
Chapter 31

“Use them both, but loop them so they form a continuous stream.” Engalla’s voice had a harsher tone now. “I don’t think she’ll be a very willing subject. This may take some time.”

“How long will the drug last?” the second woman asked.

“About twelve hours,” the younger woman replied. “Will that be long enough?”

Kai felt electrodes being attached to her scalp.

“Probably not,” Engalla’s voice seemed lower. “You should tape her into the chair. Although, by that time, I don’t think that there’ll be much fight left.”

Now you underestimate me,Kai thought vehemently.

“I’m sorry I have to do this to you, darling.” Kai felt Engalla caress her face as her wrists were being taped to the chair arms. “I really have no other choice. I do need you, and now you know too much.”