
The core that developed the underground

Will only put the starting happenings on the ch names (just pulling strings seeing if I like em then look at other ways to do things so I’m trying to see what I’m good at or improve myself)

K1tten · Fantasy
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7 Chs

What thing was trying to eat the core

Before Madison gets the needed sleep she hears this loud scraping sound that ruptures her ear drums witch cause her scrunch up on the "bed" put her hands on her ears, eyes closed the sound suddenly stops and Madison looks out the glass less window, and sees a long fat worm like creature around the core and being taken off by the spirits and reveal some scratches that quickly disappear just after that she feels the pain of mana forcefully being taken she hears exploding and whining from the plains although all the same.

slimes (& pups) they live have mana as their source so their pain is more of slow death by mana deficiency or I don't have blood