
The Conqueror part 1 The beginning

The Conqueror was born with tremendous power that he couldn't control he accidentally killed his parents destroyed a planet and was exiled to an uninhabited planet he later finds himself rescued back to civilization his story begins what secrets are being kept? Who is Marry? Will he be able to protect her or will he fail to protect her?

Goke_black · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 5 Evaluation of the Conqueror's power

Meanwhile the machine finishes the test and Joe says "Oh my God what power you have and according to this you haven't even been able to completely control a full one percent of this power but still what power!" Joe ends the test and turns off the machine he says "Can you hear me?" The Conqueror says "Yes I can hear you so how did it go?" Joe says "It went perfect I believe it should be about a month or two before the armor is finished!" The Conqueror says "Can you get me out of this thing?" Joe says "Oh sorry about that!" Joe lets the Conqueror out of the machine and says "You okay?" The Conqueror says "Yes I am fine" Joe helps the Conqueror find Max. Max says "Conqueror you came later than I thought so I had time to prepare the chamber!" Joe says "Well I have armor to build so see you soon!" Joe leaves. Max says "Shall we?" The Conqueror says "Lead the way" Max takes the Conqueror to his family who all greet him with smiles on their faces. They show him the Chamber. The Conqueror enters the Chamber and Max's father turns it on. After the Chamber's test results are done Max and his family read it and say "His power it's unbelievable we will need about a month or two before we can finish the power limiters" Max's mom let's the Conqueror out of the Chamber and says "So Conqueror we have learned that it should take about two months to finish making your power limiters so if you want one of us can take you to Lucy's" The Conqueror says "Take me please" Mac takes the Conqueror to Lucy who is waiting for him. Max says "This is Lucy she will take you to her weapon shop well I go home and work on those power limiters" Max leaves Lucy says "So Conqueror how old are you?" The Conqueror says "Fourteen why?" Lucy says "No reason at all! So is that other person a friend or something?" The Conqueror says "No I just met her and she wants me to protect her for some reason other than that I don't know her why?" Lucy says "No reason at all just wondering that's all" Lucy says "So what's your favorite color?" The Conqueror says "What's a color?" Lucy says "You aren't serious right?" The Conqueror says "Yes I am I don't know what a color is" Lucy says "Do you know what school is?" The Conqueror says "Never heard of it" Lucy says "In that case after I make your weapons I will teach you all kinds of stuff that is if you want me to!" The Conqueror says "I would like that very much" Lucy says "That's great I was the best student in the world in fact the teachers kept telling me that I should become a teacher when I get older but I didn't feel like I wanted to be a teacher so I never did" The Conqueror says "That sounds impressive!" Lucy says "Do you really mean that?" The Conqueror says "Yes I mean what I said" They arrive at Lucy's weaponshop they enter and go over to a chair. Lucy says "This chair is a machine that tests the power of whoever is using it take a seat and I will strap you in!" The Conqueror sits in the chair and Lucy straps his arms and legs into the machine. Lucy says "When the machine is on you will not be able to hear or see anything around you can you handle that?" The Conqueror says "Yes I can handle it I am ready" Lucy begins the test by starting the machine. She goes over to the chair and sits on the Conqueror's lap she says "From the moment I saw you Conqueror I fell in love with you and I plan on becoming your teacher and from there your girlfriend and from there your wife we will be together until the end just you and me and Marry but who cares about her we can just get rid of her and be together all alone we can even start a family together we can rule the universe together just you and me I will never leave you and you will never leave me either right?" Lucy is about to hug the Conqueror when the machine begins to beep indicating that the test is complete. Lucy says "I guess we can do that someother time" Lucy gets off of the Conqueror and goes over to the machine's control panel. Lucy looks at the results and says "And you are this powerful what a man Conqueror my one and only true love!" Lucy turns the machine off and says "Conqueror can you hear me? How do you feel?" The Conqueror says "I feel great" Lucy says "How was the test?" The Conqueror says "Okay I guess but during the test I felt something on me on my lap it was gone right after the test was done" Lucy says "Must have been a side effect of the machine or something I promise you the only two people that were here are me and you so it must have been a side effect of my machine so don't worry about it" The Conqueror says "Of course that must be what happened so let me guess two months before you are done making the weapons" Lucy says "How long do you plan on staying?" The Conqueror says "Well there is two months before my armor and power limiters are done so about two months maybe more" Lucy says "Oh that's great to hear!" The Conqueror says "Why's that?" Lucy says "No reason at all let me help you out of that chair" But before Lucy can get over to the chair she hears someone say "No need I got it" The Conqueror says "Marry when did you get here?" Marry says "Four seconds ago" Lucy says "Okay Marry I will allow you to let him out" Marry says to Lucy "If you call me Marry ever again I will end you do you understand me?" Lucy says "Yes I understand" Marry says "Good and don't forget your place ever" Marry helps the Conqueror out of the chair and they leave the building. Lucy says "What a fucking bitch I hope you die very soon! Wait two months I guess I will have to close the building and spend all day and all night on it for the next month get some sleep after I am done and spend the rest of my time with my love I will also end that girl's life well I'm at it!" Lucy closes the building and begins to work on making the weapons.