
The core that developed the underground

Will only put the starting happenings on the ch names (just pulling strings seeing if I like em then look at other ways to do things so I’m trying to see what I’m good at or improve myself)

K1tten · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The Core is glowing brighter?

"What could a dragon egg be doing in the list and is this like those dungeons my bodyguards spoke of" as she thought that the Core started glowing at about 2 or 3 times the amount brighter then the other time though it was still quite dim, because the mana was gathered at the center of the Core and wasn't allowed to disperse.

Madison soon noticed "what why is it glowing now" she thought then the glow faded into the ground as the ground turned to soil in front of her eyes as she was still shocked it turned to soil, plants started sprouting even some trees at an incredible speed no one with earth and light could grow it that fast even if they used earth magic

Sry read author note if you want to find out why I say sry

Sorry got back into games and other novels

K1ttencreators' thoughts