
Chapter 44

Soon, there was more than one at a time, starting at different depths, weaving interconnected patterns, digging deeper below the surface. As they grew they became stronger, coaxing the darkness back, interjecting sensations of light, smell, and sound to reinforce the dark’s retreat.

The unconscious void was filled with sensations of light, sound, taste, smells, emotions, feelings. Each sensation massaged the mind. The sounds became audible. Past the smoky veils that guarded the darkness below the unconscious, the sensations rushed, reaching into deeper recesses, forcing her awareness of them.

Then slowly, ever so slowly, the process reversed and one by one, the sensations retreated back to their own tiny spots. They slowly faded until there was but one intense white spot left, illuminating the void. The darkness had gone.

“She’s responding,” Janny told Danil. “You’d better get Engalla.”

The voice was low, somehow familiar but distant. What did the words mean? Who was speaking?