
THE CONCEPTION OF A ZOMBIE KING ( Will be republished )

After the apocalypse began, a group of teenagers bounded by friendship continue to survive. In the course of rising to the top, they meet several people and join sanctuaries to keep themselves safe. Some of them actually eventually turn into zombies but they are different types of zombies, especially so for Marvellous the leader of the group who becomes a lightened powered zombie. They continue to strengthen until they are strong enough to defeat the Zombie overlords.

Marvvy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs



The lightened powered zombie looked at the zombie covered in metal armour and was roaring at it in warning. Clearly it was feeling very wary of the lightening powered zombie because its vibe was a bit stronger than its own - a clear sign that it was about to break through. The longer the fight was delayed, the warier the zombie felt until it was unwilling to wait any longer.


It let out a roar and made a grasping motion with its hands. Immediately, all the metals in the area that were not over the thirty kilogram mark began to fly towards it, gathering in front of it in form of a shield. With a few more hand gestures, some of the metals formed long sharp spears that floated in front of it and pointed towards the lightening powered zombie. With a swift motion of throwing stuff, the tens of metal spears flew towards the lightening powered zombie. Naturally, the lightening zombie was not going to stay put and allow itself get impaled by the spears, with unbelievable speed it dodged with simultaneously raising its hands over it head and made a gesture of pulling stuff down with its hands clasped into fists. Following its movement, lightening streaks as thick as the arms of a newly born baby fell from the sky in

directly above the metal zombie. Sensing extreme danger, the metal zombie flashed to the side while releasing extremely loud roars. Clearly it was feeling the wariness even clearer now after that attack, it was unable to explain why but it knew that if that attack had landed, it would loose a large amount of energy and would probably have its energy crystal taken. The energy crystal of the combatants were their sacred treasures, it was what made them different from the swifts or slow walkers, besides taking the energy crystals away meant killing them, so every combatant had a natural obligation from their instincts to protect their heads than anyother part of their body because they contained the energy crystals.

The metal powered zombie made a pulling gesture in the direction of the spears that it threw previously causing them to return, without delay it converted them into two broad double-edge blades and leapt towards the building atop which the lightened powered zombie was standing. As combatants, not only their speed were terrifying, they were able to leap tens of feet depending on how powerful they were, besides some of them could even ignore such and leap as far as hundreds of feet. Those however were the supposed air powered combatants that were capable of manipulating the air around them to grant them boosts in their speeds and ability to leap. Apart from only their speed and leaping ability, they also had a terrifying sense of smell, sight and hearing. At that moment as the metal powered zombie got closed to the lightening zombie, it swung the blade in its right hand towards its head.


The lightening zombie was clearly infuriated as it let out a roar, no matter what it had been passive right from the beginning but the metal zombie was just in a hurry to finish it off. No doubt about the fact that it would gladly take its energy crystal the moment it fell unmoving. Within an heartbeat, it moved to the extreme end of the building top before directly moving back towards the metal zombie. Within the time it moved and back, the blade attack had missed its target and before the metal zombie could launch another attack, a blast of lightening actually landed cleanly on its exposed armoured chest area, badly scorching the area.


The metal zombie let out an heart wrenching roar as it moved with lightening speed to a building top a couple of feet away, clearly the amount of metal that protected the chest area was not enough to withstand the destructive energy of the lightening bolt. The metal zombie continued to let out crazed roars as it began to summon all the metals in the surroundings, using them as armours to protect its body while it got on all four, clearly it had lost all sense of wariness and only wanted to put an end to the intruding zombie that wanted its energy crystal and injured it.


With a roar it began to move on all fours towards the lightening zombie, its claws digging cleanly into the tough roofs of the buildings it climbed after being reinforced by metal. But it wasn't the only one that was in full battle mode, the lightening zombie actually began to speed towards it as the sky above them began to darken as ominous clouds gathered and lightening began to flash like a terrifying event was about to take place. With a roar, the both of them clashed in the air above a building and fell to the roof before getting up, with a swipe of its claw, the lightening powered zombie aimed for the head of the metal powered zombie only for a loud scratching sound to ring out as the claws collided with the metal armour that served as protection for the head. The metal zombie clawed at the bowel area of the lightening powered zombie but it also dodged by moving backwards. Like that a fierce fight broke out amidst roars, claws and flashes of lightening.


An hour later, the metal zombie stood atop a building a little distant from the lightening zombie, its vibe fluctuated weakly as its energy was low. Certainly the lightening powered zombie was only a bit in a better shape than it as it also stood with a weakened vibe.


With a roar the lightening zombie summoned bolts of lightening that fell from the sky directly above the metal zombie. Due to its weakened state, the number of lightening bolts that it could summon were fewer and thinner than usual as they fell towards the metal zombie, but it was not any better. The metal armour protecting its upper body was directly penetrated as the lightening bolts landed on its body, the smell of burnt skin permeated the air as the zombie let out a roar. Without wasting time, it flashed to the side and clawed at the air in the direction of the lightening zombie, several metal thorns at least a foot long flew towards its head threatening to impale its skull for as many times as there were metal thorns. With a roar, the lightening zombie created a small barrier of lightening before it that destroyed the metal thorns upon contact. At the same time, it made a pulling gesture from up to down, causing a single bolt of lightening—which was the only amount it could summon with its current energy reserve, the metal zombie totally unexpecting the attack was unable to react fast and was directly struck on its head. The metal covering on the body of the zombie was directly destroyed as the zombie's energy was used up, standing before the lightening zombie with a sense of instinctive fear, it wanted so bad to run but was suppressed by the vibe of the lightening zombie. Staring at the metal powered zombie in front of it, the lightening zombie could not help but feel a sort of distaste from its appearance. It looked so ugly with its cracked mouth that extended from one ear to the other and blood stained lips, its very dark eye bags that was a clear indication of a zombie did nothing to alleviate the dislike in the heart of the lightening zombie. Staring at its arms that had become unusually long after it became a combatant and the long sharp claws that were almost half a foot long— which its fingers had become, the lightening zombie let out roars with different sounds that was supposed to serve as their mode of communication to the metal zombie.

"Why are you so unreasonable and want to fight me so much?." It asked, clearly it had forgotten that it had also been on the hunt for energy crystal in the first place before it got into the fight with the metal zombie. A confused look appeared on the zombie's face, clearly it didn't understand what the lightening zombie was saying. Actually the only reason why the lightening zombie was as intelligent as it was was because of the energy that was infused into it when it got its sword, the energy was actually protecting its vital parts and the stronger it got or they - all of them that got infused with the energy - got, the higher the protection they would receive. For that reason, since it could not meditate like the other teens as a zombie, it needed to absorb energy to stimulate the energy that laid dormant in it.


The metal zombie roared at the lightening zombie, "Territory". Clearly it had only attacked because it felt threat from the lightening and nothing else, but now that it was before the lightening zombie and was defeated was the lightening zombie going to let it go just like that?, definitely not!. With a swift motion, it summoned a lightening bolt that landed directly on the unarmored head of the metal zombie, causing the smell of burnt flesh to permeate the surroundings again while the metal zombie fell to the ground dead. Moving closer to the ugly corpse of the metal zombie that was like something from the most terrific nightmares of all, it bent beside the body and looked at almost completely burnt head with interest. Lifting its hand, it pierced the head and fumbled around for the energy crystal before bringing out a green shiny energy crystal. The glow of the crystal was actually faint which was not far from what was to be expected because the zombie had practically used up most of the energy in its crystal and what was left was probably the part that was not for expenditure because it was the part that kept the zombie functioning as a combatant and not one of those undead targets out there. Without wasting time, it began to absorb the energy from the crystal while it found somewhere to quietly stay and absorb the energy in peace. As it absorbed the energy however, the energy did not directly flow to its head like other zombies, it gathered within its body and mixed with the strange knot of energy in its body which purified it. Like the other teenagers, it did not realise that as it absorbed the energy, part of it slowly gathered around its vital organs and that its vibe slowly became stronger as the energy was released.