
The Conqueror part 1 The beginning

The Conqueror was born with tremendous power that he couldn't control he accidentally killed his parents destroyed a planet and was exiled to an uninhabited planet he later finds himself rescued back to civilization his story begins what secrets are being kept? Who is Marry? Will he be able to protect her or will he fail to protect her?

Goke_black · Fantasy
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Chapter 9 Searching for help

Evil struggles to stand and when he finally gets to his feet he gathers all of his Dark energy into balls of Darkness and charges at Monster throwing both balls of Darkness at him one at a time. Monster evades both balls of Darkness with ease and punches Evil in the face with a lightning powered punch. Evil is knocked out immediately once the attack makes contact with his face. Marry says "EVIL NO YOU KILLED HIM!" Monster says "No I held enough back to keep him from dying he should live unless he kills himself or someone else kills him so come on" The Conqueror says "Marry don't go what about Carnage and Insanity?" The Conqueror loses consciousness once more. Marry says "Evil will take care of them" Marry reaches Monster she says "Let's go" Monster says "You made the right choice" Both Monster and Marry are transported inside of Monster's spaceship. They take off leaving Earth three and the Conqueror. Lucy looks at the Conqueror than at Evil than back at the Conqueror she goes over to the Conqueror and feels for a pulse. At first Lucy is unable to find a pulse so she listens for a heartbeat but after a minute she doesn't hear a heartbeat she starts to panic but stops when she hears a very soft very faint heartbeat. Than it stops another minute comes another very faint and very soft heartbeat. Lucy says "He's alive my love is still alive thank you father wherever you are!" Lucy than remembers Evil and goes over to him and listens for a heartbeat. She doesn't hear a single heartbeat for two minutes and when she is about to leave she hears a heartbeat. Two minutes later and another heartbeat. Lucy says "Your still alive oh now I need help moving both of your Bodies somewhere" Lucy goes over to the Conqueror once again and says "Don't go anywhere my love I will go into town and get some help moving you somewhere else I will be right back!" Lucy heads off into town asking people for help but no one wants to help her. Lucy doesn't give up. Lucy asks people a second and third time each but not one person is willing to help so she calls out "I WILL PAY YOU!" Everyone surrounds her. Lucy says "Now they care" Someone says "What do you need help with Lucy?" Lucy says "The Lightning Destroyer Monster has taken Marry to jail and the Conqueror and Evil tried to stop him and are now on the verge of death I need help moving their bodies somewhere safe where I can tend to their wounds I can't move both of them so I need someone to move one of them for me what do you say?" Someone says "How much of a chance is there that Monster the Lightning Destroyer is still over there and waiting for someone to try and move their bodies so he can arrest someone else?" All of the townsfolk all begin to ask similar questions. Lucy says to herself "Why are they all so stupid?" Lucy says "Nothing above one out of one hundred after all he only came Marry and after he got her he left the planet so he will not take anyone of you to jail so please help me move Evil I can pay you!" Someone says "Why do we have to move Evil what if we want to move the Conqueror instead?" Lucy says "Because I am moving the Conqueror after all he will soon be my husband so I don't feel very very comfortable with anyone else moving him but me!" Someone else in the crowd says "Where are they right now?" Lucy says "I will only tell that to the person that helps me by moving Evil" Someone else in the crowd says *How much are you going to pay us for helping you to move Evil to somewhere safe where you can tend to his wounds and help him recover?" Lucy says to herself "How much should I pay these dumbasses for helping me by moving Evil for me let me think" Lucy thinks hard about this than says "I will pay one golden Diamond coin for helping me by moving Evil!" (One Golden Diamond coin is able to buy a small planet or a moon) Everyone in the crowd look at Lucy than at each other than at Lucy and begin to ask her to pick them as the helper. Lucy picks an eighteen year old boy who's family owes billions in debt thousands in taxes and are now homeless and starving this boy's name is John. John says "Thank you princess Lucy!" Lucy says "It's not princess Lucy it's just Lucy so what's your name helper of mine?" John says "My name is John and I'm eighteen as of today so for you to pick me is the greatest birthday present ever!" Lucy says "Happy birthday John you ready to go?" John says "Yes I am ready!" Lucy leads John out of town and over to Evil and the Conqueror. Lucy points over at Evil and says "That is Evil all you have to do is move him" John says "Move him where?" Lucy says "Lift him up and follow me!" John goes over to Evil as Lucy goes over to the Conqueror and moves him into her house and John follows Lucy with Evil. Lucy puts the Conqueror in a bed and tells John to put Evil on a couch he does this. Lucy enters her bedroom and pulls out two Golden Diamond coins and goes downstairs she says "John I have your reward for helping me" John says "Lucy you don't have to give me a reward helping you was a good enough reward for me" Lucy says "Take this and exchange it for clothes food a nice house pay the debt your family owes pay your family's taxes" Lucy hands John one of the Golden Diamond coins and says "Oh and also get yourself some delicious cake and ice cream and presents" John says "Thank you Lucy!" Lucy takes out the second coin and says "Oh and also take this one and use it however you want enjoy life" John says "I can't Lucy I would love to but you need this coin" Lucy says "You need it more and you will take it that is an order you are a good kid you deserve this coin if you didn't than I would only give you the one and if you still won't take the second coin than take it as a birthday present from me to you John" John begins to cry he takes the second coin and says "Thank you Lucy I wish to make it up to you one day!" Lucy says "Don't mention it" John says "Good bye Lucy thank you for everything!" John leaves.