
The concubinus [ENG VERSION]

The day her family died, princess Cassiopeia became a murderer. The day her family died, princess Cassiopeia became an Empress. The day her family died, princess Cassiopeia married five hot men. In the struggle for the seat of Emperor, these five concubinus will team up, antagonise each other and, perhaps, grow to love her. As for the princess, she now has an empire to rule, and in a very misogynistic society at that. What will happen? Stick around and find out. This is part of the "letters to the forgotten" universe. It can be read as standalone. It's set in the Southern Empire and follows the story of Empress Cassiopeia. Tropes: enemies to lovers, childhood friends, fated mates and much more!! Yes, there are dragons too (but they're sassy and arrogant). UPDATES ON SATURDAY Reverse harem historical fantasy Currently looking for an artist to draw my cover, in the meantime, enjoy the one we have Author instagram: shrimps.peace Collaborations: open. I also do translations (info on insta).

Shrimpspeace · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter twenty-two

"So, why do you call him by his first name?" Asked the Empress.

The two sat down at one of the dining rooms of the concubinus palace, enjoying a light lunch. Little Lucy was munching on her food some rooms away.

"Who, Your Highness?"

"Lord Asher."

"Oh, he asked me not to address him as Lord Rabbah." Replied Lord Wolfgang.

"I see."

"Does he not have a good relationship with his father?" Pried the young Lord.

Twirling the spaghetti around her fork, she lost herself in the past.

He despised his father. He had sent him to marry Lady Olga, after all.

Memories of them as kids hiding from the Marquess flooded her mind. He was often compared to his brothers, deemed too shy to be part of high society, and too untalented to attend the Academy of the Hinahan Republic, like Empress Cassiopeia's younger brother did.

Was he not always the laughing stock of his house? Yet she could not reveal such details without his permission.

"Questions like that are answered by the subjects of the inquisition. I wouldn't know." She smiled apologetically.

"I see, I apologise for overstepping."

The meal proceeded nicely after that. She was surprised at how talkative he could be.

On her way back to the central Palace, she decided to stop for a while at the Royal library.

Not because she needed anything in particular - she could ask her aide if so - but because she missed her friend.

The Empress knew how to find what she was looking for.

Fourth story, third section on the right, two shelves on the left. A small lounge made out of two armchairs, one table, one tall plant and two candle holders.

On the armchair on the right sat Lord Asher, immersed in a book whose title was covered by his hand.

Seeing a ring on his finger made the Empress feel weird.

"In the presence of a royal one should bow down." She joked, bending to read what he was holding.

He retracted and jumped up, "Your Highness! You made me lose ten years just now!"

She chuckled. "Have I scared you so?"

"You have, You have indeed." He brought a hand on his chest, waiting for the loud pounding to slow down.

"Were You looking for me?" He asked.

"What are you reading?" She deflected the question.

"Ah, that..." He scratched his head, blushing a little.

She took the book from him, happy to have caught him red-handed.

What kind of scandalous literature would Lord Asher read? She chuckled.

To her dismay, he was reading History of all court cases in the Saol Empire, from the fourth dynasty to the ninth.

"Seriously?" She huffed.

"Lord Chamberlain brought You eight trial requests, isn't that correct? You are not in a position to refuse, but Your main focus should be state affairs, not private matters. Especially while we are in war with the Darafen tribe."

She scowled at him.

"Please, Your Highness. Let me take care of it."

"I already told you-" His pleading face made her stop mid sentence. She sighed. The Empress knew she could not resist his coaxing.

"Only with the commoners' ones. You'll write the verdict in secret, and I'll deliver it in person. Nothing more, nothing less."

He smiled brightly and jumped up and down, closing his hand in a fist and cheering blatantly.

She chuckled at the sight, and as he heard her laugh he composed himself, "I mean, I would like to, thank you."

She nodded knowingly and smiled.

Sitting down on an armchair, she allowed her body to relax, "I have fifteen minutes before I go back to the main palace, I hope you'll excuse my rudeness, but I'll spend my time doing absolutely nothing."

He took his usual seat in the other armchair. She looked as if she was sunbathing, although they were inside and there was no Sun.

Her dainty fingers tiptoed rhythmically on the armrests, and he soon imitated me.

"Copycats get bitten by dogs." She mused.

"Imitation is the greatest form of flattery, Your Highness."

"I don't feel flattered."

"Then I should imitate You more often."

"Sure, I'll happily lend you some gowns."

"Your Highness-!"

"Shh... I'm relaxing." She nagged him. He just huffed, but she decided not to tease him too much about it.

"Will Your Highness visit me today?"

"No. I'll be visiting Lord Dorkas."

"Why?!" He jolted up, incredulous.

"Do you prefer that hermit to me?!"

She chuckled, "it's not that."

"What is it then?"

She opened one eye. "Wipe that betrayed expression from your face. I said it's not that."

"But what is it?"

"I have made a schedule. I will spend Mondays with him, Tuesdays with you Lord Asher, Thursdays with Lord Wolfgang Maler and Saturdays with the half elf."

"What about the Prince?"

"He can spend his nights alone for all I care."

"You prefer the beast to him."

"The half elf- she corrected him -has reasons to hate us and be wary. The other one is a spoiled brat. He doesn't like me, in consequence, I don't like him either. He made it clear that he does not enjoy my company, so I won't waste my time on him."

"I see... What about Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays?"

"I will sleep in my bed, I suppose. I am to maintain chastity on Sundays as per state religion anyway."

He nodded.

"I'll visit you tomorrow, so don't be jealous."

"I'm not jealous."


"I said I'm not."

"I said alright."

"It doesn't sound genui-"

"My break is over. Enjoy your reading." She said, and then gave him a peck on his cheek.

He blushed, waiting for her to be gone to fall on his butt. He covered his mouth in embarrassment, staring at nothing in particular.

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"Your Highness, I did not expect You here."

The Empress smiled, closing the door of Lord Dorkas' room, "I will stay here on Mondays, if you are in agreement."

"Have You assigned us a day like you do to chores?"

Her chuckle reverberated through the room, "I suppose so."

"Then I suppose I should be happy I was assigned Monday. It is the most important day, after all."

"Monday is the most important day because of his position, not because of his personality. In fact, many prefer Fridays."

"And where do You rest on Fridays?"

"In my bedroom."

"You really are quite the character."

"Should I consider it a compliment?"

"Your choice, Your Highness."

She lightly hit his arm playfully, "don't forget I'm your Empress, I could behead you."

"I would expect nothing less."

"How arrogant."

"That is an adjective people often use to describe me, yes."

"Who's people?"

"Everyone that finds my person to be smarter, or simply, better."

"Why would they say that about you?"

"Because I am. They can't badmouth me because I'm perfect, so they say I am arrogant just because I acknowledge my superiority."

"That's a really arrogant thing to say", she laughed.

"Thank you."

Writer's corner

When Lord Asher says beast about Eyrynnhv Anástir it's perceived as an insult by everyone.

When Empress Cassiopeia calls him half elf the two don't think it's an insult, but he would feel insulted.