
The Convergence Series - Luna

In a world where "Bounty" is the only form of discrimination, It will be every person for themselves. Wars have been waged, masses have been killed and a solution will never be found. The smart and power Hungry went to the top while the common fold went to the bottom, the poor were able to keep food on the plate while the rich lost everything dear to them. _______________________________________________ "Bounty" is the form of leveling up that would improve upon one's knowledge and equipment . For example, a welder's equipment can be improved upon or the welder can equip a type/version of equipment once leveled up. This book is intertwined with two other books, pursue the tale of Luna in this novel.

Kaptain_Sunky · Fantasy
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Giant Beast

"Welcome to Hell," says Azul as he lifts both his arms.

"I will teach you how to leave this place and keep up my side of the deal," Azul tells as he stares at Luna.

"Now please swing at me," says Azul confident.

"What? I don't want to hurt you" says luna.

Azul starts chuckling and then proceeds to laugh out loud. Luna starts to get embarrassed over Azul laughing over her statement it felt demoralizing. She held her sword ready to swing and rushed at Azul as a gust of wind started to form. She swayed to the left a bit in a blink in an eye was in the air, "CLASH" is echoed throughout the city as a small shockwave is created. Azul smiles as he looks to see his tiny knife able to compete with an elite sword such as Luna's, He then uses some force to cause Luna to fall back and causing Azul to feel good about besting her in combat.

"your speed is average per se but the way you think in combat and your movements are pretty top-notch," says Azul flabbergasted by Luna's combat.

"Thanks, I have always been good...just rusty," Luna says as she stretches her muscles.

"How?" Azul questions.

"My mom crystal used to teach me to fight, to protect me and Jacob," Luna says as she stares in the ground and kicks a rock.

"wait why are you in tier 12c," asks Azul.

"I don't want to kill..." Luna says before being interrupted.

"ROAR" is heard as the rocks start bouncing, Azul looks at Luna.

"Be ready" shouts Azul.

A monster similar to a dinosaur starts to walk to the building attracted to the commotion Azul and Luna made. The monster swiftly moves his head in the direction of Luna and Azul.

"You ready for a fight?" asks Azul.

"What is that?" asks Azul in response.

"A Lillith," says Azul.

"GROWL" is heard from below, it is not a magnificent roar similar to the Lillith but seemed more friendly and reminiscent of her dog with its charm. Luna looks down and sees three smaller versions of the Lillith.

"Its babies are there," says Azul confident that a fight will occur.

"I will take the big one, good luck with the small ones," says Azul.

"wait..what no" shouts Luna.

"Why?" says Azul.

"I don't like to kill," says Luna.

"what? how will you leave then?" asks Azul confused.

"I will find a way," Luna says as she waves her arms around.


Luna moves away feeling insecure in this situation.

"don't move away from me," says Azul.

"CRASH" The Lillith swings his arms at the building causing it to collapse. The ground shakes and then sinks to the depths below, Luna feels Azul's arm grab her as she gets swung out of the building and onto something. She looks at the ground that she is in to see it have a pattern in this leathery texture. She sees looks up to see something orange as her vision starts to come back to her. Luna notices a black line going through the middle of the line like a cross-section. The black line then suddenly looks right at her, Luna realizes that she is right in the hands of Lillith at its very presence. The Lillith looks at Luna and then grabs and throws her in the air and as she is falling she looks below to see the mouth of the very beast like a valley in between two mountains. As she is falling learning her fate to be sealed and shut, she thinks about her past actions and what a big mistake it has become. Luna closes her eyes as a gust of wind hits her as her body is then held and starts to fly at an incredible speed with a rough landing to her back. She looks up to see Azul lifting her as she looks at him and starts to understand whats going on Azul takes his hands off her. She falls to the ground and as she gets up and rubs her back.

"Better fight or don't even think of me even wanting to help you," says Azul frustrated.

"Azul.." Luna says.


"Wait how did you know?" questions Luna.


The Lillith inches closer to Azul and Luna.

"Fine," says Luna as she takes her sword out of the sheath giving her a satisfying sound.

"Ok take the babies," says Azul.

"Wait but how do you know about the battle?" asks Luna but Azul ignores it and jumps down the building to start the battle. Luna then proceeds to follow Azul and jump, as she jumps she looks to see a flag and lands onto of it. Adrenaline starts to kick in as Luna jumps down she lands on the ground with her body intact. She looks around too see herself in an alleyway surrounded by dirt and rubble with garbage scattered throughout. Huge garbage containers with green paint that seemed ancient to Luna's young eyes as she walked over to look around for the young Liliths, "CRASH" a sound is heard behind her. Luna anxious turns around to see ... a little creature the size of a dog.

"Awwww look at that face," says Luna as she stands there mesmerized by the baby.

"It is soo cute," Luna says inching closer to the baby.

Luna then stumbles back suddenly, she looks behind the baby to see a window with fire coming out trying to escape. Luna is just realizing how messed up the world is...how she has just opened her eyes and has seen the world. The world earlier was black and white but right now its is in all the colors shining through.

Azul takes his small knife as he sticks into the shoulder of the monster and then clicks a button. "ZIP" Azul starts to go down with the only thing keeping him away from death is a metal cable, "ROAR" the Lillith screams in pain as it starts to move its hands around. From an outsider's view its motion would resemble a human swatting flies but as it moves its hands around it starts to tangle itself in the cable and starts to roar much louder as the metal cable starts to tightly wrap around its arm leaving nothing but wounds. Azul looks to around to see Luna stumbling back, assuming Luna is fearing a fight with a young one, Azul starts to make hand motions that to anyone would seem like confidence and encouragement. But to a social outcast like Luna, it seemed more languages that an outsider would speak or communicate through.

"Be careful when killing the ba...ie.." says Azul as Lillith roars in between

"WHAT?" shouts Luna

"BE CAREFU...WHE...KIL..NG..BA..IE" shouts Azul in reply

Luna could not understand one word Azul said other than be careful. She takes that advice to heart as she brings out a sword and stands in place with a pose. the young Lillith starts to charge in with its head on hoping to headbutt Luna. luna moves one step back as she slashes her sword, The beast falls on the ground flat leaving no sound except a faint "thud". As Luna starts to look around to find the 2 other babies, she notices a pungent smell. The smell starts to make her ears ring and her eyes start to burn. "Luna" is heard, Luna gets up and looks around in place.

"who is there?" asks Luna.

"Hello child, how have you been?" says someone.

sorry guys for the late chapter...hope you like this. Don't forget to check out other books that are set in the same universe. It is the Convergence Series Sidus and the Convergence Series Sol

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