
Chapter 50

Engalla spent all her free time reading from Catherine’s massive library and watching the world’s happenings on the computer slab. She inhaled whatever knowledge fell in front of her gaze and was totally mesmerized when she watched the speeches and debates of the politicians trying to restructure society to their idea of perfect.

“Engee,” Catherine told her one day, “listen to what these fools are saying, but don’t believe one word from any of them. They’ll tell you what you want to hear, then go home and laugh at you. There are very few honest politicians out there. We thought we had rid the country of those bastards years ago, but every few years another crop springs up, no better, probably worse, than the ones they hope to replace. I’ve known a mess of them and that’s just what they are: a mess.”

Engalla really hated that nickname Engee but she tried to not make Catherine unhappy so she put up with it.