
Chapter 45

Danil chose to ignore the remark and turned to watch the brain-scan machine. “They look all right to me. What’s the big fuss?”

Janny ran a scanner up and down Kai’s body. All of the physical life-signs looked normal. But what of the psychological damage? They would just have to wait.

* * * *

Before she opened her eyes, Kai heard voices and still was unsure where she was. She wearily ran her awareness down the length of her body. No, she wasn’t hurt except that she could feel a cool cream soothing the burn around her wrist. The dull ache at the base of her cranium told her something was wrong. Something was missing, but she couldn’t quite remember what.

She opened her eyes and looked up into the concerned face of the young Medi-tech.

“Welcome back.” It was one of the voices from her dream.

Kai closed her eyes again to avoid the harsh light burning into her brain.

I must shield it,she thought. Then she remembered. She searched her mind frantically. There were no shields.