
The Time's are Changing

Alexios's mind started to traverse every possible scenario and most of them were bad, he steadied his heart and held Reanna close. "I'm… pregnant…" Alexios's mind reeled and his heart started to race. He knew they were spending almost every night sleeping together for hours at a time but having a child never crossed his mind as he was always thinking of his future plans. He embraced Reanna tighter and smiled hoping that he would never lose her in this moment.

He started to feel his shoulder become wet with Reanna's tears. "Reanna...I love you with all my heart and I would never be upset with this news. In fact I believe it's time I revealed to you exactly who I am…" Reanna looked into his eyes and smiled wiping the tears away as she gazed into his eyes with a hint of confusion. She had always believed there were no secrets left between them after so many years together. The two sat on the bed after they took their discussion to the room and after some minutes just enjoying the silence and comfort of each other, Alexios inhaled and swallowed his saliva.

"The truth is, I wasn't born of this world originally, but instead I lived an entire life in another. It is how I had knowledge that surpassed what a normal child should've had when it came to certain things. Truthfully, you are the first woman I have ever loved, while I may have slept with women in my past life. I have never been with them more than a night while now every breath in this life now is filled with thoughts of you." Alexios started to explain the events in detail from his childhood till his adult life when he was betrayed and everything between into the late hours of the night. The entire time Reanna let him talk conserving her questions till the end.

"So you were a warrior through and through till the end no matter which life, the only difference is now you have me and all of our friends and comrades. It sounds like you lived a pretty terrible life filled with manipulation and lack of choice. It's a lot to take in honestly but I'll choose to believe your word as it's beyond my understanding to fully comprehend what this all means." "Just think of it as I was born into the wrong world my first life since I never met you, so I got a second chance to meet you here." Reanna hearing this kissed Alexios with her arms around his neck before resting her head on his shoulder.

"That was bad flirting at it's finest." Alexios only chuckled before laying Reanna onto the bed. "I think we should be wed very soon my beloved." Reanna slightly blushing at this had a flash in her eyes that held mischievous. "Oh, but wouldn't your other lovers feel left out when I am the only one being married, my love." Alexios now had a confused look before Reanna pressed on her advantage.

"I can already see Tyene's sad puppy-like eyes at us when we're at our wedding, and I can picture Margery trying to join us on our wedding night with the way she was eyeing you when we were in the Reach." Realization flashed upon Alexios's eyes but he only smirked at Reanna. "Well they are surely welcome to join us and become my women with your permission my beloved…" Letting the words roll off his tongue next to Reanna's ear only made her flush with embarrassment and a hint of excitement.

The two didn't continue their conversation before the sounds of moans, slapping, and thumping of the bed against the wall could be heard.

Age 298 AC:

Months past till change came on one morning in the meeting hall, everyone of the council was present ready for their lord. As he entered, the first thing that caught everyone's attention was how Alexios and Reanna were holding hands as they openly displayed their affection to one another in front of so many people. "Should I be expecting a nephew or niece soon! Haha!" Toros erupted into laughter before hearing Alexios," actually yes, I plan on a wedding happening within the month."

The whole room went into silence as Toros was only joking but now his mouth was open ready for any bugs to fly in. "So, lord Stark has gone to King's Landing to serve as hand of the king for a few months now and now I believe that the time has come to discuss our projects. Please present your standings and reports on your happenings." As Toros was normally the first to discuss his side first in most meetings, everyone looked to him who was still standing stiff as a board looking at Alexios. William sighed and stood from his seat.

"Word has reached my ear, King Baratheon is dead… Joffrey is his heir or so some say, Eddard Stark has been imprisoned by the new king and his trial is to commence soon. Other news says that lord Robb Stark is sending ravens to a few lords but we have not yet received any word as of yet, probably due to the awkward situation that occurred some time past. As for the training of scouts and spies, everything is running smoothly in the undisclosed training location you had built." With the reports moved over to the others, everyone read what was disclosed as everyone's input was valued and heard.

"The military academy has an influx of recruits as well as the magical academy, both are running better than our projected expectations. Our other projects are completed and already self-sustaining providing past what we initially thought they would." Lili spoke as Mira handed out the reports garnering a lot of nods in approval. "I believe everyone already knows of how our forestation and farming productions are going based on our results in materials and food but for prudes like you who like reports, I had these made. I would like to say, while scouting the new mountains we acquired some time ago, we recently found quite a few mining deposits ranging from copper, silver, gold, iron, and even a few holding different gems."

When the reports were looked over, everyone had shocked faces thinking of how much profit they would make from this. Toros finally out of his stupor shook his head and stood up. "Our stocks of armor and weapons as well as production of siege weapons with ships are past our expectations with the new craftsmen and slaves turned freemen, We can now fully arm our troops fully with the best equipment matching their status. Now if only our lord would allow me to craft valyrian steel weapons and armor, I believe our army would be unbeatable no matter what the numbers."

"Absolutely not! Have you thought what would happen if our enemies gathered those materials, what then!? Don't even start on the time needed to make it since you are the only one who can make it and you would be the only one allowed. Our blood guards are already equipped with it, and you have already convinced me to allow our Elites but do not push your luck." Alexios shouted with clear anger at the constant pressuring of Toros who after seeing Alexios like this sat down and lowered his head after giving the reports.

The meeting carried on with all positive news that was music to Alexios's ears. As the meeting finished, a messenger escorted by guards rushed into the room and brought along the full attention of everyone present. "The king executed Eddard Stark, Robb Stark, lord paramount of the North, wishes for you to be present in Winterfell as he discusses the future plans…" The messenger clearly out of breath came after hearing the news from a raven. Everyone's mood turned sour in an instant.

"It would seem that some believe that while House Dragen and House Stark are on stressed terms, they would forget that my brother is Robb Stark. All they have done is show us how much they disrespect our House. You all know what your tasks are ,those accompanying me, we ride in the hour. Go and fulfill your duties, now is the time for war… Let the south burn and rot for the disgrace they have sown upon themselves."

The room was empty within moments as everyone knew what they had to do, Tasks were given to second in command for each separate holder and regent would be appointed to Lili as she was far better for the role instead of being on a battlefield compared to the others. The others prepared their equipment and the blood guard was in full motion. Alexios prepared himself before embracing Reanna and telling her that she should command from the rear instead of the front this time. While she disagreed, she understood after hearing the reason from Alexios being he worried for their unborn child and that he would rather have her stay but he knew she would not. Today to many marked the day of the end, everyone feared the unknown and what it could bring, House Dragen showed everyone why you fear the unknown as no one knew just how much terror they could bring.

-Read Author note-

So last chance, vote, harem, no harem. your choice decides the future of fates. If harem choose who, if not then it'll still probaly be Reanna. Hope you enjoy this chapter and hope you enjoy the coming ones soon. Thank you all who vote and review, it means alot and shows just how much you like my work which only makes me want to write more.

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