
The Conqueror part 1 The beginning

The Conqueror was born with tremendous power that he couldn't control he accidentally killed his parents destroyed a planet and was exiled to an uninhabited planet he later finds himself rescued back to civilization his story begins what secrets are being kept? Who is Marry? Will he be able to protect her or will he fail to protect her?

Goke_black · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 4 Marry munipulates the public

No one helps him. He looks at Marry who just smirks at him with a sick grin. The man drops to his knees and dies by burning to death. The man's power leaves his body and goes to the Conqueror making him more even more powerful. The closest bystander says "Come on get up we all enjoyed your show!" They walk over to the man and tap him then scream. "HE HAS NO PULSE HE'S DEAD THAT FIRE WAS REAL AND WE CHEERED HIM ON AS HE WAS BURNING TO DEATH WE ARE ALL MONSTERS AND GOING TO HELL!" Marry walks out of the building she says "You let him die I am going to call the universal police force and have all of you locked up until you die" The bystanders fall to their knees and begin to beg Marry not to call the police one of them says "Please have mercy we will do anything just Don't call the police!" Another bystander says "Yes anything just Don't have us locked up!" After that all of the bystanders begin to beg Marry not to call the police. Marry says "I might look the other way if you help me with my shopping!" All of the bystanders cheer and say "IT'S A DEAL HOW CAN WE HELP?" Marry says "Conqueror please come over here" The Conqueror leaves the building and goes to Marry who says "This is the Conqueror I need some battle gear for him and you will help me get that!" One of the bystanders says "That's great I just happen to be the universes best armor maker and my friend here is the number one weapon maker in the universe but is that all you want?" Marry says "Conqueror do you need anything else?" The Conqueror says "I need something to help me keep my power under control" Marry says "You heard him can anyone of you make such an item?" One of the bystanders says "I can so can my entire family we are better than anyone when it comes to stuff like that!" Marry says "How long will it take you to complete your jobs?" The three bystanders say "Depends on how powerful the Conqueror is and when we can see his power for ourselves!" Marry says "Okay Conqueror pick one of those three people to go with first and follow them so they can test your power" The Conqueror says "What about you Marry? What are you going to do?" Marry says "Me I am going to see a friend who is on this world don't worry I'll be safe!" The Conqueror says "Sure I understand take care!" The Conqueror looks at the three bystanders and decides to pick a man named Joe. Joe says "Thank you for picking me first Conqueror sir I hope to create an armor that you will love!" The Conqueror says "I hope so too but now to pick the next person!" The Conqueror looks at the other two bystanders and picks a sixteen year old kid named Max. Max says "Thank you for picking me second Conqueror sir I hope that me and my family can make you something powerful enough to help you keep your power under control!" The Conqueror looks at the third person. A seventeen year old girl named Lucy and says "I will see you last" Lucy says "That's ok I don't mind that just gives me more time to get ready!" Joe says "Ready when you are mr. Conqueror!" The Conqueror follows Joe to his place of business. They walk inside Joe takes the Conqueror to a machine and says "Just strap yourself in and let the machine do the rest!" The Conqueror straps himself into the machine and Joe says "Perfect now to begin the machine but I should let you know that when the machine is on you will not be able to see or hear anything around you is that a problem sir?" The Conqueror says "Not at all I don't mind start the machine!" Joe says "Whatever you say" Joe begins the machine allowing it to take the test. Joe looks at a monitor that displays the results of the test. Meanwhile Marry arrives at her friend's place. Marry knocks on the front door and hears a voice say "Who is it? How can I help you?" Marry smiles and says "It's me Marry!" The person opens the front door and says "Marry it is you! How have you been?" Marry says "Great and you Evil?" Evil says "The same as last time but I have learned some very bad news" Marry says "What's the news?" Evil says "Get in and close the door before someone spots us and calls the police" Marry enters the house closes the front door and locks it. Evil makes sure all of the doors and windows are both closed and locked and just to be on the safe side activates an ability that prevents anyone from spying on them once that is done he says "Take a seat I will tell you what's going to happen next" Marry says "I can tell from your voice that it is something important and dangerous tell me Evil what's coming for me?" Evil says "Have you ever heard about Monster the Lightning Destroyer?" Marry says "That monster is after me?" Evil says "Yes he is coming after you I hope you have someone protecting you because you should not be fighting someone like him in your current condition" Marry says "I have someone protecting me he should be able to fight Monster thanks for telling me this Evil" Evil says "Do you know if it's going to be a boy or a girl?" Marry says "I don't know what the baby will be yet! But I have two names picked out if it's a boy he will be Carnage but if it's a girl her name will be Insanity!" Evil says "I like the names dear"