
The core that developed the underground

Will only put the starting happenings on the ch names (just pulling strings seeing if I like em then look at other ways to do things so I’m trying to see what I’m good at or improve myself)

K1tten · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

New arrival

"Aggh" Madison awoke with a grown, she looks around to find that there is someone else they look like he came from a slum. She quickly moves him to the hole in the wall house down lays him on the "bed". Madison's stomach grumbles "ughh I need some food soon..." she sets off to the underground plains she soon comes across what she thinks to be a bush she examines it.

[dense berry bush]

[a bush that makes dense berries I'm not sure what you were expecting but should have been low.]

[nutritious apparently] (stomach grumbling in plot)

She quickly gathers a handful and just as quickly half fall out of her hand because they are dense... sunk in yet?