
Chapter 30

“Danil’s learned more than I thought. But I don’t think I really taught him what he needs to know.”

She pressed her fists harder into the console until her knuckles hurt under the pressure. Anger raged in her. All the sensuality she had felt moments ago was wiped away. It was replaced by only hatred, hatred for Engalla and what she was trying to do. Hatred at what she viewed as Danil’s betrayal of all she tried to teach.

Kai ran her tongue over her lips. They were dry, parched. A light taste of woody resin lingered in her mouth. It was suddenly clear that this was a trap. Engalla had planned it all, every minute of it. How could she have let herself be swallowed by it? I haven’t been thinking clearly!

All her mind shields snapped tightly into place. She was fully aware now, on guard, ready.

“What else was in the tea?” Kai snapped.

“Yohimbe bark and valerian.”