
The Convergence Series - Luna

In a world where "Bounty" is the only form of discrimination, It will be every person for themselves. Wars have been waged, masses have been killed and a solution will never be found. The smart and power Hungry went to the top while the common fold went to the bottom, the poor were able to keep food on the plate while the rich lost everything dear to them. _______________________________________________ "Bounty" is the form of leveling up that would improve upon one's knowledge and equipment . For example, a welder's equipment can be improved upon or the welder can equip a type/version of equipment once leveled up. This book is intertwined with two other books, pursue the tale of Luna in this novel.

Kaptain_Sunky · Fantasy
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Luna looks around to see no one except a can move out of nowhere. Luna moves back in fear, is this all in her head? Luna looks around resembling a mad man hoping to find answers to what she has witnessed or well heard. She searches every nook and cranny to find at least a clue but instead, she finds a baby, Lilith. Cowering in fear this baby creature pushed some cans as it hugged the wall, whimpering in fear. Luna could not have the courage to hurt such a weak yet adorable creature. She inserts her hand through a small gap behind a dumpster, the palm facing her way. The Lillith looks at her...it moves a few steps in front and starts to smell Luna's hand. *Sniff Sniff* Luna's face starts to brighten up. *Crunch* a few seconds go by as Luna stares at Lillith with its mouth latched on to her hand.

"Owwwwwwww" shouts Luna.

Azul collides with the wall of a building and falls to the ground. He looks up to the mega Lillith roaring, he gets up and rubs his lip. He feels something new in his hand, he looks at his hand to see blood. He looks at the beast and smiles, confident of the result.

Azul hears some screams from afar, he looks to the right to see Luna waving her hand up and down with a baby Lillith riding her hand like a surfer in the water. He chuckles as he then rushes over to the gigantic beast, it roars as it swings one of its arms at him. He sways to the right and then jumps on the arm, then proceeds to then stab the Lillith and presses a button. He then goes to the edge of the arm and falls reminding anyone below of an angel. As the Lillith's arm above the momentum throws Azul to the mouth of the monster. He then catches the grip of the white, rough tooth that is peeking from its mouth. Azul presses his knee on the tooth causing it to crack, the Lillith roars in pain. *Crack* Azul grabs the broken shard of the tooth and starts to stab it in the cheek and then proceeds to climb to the top of Lillith like a climber with a pickaxe climbing a mountain. Azul goes right below the eye as he starts to lose grip of the shard. He has one chance to either reach the eye and fall on the eyelash of the Lillith.

He can't take any chance...its a long way down most likely a fatal one, from afar Azul, is one with the sky. An invisible warrior beating a giant beast, the strongest beast here. Azul then jumps and slashes the eye Lillith..it roars as Azul slides down reminding him of parachuting with an umbrella. He then lands on the edge of the eye and throws the shard above and as it spins in the air, Azul leaps catching it midway and jumps to the top of the head of the creature. He goes to the middle with a shard in the middle of its head, and Azul looks at it..he chuckles.

"It was a good fight.." Says Azul.

He proceeds to touch the head of the beast. He takes the shard of its tooth and proceeds to pierce it through the shard. It cracks as a sound starts to come...the pressure in the Shard starts to get released. The pressure pushes Azul seating effectively throwing him off the head of the Lillith and towards the arm. He then catches the rope the is the extension of his underwhelming weapon. The Lillith whines and it goes out on its knees and falls to the ground. The event causes people to stalk the road out of their wooden slits and show nothing but their creepy eyes. Azul then walks over to the alleyway..to meet up with Luna.

"Luna please say u have sealed with the little ones," says Azul.

"Luna answer!" Shouts Azul.

"I know it's hard but after a few more kills like this...it will be...it will feel like nothing," says Azul.

"HOLY...LUNA" shouts Azul rushes over.

Azul sees Luna on the ground vibrating. The 3 Lilliths around all on the floor with flies surrounding them bringing reinforcements every minute. Azul shakes Luna multiple times and even slaps her.

"WHAT IS WRONG" shouts Azul.


"How will AI become my ally now?" mutters Azul.

"DAMN IT," says Azul as he punches a wall.

Luna wakes up to see an exact copy of the place she was in except...empty. Nothing is There, no one except for one. This one person has her back on Luna hunched back and with Nails small but pretty sharp reminiscent Of Azul's sharp but small weapon. Luna inches closer wary of every step taken, she goes to the mysterious persons back. Her hand moves from her thigh to the person's shoulder. As it nears the long hair her hand starts to tremble, to shake with each inch it moves forward. The woman turns around causing Luna to stare at her. Luna moves back in shock.

"Mom?" Asks Luna.

"Hello dear," says Luna's mom.

"Mom, you're here?" Says Luna as she looks around.

"There is nothing here," says Luna.

"Child," says Luna's mom.

"Yes, Crystal...I mean mom," says Luna.

"Why are you doing this," says Crystal.

"I want to be just like you as I escape and free everyone from here!" Says Luna valiantly.

"No," says Crystal

"What?, What do you mean by no, ?" Asks Luna

Crystal's nails start to grow as she starts to gain fangs...her saliva starts to drip on the floor as her hunched back straightens and suddenly cracks. She stretches her neck and looks at Luna.

"You cannot do this," says Crystal in a demented voice as she lunges forward. Luna takes her sword and puts her foot back and make a stance ready for an attack.