
The Contract King

In a new world with one goal which is to Rule. _______ In all honesty, I find this very corny but whatevery, so this novel is basically a power-hungry person in a new world. This world was inspired by a certain anime I dare everyone to take a guess. This is my first Original novel so go easy on me guys. __ If you like the novel give me some power stones I use them as motivation to keep writing. I'll try my best to stay constant I already wrote five chapters but I only be 2 chapters a week.

YourShadowsenpai · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2 Awakening

" "- means they are talking out loud

Also, everything said in this novel is fiction, don't try any of it.


Time flows like water. It has been 6 years now. I finally have a full grasp of this world. 10 years ago there was an eruption in outer space and scientice can't wrap its head around what caused it or how it would impact human life on earth at the time.

A few days after the eruption people all over the world started to awaken abilities and like in every era of humanity they started to believe they were better than everyone else and waged war on the "regulars" as they call them. In my opinion, they were too ignorant and Arrogant. Long story short they were wiped out. The conflict only lasted a year but the peace activists between both sides protested until they reached an agreement. After that everyone lives happily ever after.

Well, that's what the textbooks said, I'm not so stupid to not know there's more going on, from my personal research most kids who "Awaken" go missing at those Training camps. These camps are where parents send the kids to train on how to use their power, but from what I'm seeing it's basically a death trap. The government is just slowly wiping all those with the abilities of the world.

??? " YAMI!! Get ready we have to be at the hospital by 9 am, you don't want to miss the rundown on your awakening ability now do you?" Sighing at how loud my mom is in the morning. I replied back " Yea Yea I'm almost finished getting ready"

Walking to the full body mirror in my room I size myself up. I have shoulder-length pink hair and golden eyes. To be honest, I look like a very distinctive person from a popular anime in my home world. I'm just wearing some casual black ripped jeans with a pink and black t-shirt and pink Js.

Leaving my room I see my mom standing in front of the door with a very annoyed expression. "what took you so long, you were staring at yourself in the mirror again" She has the same pink hair as me but with brownish eyes. If anything she could pass for a female version of me. "So what if I was, I just can't get enough of myself" rolling her eyes she soft and walk-off

Following behind her we walk to the car, while on my way I look around and ask " Where is Dad did he leave for work already" without looking back at me she said " Yea and it was your fault for taking so long, he gonna be heartbroken since he misses an important day of your growth" My dad is just a big baby sometimes but I can tell that he cares, as someone who grew up an orphan I'm happy that he is my father.

Finally we made it to the hospital. I enjoy the smell of disinfectant. We were greeted at the door by a nurse and guided to our personal Doctor office, sometimes I forget just how much of a big deal my family is. My mom owns a very successful cosmetic company and my dad is the governor of this city, not to mention how politically connected he is.

We made it to the Doctors. The first thing we did was a full body check up, then came the fun part and analysis on my ability and its ranking. A plain face man in a white coat while reading my chart "Ok so let's get the started tell me what you know of your ability and we start from there" putting on a smile to fake my enthusiasm I give a fake description of what I can do "My power as I like to call it is Contract, I can create aContract with a set of terms that both me and the other party must follow. I can only form a contract with someone individually. Also both parties must understand the content of the contract fully. I'm not sure on what happens when you break a contract but I can tell it's dangerous for me and i'm also not sure if it works on animals"

Nodding his head he wrote down everything I said then follow up with his own observations "It seems like your ability is very straightforward and for your doubts on animals your ability should work on those that understand basic human interaction for example monkeys and certain birds, also I recommend that you don't create contracts that world break as like most powers it might drain your lifespan" he keep going on and on I kinda zoomed out " lastly I would put your ability grade at C, as it has zero offencive ability but it can be very effective in the right situation."

All in all I'm pretty satisfied with the outcome, walking to the car with my mom, not even after a minute when the door closes. She look at me with a dead straight face and ask "Ok tell me the truth you were lying about your ability" with a look of surprise I reply "How you know" three word " I raise you"

All I could do is laugh and didn't say anything else, "well fine keep your secrets, not like it matter as long as your safe"

"Thank you for understanding, plus I can promise you I wont do nothing too dangerous. Ohh yea I want to start my own company so can you help learn the basics" Raising an eyebrow

"I knew one day you would probably ask us, seeing as to how intelligent you were as a child but why not? You do realize in 7 years you would have to leave for your training camp."

"I want to start a company to expand my enfluence something separate from what you and Dad built. I wont keep this a secret from you but I plan on using my powers to do it" I said while folding my arms

Narrowing her eyes at me "You know the government have strict laws on the use of powers, especially on ordinary people" In all honesty the government is doing anything in its power to suppress those with powers which is very idiotic, they should use them to improve the world and humanity as a whole. Not to mention the potential technological improvements

With a big sigh "yea I know that I only gonna use it on a select few and don't worry about it getting leak my powers are builth for thing like this" shifting the conversation

"what type of company you plan on starting and also since your so young i'll put my name down as co-owner"

"Yes that's fine I plan on starting a Tech company with my own personal security of course" I had a full plan on what to do. Understanding my Intentions.

"Tech companies are fine but it is hard to sustain as the market is very saturated and you get almost no income. As for the private security you need to talk to your father. He has connections with people who are probably willing to work for you."

We talked about the details for the whole car ride until we got home. I was left alone after that as the day wasn't even close to finishing and my mom still got stuff to do at her company. This was nothing unusual because to them I'm very mature and intelligent for my age. Resulting in a lot more freedom to do what I want. Heading to to my room as I still got a lot of planning to do, I need to review my knowledge on this world and it power system

To be honest, I feel like this chapter is a little chope, I'm trying out this new writing style. I was reading a book and this was the author's style of writing and it was good so I'm just trying it out. Let me know what you guys think.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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