
The Conqueror part 1 The beginning

The Conqueror was born with tremendous power that he couldn't control he accidentally killed his parents destroyed a planet and was exiled to an uninhabited planet he later finds himself rescued back to civilization his story begins what secrets are being kept? Who is Marry? Will he be able to protect her or will he fail to protect her?

Goke_black · Fantasy
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Chapter 7 Monster arrives

A man walks towards the door and everyone around the spaceship say "Welcome to Earth three Mr?" The man says "Monster that's my name Monster the Lightning Destroyer and I have come to bring The Great Evil to Jail where can I find her?" No one answers. Monster says "She sometimes calls herself Marry!" People in the crowd begin to say that they know where she is. Monster says "Where is she?" Someone says "I will take you to her!" Monster follows the person to Evil's house. The person says "She's in there!" Monster says "Run things are about to get dangerous" The person runs away. Monster says "IT'S OVER MARRY I FOUND YOU COME OUT OR I WILL MAKE YOU COME OUT!" No one comes out. Monster makes a massive hole in the house with an energy attack. Monster spots both Evil and Marry he smiles and says "I heard that you were here Evil I never believed it but here you are I might take you to justice as well as your girlfriend but I might not it all depends on you really" Meanwhile the test results are finished and Lucy says "Even now his power is unmatched he truly is incredible!" Max says "We spent two months but we still couldn't make power limiters powerful enough to reduce his power to a normal level he is a threat to the universe we have to put an end to his life now before it's too late" Max's family all agree and plot to take the Conqueror's life but Lucy picks up one of the Conqueror's sword's and uses it to murder Max and his family she says "I will never allow you to kill him!" Lucy turns the machine off and says "Conqueror someone is attacking Marry you have to help her!" The Conqueror puts his armour on grabs his swords and heads out to Evil's house. Lucy says "Yes save her so I can kill her myself!" Meanwhile. Evil attacks Monster. Monster easily evades the attacks of Evil and breaks his arm with a Lightning attack. Evil screams out in pain. Monster says "Give up you can't win so give up and leave you can always break her out of jail I was only hired to take her to jail after that I am no longer concerned so just break her out of jail those are your options give up and break her out of jail or fight and I break you think fast Evil" Evil throws a ball of darkness at Monster from his good arm. Monster evades the attack and breaks Evil's good arm with another Lightning attack. Monster knocks Evil to the ground with a spin kick. Monster says "Wrong answer Evil you are going to jail" Marry cries out "STOP IT MONSTER TAKE ME JUST LET EVIL GO HE NEEDS TO BE THEIR FOR OUR NEW BORN KIDS!" Monster says "Very well I will let him go" Evil says "DON'T DO THIS MARRY THEY NEED A MOTHER AS WELL AS A FATHER!" Marry says "Trust me Evil and go to the kids I got this under control!" Evil heads to the house. Marry says "Monster you shall see why I am called the Great EVIL first hand and WHEN I SEND YOU TO HELL!" Marry attacks with a energy blast of darkness. Monster cancels it out with a lightning energy blast. Marry unleashes a full power Darkness energy cannon at Monster. Monster cancels it out with a lightning energy cannon. Marry says "That's not possible how can you be this powerful? I am one of the four most powerful people ever" Monster smiles and says "Yet you are weak" Monster punches Marry in the gut with a lightning fist than backhands her he says "If you are one of the four most powerful people ever than I am now the fifth person on that list I am the most powerful person ever is what you are trying to say?" Marry spits out a tooth and says "There is someone on this planet even stronger than you!" Monster says "And who would that be?" Marry calls out "THE CONQUEROR BITCH!" Monster says "Who?" Monster is punched in the face and pushed back he looks up and says "Who are you?" Marry says "THIS IS YOUR BETTER THE CONQUEROR!" The Conqueror looks at Monster than at Marry than at Evil and back at Monster and says "Did you do this to them?" Monster says "Yes I did what are you going to do about it Conqueror?" The Conqueror says "I am going to kick your ass and take your life" Monster laughs and says "You defeat me? That will be the day when a weakling like you defeats someone as powerful as me you make me angry your arrogance is your undoing I will put you in the ground and I won't show you any mercy" Monster smiles. The Conqueror says "Neither will I your life will end today!" The Conqueror is pushed back by a punch to the face by Monster. Monster says "Your still standing? That's better than anyone else I fought against!" The Conqueror says "That was great but not good enough!" The Conqueror goes for a second punch. Monster evades and laughs he says "You are strong I will give you that but I have more experience when it comes to battle!" Monster grabs the Conqueror by the face and smashes him into the ground and attacks with a lightning attack who is in pain. Marry says "But how the Conqueror is stronger than this!" Monster says "Strong yes but he is not very experienced in battle so he will lose" The Conqueror gets up and goes for a right hook. Monster ducks underneath it and hits him with a lightning destroyer energy fist to the gut punching a hole through the armour and hitting the Conqueror in the gut. Monster watches as the Conqueror coughs up blood