
The Conqueror part 1 The beginning

The Conqueror was born with tremendous power that he couldn't control he accidentally killed his parents destroyed a planet and was exiled to an uninhabited planet he later finds himself rescued back to civilization his story begins what secrets are being kept? Who is Marry? Will he be able to protect her or will he fail to protect her?

Goke_black · Fantasy
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Chapter 6 The Conqueror's battle gear is finished

Meanwhile Marry says "So how long will it take before they are done?" The Conqueror says "Two months time" Marry says "Two months well I guess we can begin to teach you how to fly a spaceship" The Conqueror spends the next month learning how to fly a spaceship while Lucy spends her month making weapons for the Conqueror spending all night and all day on them. As Joe and Max's family also work on building the Conqueror's armor and his power limiters. In her weapon store Lucy says "I did it I have made the Conqueror some weapons now to sleep!" Lucy falls asleep. Meanwhile The Conqueror completes his lessons in learning how to fly a spaceship. He lands the spaceship and falls asleep from exhaustion. One week later. The Conqueror is woken up by the sound of Marry calling out in pain. The Conqueror leaves the spaceship and goes over to her. Marry says "Get my friend and tell him I am in labor" Marry gives the Conqueror directions to Evil's house. The Conqueror goes there and knocks on the door. Evil says "Who is it?" The Conqueror says "I am the Conqueror are you Evil?" Evil says "What if I am?" The Conqueror says "Marry's in labor" Evil says "Marry's in labor where is she?" The Conqueror leads Evil to Marry. Evil says "Thank you!" Evil takes Marry to his house and the Conqueror says after the two of them are gone "What's labor is it bad?" At that moment Lucy arrives she says "Conqueror I have two things to say first I am done making your weapons and have them right here!" Lucy hands the Conqueror a long black box he opens it and says "Thank you Lucy but what was the second thing you wanted to say?" Lucy says with a look of madness in her eyes "Who's in labor who did you make pregnant?" The Conqueror says "Marry's in labor and what is pregnant?" Lucy says in a deranged voice and eyes of madness "I thought you didn't even know Marry that's what you said so why did you do it?" The Conqueror says "I didn't do anything but I don't know about that friend of hers Evil" Lucy says in a normal voice and eyes of joy "Her friend thank God so Conqueror are you ready to begin learning?" The Conqueror says "Sure why not?" Two hours later The Conqueror knocks on Evil's door and says "It's the Conqueror I came to check on Marry!" Evil let's the Conqueror in and takes him into a room he says "Marry it's the Conqueror he came to check on you!" Marry says "Conqueror I would like you to meet Carnage and Insanity my kids!" The Conqueror says "Who's older?" Marry says "Carnage is older by nine minutes and fourty seconds so Conqueror I have something to ask of you!" The Conqueror says "What is it?" Marry says "If something happens to me or Evil or both of us please protect my kids me and Evil can handle Jail but they can't please protect them don't let them be taken away from you I trust you Evil trusts you what do you say? Will you watch over them if something happens to us?" The Conqueror says "If I can't keep you two safe I promise to keep them safe and watch over them for some time" Evil says "Please do that" The Conqueror says "I promise I will" The Conqueror leaves and him and Lucy spend the rest of the Conqueror's time on the planet together. Lucy teaching the Conqueror as his personal teacher. On the day that he is supposed to leave he heads out. Lucy goes with him. They find Joe who says "I have just finished it your timing couldn't be better! Wait Lucy why are you here? Oh I get it" Joe winks over at Lucy and the Conqueror says "Let's try it out" Joe hands the Conqueror his new armour. The Conqueror puts it on and says "This is perfect Lucy hit me with one of the swords" Lucy slashes the armour with one of the Conqueror's sword's. Lucy only scratches the armour. The Conqueror says "Bring me a mirror" Someone brings over a mirror. The Conqueror looks at himself in the mirror and says "Only a scratch perfect you did great Joe" Joe says "Thank you and it's on the house just don't call the police!" The Conqueror says "Thank you Joe I will return and pay for this armour one day that is if I can find you!" The Conqueror goes into Max's familie's place and says "I have arrived!" Max says "Perfect we were just finishing up we were about to put it in a package but not now that you are here" The Conqueror is handed a pair of gloves that Max's sister made. Some boots that Max's father made. Some socks that Max's mother made and a gold chain that Max made himself. All of the items are very powerful power limiters. The Conqueror puts it all on after removing his armour he says "I would like to use the Chamber again" Max's father says "We were just about to ask you to enter the chamber we like to see our customers power before we give them the power limiters and after we give them the power limiters it helps us find out how much power we were able to help control!" The Conqueror says "Let's begin" The Conqueror enters the Chamber and Max's father turns it on. They all wait for the results but Earth three gets a vister from space. People gather around to welcome the vister that has arrived on Earth three. The spaceship lands and everyone surrounds it as a door begins to open.