
The Conqueror part 1 The beginning

The Conqueror was born with tremendous power that he couldn't control he accidentally killed his parents destroyed a planet and was exiled to an uninhabited planet he later finds himself rescued back to civilization his story begins what secrets are being kept? Who is Marry? Will he be able to protect her or will he fail to protect her?

Goke_black · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 10 Ending of Book 1

Lucy goes over to the room with the Conqueror inside and goes inside. Lucy intends to give the Conqueror a check up however when she enters the room she hears "Who's there? Where am I?" Lucy says "Conqueror but how you were bearly alive a few minutes ago so how are you even standing?" The Conqueror says "Lucy but why did you bring me here? Also I recovered my body has a fast self heal ability that activates when I'm on the verge of death doesn't every one have that?" Lucy says "No only you my dear King" The Conqueror says in confusion "Dear? King? What does that mean?" Lucy says "Oh it means nothing at all don't worry about it okay?" The Conqueror says "Oh okay if you say so. So where's Evil?" Lucy says "Evil why would he be awake? He probably doesn't have the same ability as you!" However at that moment a voice from downstairs says "WHERE AM I? WHERE'S CARNAGE AND INSANITY? WHERE'S MARRY? IS THIS PRISON?" Lucy says "Shit I knew I was forgetting something it was the babies! Hey my house is not a prison!" The Conqueror says "Prison? What's that?" Lucy says "Prison is a place for bad people and a place that you will never be" The Conqueror says "You have to get Insanity and Carnage do it for me please Lucy" The Conqueror collapses landing on top of the bed and at that moment a thud can be heard from downstairs as well. Lucy investigates the Conqueror listening for a heartbeat. After a minute she smiles and says "Breathing is normal that's good!" Lucy investigates the downstairs where she finds Evil unconscious on her living room floor. Lucy checks to see if he is still breathing after a minute she says "His breathing is also normal that's strange they recovered just to lose consciousness? Well I will think about that later but first I need to get the two babies" Lucy leaves her house and goes to Evil's house. Lucy spots Carnage and Insanity picks them up and takes them back to her house. Lucy puts them next to Evil. Lucy than goes upstairs and looks at the Conqueror. Lucy stays in the doorway watching the Conqueror as he sleeps. Six hours later the time is midnight. The Conqueror wakes up and spots Lucy in the doorway and says "Lucy what's wrong? Why are you hiding from me?" Lucy says "I was about to check up on you" The Conqueror says "That's all? Why didn't you just say something?" Lucy says "I guess I should say something next time so thanks for the advice and see you soon!" The Conqueror says "Let me go first" Lucy says "Not going to happen you are too damaged to move around" The Conqueror says "I guess you are right but I don't care" The Conqueror throws himself at a window and goes through it. Lucy screams "CONQUEROR!" The Conqueror's forcefield protects him. The Conqueror enters the house and says "Evil I have come to keep my end of the deal" Evil says "No not as long as I live you won't have to take care of them so deal's off get on with your life me and my kids are going into hiding this is goodbye Conqueror take care!" Evil holding both Carnage and Insanity vanishes leaving the planet and going into hiding. The Conqueror has no idea what just happened. Lucy says "Teleportation allows you to go from one place to another place" The Conqueror says "Oh so that's what happened" Lucy says "So Conqueror do you have any idea how long you will be recovering for?" The Conqueror says "With this much damage it should take a month or two or even three so I should be here for a while I guess" Lucy says "Me and you alone for three months just think about what might happen! I might even have my first kiss! Or my first time or even a child! Oh I am so excited aren't you?" The Conqueror says "I also can't wait three months of learning I am glad I got nearly killed!" Lucy says "Oh yeah teaching" Two and a half months later. The Conqueror is now as smart as a second grader who gets all f's however he is still happy. Lucy leaves to go to a store however on her way there she hears someone say "Lucy daughter of Jade I have come to collect you come peacefully" Lucy says "If you know my mom than you know you can't hurt me" Monster says "I never said anything about hurting you there are other ways to capture you" Lucy says "I am not going I am not returning home! I hate my mother go back and tell her I said Fuck off I'll never come back and that I need want to see her again!" Monster smiles and says "I am not a messenger but I will give you one message Lucy" Lucy says "What is it?" Monster says "Tell her yourself" Lucy says "Huh what does that mea" Monster teleports behind Lucy and hits her with a sleeping ability that knocks her out. Monster catches her before she can fall to the ground and places her on his shoulder he says "That was easy" However at that moment Monster gets caught "What are you doing with Lucy?" Monster says "My job what's your name and what do you want?" The person says "I am John and I will stop you and save Lucy I owe her after all!" Monster laughs and says "You stop me your making me laugh kid" John attacks with two new swords and says "I have spent the last two and a half months learning how to fight from the best fighter this world has ever seen!" Monster creates an energy sword for his free hand and says "You your life ends here" John swings his swords. Monster stops both with his energy sword. Monster smiles at John and says. "Is that really the best you can do?" John says "Kinda I just started to learn how to use a sword yesterday" Monster sighs and says. "I don't know if I should kill you or feel bad for you so I will just let you live however I can't just walk away it would be bad for my reputation" Monster knocks John out with a punch to the face and says "Get stronger kid" Monster Teleports onto his spaceship. It is brand new all black all advanced technology and very comfortable a ship of royalty. Monster puts Lucy in a private room that is the equivalent of five star hotel's best room he places her on the bed then leaves. Monster sets the spaceship to autopilot mode and they take off.