one of my friends that says I should go to investigate a very complicated case,okay,complicated it's like of little to medium danger warning."

"Are you a spy."

"No, I'm a princess."

"How did they let a princess go and-"

"Don't ask because I don't know."

"Can I accompany you in this mission?"

"If you promise that you won't try to kill us, I'm not saying that I doubt you, I'm just saying that you should make us sure that you won't."

"I won't,so please just let's go."

"Where? I only knew about this forest,the rest I surely don't recall to know."

"Then let's just put our trust in how the way will lead us."

"I would like to ask you something,can you tell me your name?"

"I would like to but I still don't know if I should reveal my real name to strangers so I'll only say you can call me, Rosé."

"Okay Rosé, I'm Calista and this boy is Arlo."

"You know that I have a mouth and I can introduce myself, right?"

"Yeah but you're just a teenager, I should make my job as an adult to introduce you to others."

"Just because you're older that doesn't mean I'm mute. I can talk for hours if you want."

"Okay,okay stop making a fuss over everything."

"Then stop giving me reasons to make one!"

"You know what-"

"Calm down. You need to understand each other,if you are gonna fight everywhere you go,it won't be okay."

"Arlo,I think Rosé is right,we should try to cooperate with eachother,we shouldn't make such a fuss."

"You can say what you want you aren't surprising at all,I can't believe that just because Rosé said this I have to cooperate all of a sudden."

"Just shut up."


The adventure began again, with an enjoyable mood.

The night slowly fell onto the forest.

"I guess we have to walk all night."

"Oh,there is no need,I actually have a place where we can spend the night, it's a little house that needs to be renovated."

They follow Rosé until the house was visible.

A little,old fashioned house was shown in their faces it surely reminded Calista of the house she used to live in with her mother before she moved out,the inside wasn't that bad,it was actually welcoming,sure some things were missing here and there but it wasn't really that bad.

"So, where are we gonna sleep?"

"Well,I have two beds one of one person and the other is for two."

"I'll sleep alone." Said Arlo with a bored expression.

"Then Calista, you'll sleep with me."

At first nobody had a reaction but it sure was surprising in Calista's point of view it's not that she was scared but she was just awkward when she was thinking about sleeping with someone considering that the last time she slept with someone in the same bed was when she was little and was living with her mother.

All the memories from that time were still clear and she never wanted to let them go.

"Okay now shall I make you something to eat? I'm a great Cook."

"You can do what you want,we don't mind."

After some time some food was served on the table.

"Bon appétit."

"The food is delicious!"

"Yeah,it really is."

"I'm grateful you enjoy it."

"Eat and drink some water after,it helps you stay fresh."

"Stay fresh,what an expression."

After eating, Rosé was ready to go to sleep,in the left side of the bed while Calista was in the right.

Calista's light brown hair was very beautiful.

It caused Rosé to catch a strand of it and massage it in her hand, falling asleep.