
The concubinus [ENG VERSION]

The day her family died, princess Cassiopeia became a murderer. The day her family died, princess Cassiopeia became an Empress. The day her family died, princess Cassiopeia married five hot men. In the struggle for the seat of Emperor, these five concubinus will team up, antagonise each other and, perhaps, grow to love her. As for the princess, she now has an empire to rule, and in a very misogynistic society at that. What will happen? Stick around and find out. This is part of the "letters to the forgotten" universe. It can be read as standalone. It's set in the Southern Empire and follows the story of Empress Cassiopeia. Tropes: enemies to lovers, childhood friends, fated mates and much more!! Yes, there are dragons too (but they're sassy and arrogant). UPDATES ON SATURDAY Reverse harem historical fantasy Currently looking for an artist to draw my cover, in the meantime, enjoy the one we have Author instagram: shrimps.peace Collaborations: open. I also do translations (info on insta).

Shrimpspeace · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter two

The day after the murders, the Council of nobles was called for a general Assembly. Both Cassiopeia and her brother were to preside in the name of their father.

She arrived last with him. After the guards announced them, she entered first, followed by the boy.

"Announcing the blooming flower of this Empire, Princess Cassiopeia Dorothea Saol and the growing tree of this Empire, Prince William Saol."

Her heels clacked against the marble floor.

"Thank you for joining me today on this infelicitous day." Her black dress was proof of the mourning.

She had choosen her attire carefully. The Princess needed to play the desperate daughter, left alone by her loving father and brothers. Everyone knew of their relationship. Everyone knew how fake it was, yet she had to keep up the appearances at all times. That was the kind of society she was born into.

"It is with utmost grief that I must announce to you that last night we not only lost our Emperor, but the next two princes in line."

Great turmoil was caused by the statement. Many already knew about it, but they had to feign ignorance to avoid being caught having informants in the palace. The truth was that the Emperor knew about it, and Princess Cassiopeia too. They let them be, as no informant was close enough to cause direct harm.

"That's not possible."

"How did that happen?"

"A murder, perhaps?"

"In the palace?"

She cleared her throat, and everyone went silent.

"The two princes lost their lives hunting. As for the Emperor, he poisoned himself after hearing the news. It is speculated to be suicide, but rest assured- her voice broke in a fake cry -The royal guards are looking into it and they will surely bring justice to the culprit, were it not suicide."

Again, murmurs. This time, she waited for them to die out.

Lord Rabbah stood up. Everyone turned to him. "Prince William, I ask you to step up and claim the throne for yourself."

The boy trembled in his seat, however Cassiopeia did not intervene. She only subtly clicked her tongue. The man would prefer a fifteen-year-old boy who had no experience as an Emperor than a woman. She wasn't much older, but she has taken all the lessons necessary, she had connections and, most important of all, she was recognised by the sacred Tree.

All the nobles followed Marquess Rabbah, and pleaded the prince. He shook his head in anguish, too shy and embarassed to even utter a word. The Princess decided to lend him a helping hand.

Thus, petals began falling all over the room. Flowers blossomed from the ground, and a large tree appeared behind Princess Cassiopeia.

Everyone gasped in shock and astonishment, and an eerie silence fell in the room.

The flowers sparkled all over the conference room, and the tree's leaves were green and full. She stared at the Pontifex maximum. Will that be enough to prove my gift? My brother had to domesticate a dog, after all. She thought, sarcastically.

She lifted her arms, and the petals were swooped away from the room, and placed instead on her once black dress. She liked it that way more.

"Crann Bethadh has spoken." This time, it was Lord Dorkas who broke the silence.

His words weighed more than anyone else's. His family possessed the gift of death, of destruction. A gift that could only be balanced by the royal family's. A gift that awarded them many achievements in war, and that destroyed many enemies on their path.

His too was considered to be a gift from the sacred Tree, a gift to balance out the other. It used to be seen as a curse of the devil, until they realised how useful it could be for the Empire. Only then it became a blessing. Princess Cassiopeia found it hypocritical, but that is a story for another time.

Even after he spoke, everyone seemed opposed to having a female ruler.

"Sacrilege!" Screamed the Pontifex maximus. He was beetroot red, and huffed a bit.

Anyhow, before he could speak against her, she took the word.

"The Pontifex maximus is right! All of you are heretics! How dare you question the will of the sacred tree? Is it not evident to you that I am the designed ruler for this Empire?"

The Pontifex fell back down on his chair.

Everyone quieted down.

Again, Marquess Rabbah took the word.

"How can we have a female ruler? That is just against nature."

"If it was against nature, the Tree of life would not have chosen me. I will be a capable ruler, and I will govern this Empire with all I have. Do not be fooled by my appearance, I have studied enough to govern the world, were it my duty."

"That is preposterous! Your Eminence, my Lords, my Price! How can you accept her?"

The tree disappeared. Instead, a great root immobilised the man. She hated the man not only because of his behaviour, but also because of how he mistreated his son.

"I am a woman of thin patience, I fear. If you wish to question my authority, I will gladly prove myself by strength alone."

The man trembled, and she let him go.

The captain of the royal guards, Marquess Remy, stood up.

"I am in favour of the ascension of Princess Cassiopeia Crann Dorothea Rufus Saol III to the throne as Empress."

After him, Duke Dorkas stood up and repeated his words.

Prince William followed suit. The other offials present that day vouched for her, and soon, everyone agreed to her coronation.

"My coronation will happen in thirty days from now."

She declared.

"As for my marriage, I will take in concubinus, among which the next Emperor will be chosen. If anyone wishes to apply for the position, please notify the Lord Chamberlain."

The Lord Chamberlain, sat next to her, felt his stomach squeezing. He would be full of work soon.

Princess Cassiopeia had already sent an invitation to the Vindbjergian (from the Vindbjerg Kingdom) royal family and the Lyodiyan (from the Lyodiya Kingdom) royal family, as well as the illustrious members of the Hinahan Republic and his ministers. The Central union had no leader, as it was governed by the four leaders of the continent together.

With the invitation, she expected concubinus to be sent by the Northern Kingdom (Vindbjerg Kingdom) and the Lyodiya Kingdom, although she did not make an explicit request.

Satisfied, she ended the meeting and headed back.

She also sent an envoy, a bird who could communicate with many species, to inform the Darafen tribe that lived in her Empire about her coronation, and had sent an invitation to their leader.

They had been at odds with them for a long time. The late Emperor had a ten year plan that he was sure could eliminate them, but he did not follow through as he died. Cassiopeia disliked shedding blood for such a reason, and viewed them as their subjects. She wanted to befriend them and end this long lasting feud. Too many people had died fighting them, and she had no intention of continuing.

The Darafen were a tribe of mixed blood. They could not be with humans nor with the divine creatures that populated the world. They were the sons and daughters of dragons and elves. Their body changed in snake-like forms, and they possessed the longevity and magic that elves had.

They spoke elvish*, loved music and literature, as well as dancing and talking.

Princess Cassiopeia sighed. She feared something might happen if they showed up. As she got out of the meeting room, she recognized a known figure.

Former Concubine Elsa waited for her outside.

"Let's take a walk."

Princess Cassiopeia complied with the request.

"It seems you have an Empire to rule now, your Highness."

Princess Cassiopeia smiled. "It seems you will be regarded with all honours, as the mother of the first concubinus."

She smiled. "That took me by surprise, but it is a wise decision."

In truth, you are afraid of what my brothers will do to you, who took their mother's place. I am just someone who shares your goal, and you decided to gamble your freedom with me, and since you were at it, secure a place of power for your son.

Princess Cassiopeia smiled. "I'll take good care of him."

The woman squeezed her arm. "I know. We were both victims of our circumstances, but that is no more now. I hope you'll stay true to yourself, my Empress." She bowed, "with your permission", and left her alone.

Princess Cassiopeia thus posed for the conservative nobles' journalist and the progressive nobles' journalist, Lord Jonah and Lord Farrah.

"I hope you'll write a good article", she smiled, silently warning them.

*The Elvish I will use is the language used by Tolkien. The elves I have in my book are not the same as his, although they are inspired by them. I just borrowed his language.

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