
The concubinus [ENG VERSION]

The day her family died, princess Cassiopeia became a murderer. The day her family died, princess Cassiopeia became an Empress. The day her family died, princess Cassiopeia married five hot men. In the struggle for the seat of Emperor, these five concubinus will team up, antagonise each other and, perhaps, grow to love her. As for the princess, she now has an empire to rule, and in a very misogynistic society at that. What will happen? Stick around and find out. This is part of the "letters to the forgotten" universe. It can be read as standalone. It's set in the Southern Empire and follows the story of Empress Cassiopeia. Tropes: enemies to lovers, childhood friends, fated mates and much more!! Yes, there are dragons too (but they're sassy and arrogant). UPDATES ON SATURDAY Reverse harem historical fantasy Currently looking for an artist to draw my cover, in the meantime, enjoy the one we have Author instagram: shrimps.peace Collaborations: open. I also do translations (info on insta).

Shrimpspeace · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter seventeen

The night finally came, and with that the banquet found its natural ending.

Although aware of that fact, Empress Cassiopeia was nowhere near the banquet hall, as she was, just like the day before, getting ready to welcome her husband in her chambers.

Her husband. Lord Asher. She chuckled at the thought.

It felt like it was just yesterday that she was defending him from his taunting brothers. She always found him hiding in the Palace library, the only place her brothers or his brothers never visited.

It seemed to her that awful people did not like reading.

Although, on second thought, Miss Morrigan did not enjoy books either. Was it perhaps that all bad people don't like reading, but not all who don't like reading are bad?

"Are You so deep in thought that You did not hear me coming through the door?"

"Lord Asher!" She smiled, greeting him.

"What were you thinking about?"

She could not say such a silly thought aloud, "just books".

He closed the door behind him.

"Have you read anything new?"

"Not really. The duties my father's death left me are quite heavy on my shoulders."

"I understand. I can help You now that I'm part of the royal family."

"No. I don't want to give your father any reason to pester you. He may ask you to look into something, or he may push you to betray me."

"I am loyal to You only, Your Highness."

"That is why I would never put you in that situation."

"You don't have to protect me."

"But I want to."

"And I wish to help You."

"You will do so on a more fitting time."

"But it is now that You need me."

"Even if your person may be of help, what I really need is not worrying about your safety."

"You need not worry about me. I can take care of myself."

"You cannot. Discussion closed."

"Your Highness!"

"I said the discussion is closed." She crossed her arms on her chest, turning around and looking out the window. On the glass, she saw the reflection of her knotted brows. Her frown would give her wrinkles, so she relaxed her features.

He sighed loudly, "ahhh...", and placed a hand on his forehead, trying to refrain himself from retorting any further. Lord Asher knew how stubborn she could be, so he avoided pushing the discussion further, or he would never be able to help her. He knew she would apologise later if he just dropped it.

"You look good tonight, by the way", he said as his ears turned slightly red.

She lowered her eyes. The same revealing attire of the night prior sat on her body, and although it was a different set, the amount of skin revealed was no less. She had forgotten about it. Her cheeks turned pink in embarrassment.

"I didn't choose it."

"I can believe", he said.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You don't usually wear such clothing."

"Do you mean to say that I don't look good usually?"

"That is not what I-"

"Forget it." She said, opening the wardrobe. She fished out a shirt she could wear to cover at least her cleavage.

"Are You upset because of earlier Your Highness?"


"You seem upset."

"I said I'm not. Are you calling me a liar?"

He inched closer, helpless.

"I'm sorry for insisting, please forgive me Your Highness."

"Whatever, it's fine."

"Why are You not looking at me, then?"

She was embarrassed. Her chemise was too short and her cheeks were flushed.

"I don't want to."

"I'm sorry," he bent down, "see? I'm on my knees for You, Your Highness. Please accept my apology."

She sighed deeply and turned around. Still avoiding his gaze, she nervously scratched her cheek.

As she turned around, he could not help but notice the reddish hue her cheeks had taken.

Her eyes avoided his and he was glad about it; otherwise, she would have noticed the bordeaux that pained his face the moment he saw her.

"Apology accepted."

He smiled, trying to act nonchalant. The sudden heat that went to his ears made his brain fuzzy.

"It's late, we should s-sleep."

She nodded awkwardly. "We should."

Staring at the bed, it never looked more cramped.

She hopped in it first. "I'll sleep on the right, so you can sleep on the left."


Covering herself with the silk red sheets, she placed her head on the pillow, facing away from him.

He did the same on the other side.

"I'll blow the candles."

"Okay", and so she did.

After minutes of awkward silence, she felt the sleepiness draw out of her body.

"Are you awake?" She asked.



"Why are you apologising?"

"I tend to be a bit sharp sometimes, I did not intend to be mean."

"It's alright, I know." He said, and she was sure he was smiling.

"So... We're married."



In the ethereal quiet that fell between the two of them, she felt like laughing.

Scorching through the silence, she lightly chuckled.

Her laughter seemed to be contagious, because he soon joined her.

One chuckle after the other, the two soon burst out laughing.

"Why are You... laughing?" He asked, still chuckling.

"I... don't know. Why are... You laughing?"

"I don't know either." He said in a laugh.

She turned around, only to find him already facing her.

"Would you have ever thought that we'd be married?"

"No, not in my wildest dreams." He chuckled, admiring how the moonlight caressed her skin.

"It's exciting though."

"Why's that?"

"Should I take offense to your question?"

"No, Your Highness. I am excited, I promise... I just wanted to ask You why You were excited."

"Because we can have sleepovers now. It's not unbefitting of my status anymore."  She said, quoting her etiquette teacher's words.

"That's true." He held her hands in his, squeezing them lightly. "We can have all the fun we want, and no one will be here to nag us."

She chuckled, "that's true."

"So, what do You want to do first?"

She pondered for a moment.

Spending a night reading in the library together?

Eating in her room while gossiping about which servant was in love or had a crush on someone?

Or even better, what if they went to the theatre? Or on a stroll out of the Palace?

"What if... You call me by my name?"

"Your Highness? That's not possible. I couldn't dare."

"Just when it's the two of us, I want you to call me Cassiopeia."

"But how could I-"

"My brother is the only one who calls me by my name, and he'll soon go back to the Academy. You're the closest person to me once he's gone, so please."

She liked the invisible wall her title put up between herself and everyone, anyhow, sometimes she wished for her dears to stand as tall as her.

"It's raining", he commented.

She simply stared at him, not allowing the change of topic.

"Very well then, I will."

She waited for him to talk. "You can... Try it out now, if you want."

"I need to prepare myself."

She chuckled and squeezed his hands in hers. The feeling of his ring against her fingertips was a reminder of what they were now.

He cleared his throat. "I'll go now... Uhm... Cass-siopeia."

"You stuttered."

"I didn't stutter."

"You did."

"I didn't."

"Are you calling your Empress a liar?"

"No, Your Highness."

"What's my name?"

"Do you not know?"

"No. I forgot. Say it."

"Your Highness, please stop teasing me." He said, bringing her hands to his forehead, in an attempt to hide his blush.

"C'mon, you stuttered. It doesn't count."

"Ahh... You.... Fine."



The sound of his voice echoed clearly in the room.

She felt it vibrating in her chest, and for a moment the faint pitter of the rain stopped altogether.

"How was that?"

"Don't use it again."

"Why? Do you not like the sound of it?"



"Sleep. I'm tired." She commanded, turning around.

"You're impossible." He grumbled.