
The Contract King

In a new world with one goal which is to Rule. _______ In all honesty, I find this very corny but whatevery, so this novel is basically a power-hungry person in a new world. This world was inspired by a certain anime I dare everyone to take a guess. This is my first Original novel so go easy on me guys. __ If you like the novel give me some power stones I use them as motivation to keep writing. I'll try my best to stay constant I already wrote five chapters but I only be 2 chapters a week.

YourShadowsenpai · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 Betrayal

" "- means they are talking out loud

Also, everything said in this novel is fiction, don't try any of it.


In a cold, dark, damp cave, The only sound is water dripping, heavy breathing, and someone running


'I got to keep running those bastards won't get anything from me, all of my hard work.'

In a cave, we see a man in his mid-30s, wearing jogging pants/walking trousers. Long-sleeved tops. He has a small bag on his back. His clothes look beat up with cuts and rip up like he just finished fighting a tiger.

Suddenly a radio on the side of his bag goes off.

Outside the cave, a man in a professional all-black suit is surrounded by what looks like special forces equipped from the neck down with weapons. Holding a speaker in his hand he says " Hahaha, Toshiaki you should stop running you and I both know you are not getting out of this alive. You should have just handed the book over when we ask nicely. People like you won't be able to make the best out of it."

Toshiaki "Hmph whatever happened to be a friend James, who would fight with me till our dying breath. The only reason why you even know about the expedition for the Book of reincarnation is that I trusted you enough to tell you"

James "I'm sorry about that but you are old enough to know that this world functions on profit. The money I get from selling that book is worth more than friendship. Friendship didn't take us far in life, it doesn't put food on the table, it doesn't help keep a roof over my head and it is for damn sure not gonna help me with my kids. So screw it.

Toshiaki "That's an excuse and you know it. We didn't work this hard for the money I was all for the adventure, the excitement of going to new places and exploring the unknown. Money was just a by-product"

James "That's where you're wrong, it was the adventure for you but for me, it was a way to make life better. Enough talking"

James picked up a radio "All men go in, surround him, and no shooting at his body. Headshots only, I can't have any damage happening to my goods"

John 'Fuck, I got no way out of this, I hope there some truth to this book cause it's my only hope..... who am I kidding this shit won't work, I'm dead.'

Taking the Book out of his bag, it is covered in old worn-out leather. There is a human skull, the eye socket is full of Diamonds in the middle of the cover. The title in bold says ╎リᓵᔑ∷リᔑℸ ̣ Open the first page there is something written there like a warning, I don't know the language but somehow I can tell what it is saying.

*This book contains an accidental discovery of my tribe, we lost so many to the new land. By opening the whole to the new land we can go back and forth, The new Land always seems to change, our people couldn't pinpoint an exact location the portal put us. We also didn't expect to bring diseases over as well but there was a benefit we learned how to contract it by taking the body of someone born in that new land we can be immune to the disease. Over time we notice that the portal is slowly going away, we could let that happen so we manage to find a way around it even if the portal closes. Reincarnation we called it.*

Picking the radio back up, Toshiaki couldn't help but say" What an interesting story but sadly I can stick around reading, where was it? ahh there. Hey, James, I don't think you would be able to gain any profit here today hahaha."

James " WTF does he mean by that, it doesn't matter hurry up and kill him"

Toshiaki "Rᒷ╎リᓵᔑ∷リᔑℸ ̣ ╎𝙹リ ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ リᒷ∴ ꖎᔑリ↸"

'where amm I. I can't see but I do feel warm and a slimy feeling on my skin. I wonder did it work. Well, I'm too tired to think about that right now

*after 9 months*

Waking up to blinding sunlight on my face is less than pleasant.

'Ahh is that sunlight, hmmm I guess the book was actually legit, I must be a baby now' with great pain I turn my head to look around. It seems like I'm in a modern world hospital. Seeing that there is nothing to worry about my body started to get unnaturally tired.

Walking into the room lean male wearing a lab coat came in, "It seems like this child is an awakening, sad to see he won't live for long… from what I understand his parents are famous and rich so he might live an extra a year maybe sigh" shaking his head he checks the baby's vitals and left.

From his words, there are only two observations I can make first I am born into a very wealthy family and I may die In the future But I refuse to die again not now Not EVER.

WOOOWWW!!! The first chapter I hope yall like it, its not that long but I think it does good for a start. If some of yall notice how familiar it is. I took parts from my last fanfic.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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