
Chapter 49

“No. I’ll sit in the background and make a fortune off all of you.” Engalla grinned at them. “Then when you go to work, I can go on vacation.” They all laughed. “Where are you today, Donald?”

“Eastern Washington at the moment. I’ll be traveling over to Cheyenne tomorrow, then to Salt Lake City, and back up the coast after that.”

“How have you been greeted?”

“Very well. I have more support than I expected. Your discs are working wonderfully, Dr. Ruth.”

“As much as I’d love to take the credit, after tomorrow, all the work will come from my new partner, Dr. Kailyn DeKendran. I think you’ll be pleased.”

“You must view yourself as a kingmaker,Engalla. Your work this term will change the face of the country. If we’re half as successful as two years ago, we’ll win the whole ball of wax,” Sharon told her. “We will rule the northwest sector of the continent, just as we do the southwest.”

“I have seen a marked improvement since you moved up there from Arizona,” Clark said.