
The Country Maiden: Fields and Leisure

The female protagonist transmigrated into a wretched, lazy, and gluttonous villainess in a farming family! Her notorious reputation, fostered by her overly pampering mother, alienated the entire family. See how Jinhua cleanses her name, becoming diligent, brave, and the applauded golden girl everyone praises. With a wretched mother, a sick father, a stepsister, four brothers, and a bunch of nephews, all dead broke and needing support, poor and infighting, what to do? No worries, with the System in hand, I have the world! Harmonize the family, build wealth and prosper. The belle of the villages for miles around, Jinhua the beauty! …… Mountain man, what was it you said before? You'd rather die than marry her, and even one more glance would shorten your life? A certain mountain man: No, no, no, wife, you must have heard wrong! I said I'd rather die than not take another glance, and I'd shorten my lifespan just to marry you. Hmph, that's more like it!!

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145 Chs

Chapter 2 Could This Be a Fake Grandson?

Translator: 549690339

Old Granny Zhang was both pleased and pained, her old girl had spoken! This must mean there's nothing too serious.

The pain came from the fact that her old girl had actually recognized the wrong person. Could there be anything wrong with the old girl that Old Granny Zhang gave birth to? No, there wasn't!

Whatever her girl did was right! If there was ever a mistake, it was someone else's fault!

Even now, her daughter was still thinking about the Old Song Family, afraid that her mother might trouble them.

Otherwise, why would she, who had been so desperate to marry Song Chongjin, suddenly change her mind and say she didn't like him anymore?

It was so frustrating!

Old Granny Zhang's thin lips parted again as she started to speak, "My dear old girl, ah! What's so good about that Song Chongjin? He is nothing but a bastard his mother must have conceived by fooling around, an unwanted child sent back to live with his mother's family at the Old Song Family, a burden they couldn't get rid of. If it weren't for you, Ming Zhu, who would even consider marrying off their daughter to him? What's the use of being handsome? Can it be eaten as food? Not to mention that his mother, Song Qingshu, is always sick, in constant need of medication. Their household is like a pit that can never be filled with enough money. Your liking Song Chongjin was the fortune of his eight lifetimes, what right does he have to treat you this way? Rest assured, if the Old Song Family doesn't give us a proper explanation, I'm not done with them..."

As she spoke, the ferocity in her voice made Ming Zhu subconsciously shiver.

What a hassle, please, could you not spray your saliva all over me?

Did you even brush your teeth this morning? Your saliva has this salty pickled vegetable taste, it's nauseating, isn't it?

Better change the subject. This Song Chongjin or whatever, he's not worth suffering a shower of spittle.

"Mom, I'm thirsty..."

A patient asking for a sip of water should be an easy request to fulfill, right?

At last, Old Granny Zhang stopped nagging her and got up to pour her a bowl of water. "Drink little, I've made you egg drop soup, it's coming right up."

Ming Zhu took a drink.

Old Granny Zhang turned around and shouted outside the door,

"Laosan's House, where the hell have you gone? Asked you to make egg drop soup, and you're taking forever. Have you been sipping it in the kitchen? A stupid wife who can't control her own man, making a mess of a simple task. Your sister-in-law might be in a life or death situation, and you can't manage to make egg drop soup without trouble? If I find out you snuck a drink for someone, I'll tear your goddamn cunt..."

Ming Zhu...!

Forgive her; she was raised in a civilized family.

She had never seen such a spectacle.

Old Granny Zhang was a bit naggy toward her just now, spraying her face with saliva.

Though it was with a tone of affection.

She could barely accept it.

But now, these raw and crude rural curses were something she truly witnessed in real life for the first time.

She was in shock, in 'stunned.jpg' mode.

The little one, Little Bean, was also scared, shrinking back.

With tears of fear in his eyes.

His voice was like a mosquito as he spoke up, "Granny, my mom wouldn't sneak drinks. Please don't curse her."

Old Granny Zhang glared, "What's wrong with scolding her? Is she a precious young lady made of gold or silver? Can't she handle being scolded a little after marrying into our Old Wang Family? Keep dawdling like this, and see if I don't slap her! Always acting obedient, but causing mischief behind the scenes and leading astray the seed of our Old Wang Family..."

Ming Zhu...!

This must be a fake granddaughter, right?

Just then, another person came in from outside.

It was a young woman with a blue floral headscarf, thin in stature, wearing patched but clean clothes.

Her expression was dull as she carried a bowl in her hands.

She walked over, head bowed and eyes downcast, and said, "Mom, the egg drop soup is ready."

The appetizing scent of the egg drop soup made Ming Zhu's stomach growl audibly.

This body truly was that of a foodie!

Old Granny Zhang took the soup, carefully handed it over to Ming Zhu, and gestured for her to drink.

A large bowl with not many eggs in it, probably just one egg, sprinkled with some chopped green onions on top, looked pretty good.

Ming Zhu took it and smiled at the young woman, "Thank you, sister-in-law."

This startled everyone.

Old Granny Zhang was even more suspiciously looking at her own daughter, could it be that she was delirious with fever?

Why was she suddenly speaking politely to Lady Jiang, who had the least status in the entire family?

Was Lady Jiang someone of enough importance to deserve a thank you from her daughter?

The young woman, Lady Jiang, looked flustered and overwhelmed with surprise, busy waving her hands, "I dare not, it's only what I should do, what I should do…"

Old Granny Zhang chimed in, "Exactly, there's nothing to thank for, had she not married into our Old Wang Family, she might have starved to death long ago. Working like an ox and horse for our Old Wang Family is only expected of her. Had it not been for her attentive service to my girl, with her constantly sullen and scheming behind our backs, the nasty piece of work that she is, she would have been sent packing by Laosan's House long ago. She should be the one thanking you, my girl!"

Lady Jiang then fell silent again, her head hung low, with the corners of her eyes turning red.

Ming Zhu… Well, she stopped talking.

No matter what she said, Old Granny Zhang could curse everyone around them.

Just drink the soup!

After taking a couple of sips, she suddenly noticed Little Bean, the one being scolded at the side of the bed, staring at the egg flower soup in her bowl and swallowing hard.

She thought about it; she was a senior to Little Bean, wasn't she?

They were calling her 'old aunt', weren't they?

"Sister-in-law, could you fetch a small bowl for me, I will share some with him…"

The atmosphere suddenly became tense once again.

As if a storm was about to hit!

Lady Jiang turned pale with fright.

She quickly gave Little Bean a gentle slap on the face, "Quick, say it, what does your mother often tell you…"

Little Bean, looking fearfully at Ming Zhu, tremblingly said, "Old aunt, I won't drink, my mom said not to eat the old aunt's things, all the tasty things in the house are for the old aunt, I won't drink, I really won't…"

Fearing he couldn't help drooling, Little Bean turned and ran away as soon as he had said this.

Lady Jiang hurriedly added, "Mother, I won't let Panpan come near next time."

Ming Zhu… was stunned.

She began to scrutinize her own role!

Even a child was afraid of her!

Didn't normal families let children have the good food first?

Was it the other way around in the Wang Family?

They would let her eat first?

It seemed that this habit hadn't just started recently.

Ming Zhu suddenly found it difficult to swallow her food.

Old Granny Zhang said, "Zhuzhu, drink up! Don't let these hungry ghosts born as sons of bitches spoil your mood. They covet every good thing you get all day, so shallow-eyed, they deserve to be beaten and scolded. Feeding them is hard enough, let alone letting them eat good things. If they want good things, they shouldn't be born into poor families like ours. They should go be rich young masters or young ladies in rich families, our Old Wang Family can't accommodate those shallow-eyed things…"

Lady Jiang felt so ashamed that she wished the ground would swallow her up.

Ming Zhu… felt like she was beginning to understand a little bit.

Old Granny Zhang seemed to be that kind of harsh rural mother-in-law from the novels, who curses at the drop of a hat, acting capriciously and never leaving any face for others.

Calling her daughter-in-law a worthless bitch.

Calling her grandson a son of a bitch.