
The core that developed the underground

Will only put the starting happenings on the ch names (just pulling strings seeing if I like em then look at other ways to do things so I’m trying to see what I’m good at or improve myself)

K1tten · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Why is there new areas around here

Madison woke up to a grassland to the right and a hovel to her left first she walked to the grasslands and found your everyday slime

"Oh is that a slime it looks so squishy!.." Madison said as slimes were gathering around her to pounce and have a feast of her, but Madison remembered just in time "wait don't they gather to eat their prey.. bye!" She said as she ran to the hovel and hid in there still terrified she looked out to see the slimes being killed by those flying lights she decided to use her magic on one of them.

(Worker spirit

name:(magic language)

rank 1

Works for:Core


(the other ones are:dark, earth, wind, water, & fire))

"A spirit!... and it it's a worker one and it works for that boulder what even is it" Madison asks dumbfounded that the Core can put spirits to work not to mention 6 of them each a different element. after she's done being dumbfounded she looks to the grassland and uses her magic on it

(Anything in () can't be seen by her)

Name: Magic made grassland

Rank 0

Mana that accumulates can make -

Rank 0 slime

Rank 0 wolf pup (-> rank 1 wolf)

Rank 2 (hardness) dragon egg (can't grow is tasty)

I'll just leave it here

If your wondering I’m not going to have the character faint or fall asleep every time the end of the chapter comes just realized that and sorry for if that feels off to you but my subconscious was making things easier on me for some reason

I’ll upload when I finish something not going to limit myself to a once a day schedule if I have time I will if not I won’t

K1ttencreators' thoughts