
The Crown Of Ice and Blood

I find myself dreaming about foggy voices and lights and outlines of people. The only thing clearly pictured is a girl, laughing maniacally as she swings her sword above her head, then back down, creating a sickening squelching scraping sound upon impact of an unseen target. Blood partially coats her body, her face cruel and unrecognizable, her hair braided into a crown atop her head. She looks up and sees me, her wicked grin widening. She takes a step towards me, her eyes flashing evily. She readies her sword to strike, and I step back and find myself teetering on a cliff's edge. She thrusts her sword, and just as her blade reaches me, the dream turns back to mist and I snap awake to the early morning light, lying in a pool of sweat. **Fair warning! This is my first completed story, and I'm the proud mom to it. However, I do realize I've made Asta a slight bit Mary Sue, so forgive me for that. I do apologize, and I do promise I am attempting to perfect my writing, but it takes time, and this work is far from perfect. Lots of love!

Lilitu_Darling · Movies
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33 Chs

Chapter 26

The fog dissipates and I find myself standing in a dark strip of road in the middle of a rainstorm. I cross to the shoulder, making it to the grass and into the forest. I walk a little ways and find a tree that somewhat protects me from the downpour.

Setting my bag down against the trunk of the tree, I slowly strip my torso armor from my body. The blood oozes from my armor on my ribs, and I wrinkle my nose in disgust.

Stripping the rest of my clothes off, I step out from under the protection of the tree and into the downpour. I stand there, in the dark and rainy night, and let the chilly rain run over my body. Running my hands through my long hair, I scrub and then wash away the blood on my body. When I feel clean enough, I sneak back under the tree and put on a shirt and pair of shorts. I throw back on the boots I had been wearing because I had forgotten to grab a pair of shoes from the apartment, and I can't walk along a road barefoot.

Once everything is secure and I am dressed, I head back towards the road. When I reach the road, the rain has let up some, and the moon peeks through the clouds occasionally. The moon sits to my left, so I go right.

All the night drives and watching the moon has paid off. See? The moon isn't useless to watch.

I walk in the rain for a few minutes, then the rain ends and I am left soaking wet and alone to the sounds and smells of the wet woods. I breathe in the wet earth smell, being glad to be back to the earth I know. I feel like I've finally woken from a dream, a never-ending nightmare. I glance behind me to check for cars, and my heart jumps when I see car lights gradually growing towards me. I look forward again, watching the trees gradually becoming illuminated by the car. It pulls up beside me and slows, the passenger window rolling down.

"Hey, need a ride?" The driver says, and I pause, considering. I could listen to the 'don't get into cars with strangers' rule, but I also have a tad bit of magic up my sleeve. I decide to take the offer.

"Yeah, thank you." I say, opening the passenger side door and getting in. I close it and buckle my seat belt, and the guy begins driving.

"Sorry about your seat." I say, and he shrugs.

"Ah, it's fine, it'll dry. So where too?" He asks kindly.

"Uhm, Loon street, right next to Milk King." I say, and his brow furrows.

"What's your name?" His voice sounds suspicious.

"Asta." I respond, and he looks to me, wide-eyed.

"You're Asta? Are you serious? No way." He says, looking at me and almost swerving off the road.

"Hey! Don't kill us!" I hold onto the handle of the door. "Yes, I'm Asta."

"No way, they found Asta's body in the woods, not too far from here."

"Wait, they found-" I pause.


That's where she went.

We ride in silence and he dumps me at Milk King, then speeds off. I walk home and prepare for another welcome home similar to the last.

Fun tidbit, I googled what the handles on the roof of a car is named, and google had this to say:

"Most people use them to hang shirts and coats, while others call them "oh, God!" handles and use them to hold themselves in scary situations. But the real function of them is completely different. These handles are not meant for bracing before impact or making yourself a little more stable."

As well as this:

"The Jesus H CHRIST handle is the daddy of all Jesus handles. It is guaranteed to deliver passenger comfort in the most heart stopping and hairy moments of any journey. Sit back, hold tight and rest assured in the knowledge - Jesus saves."

And I just thought it was for moms to grab dramatically when their kids are driving! So, more knowledge for y'all!

Anyway, drink some water and wash your butt!

Lilitu_Darlingcreators' thoughts