
The Collection Of Certain Memories

There are moments in life you don’t want to forget. Whether they are sexual, mundane, dark, happy, and everything between. Moments of my life that I have chosen to write. In order to never forget. This story is told in a nonlinear fashion. Rough draft of a story. These memories are from the Male Protagonist. I hope you enjoy reading these stories, memories. And I hope it can change your outlook just slightly, to view the world in a more positive light.

MarcusSaffron · Realistic
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10 Chs

2. Lost Reasoning

After that night her and I never went beyond simple displays of affection. As we worked in the same company but different departments, we rarely saw each other. And due to work commitments and having our own personal lives it was difficult to set up any real meaningful dates with her. Time slipped by and the mounting frustration and discouragement started to grow.

Sitting in my office, I was struggling with a mental roadblock. Leaning back in my chair, I twirled my pen deep in thought. Realizing that I wouldn't solve the issue in this exact moment, I allowed my mind to wander. Inevitably I thought of her and that night. I could feel a smile snaking its way onto my face. Shaking my head I observed my small office. My office is neither small or big, just enough size to not be a burden, but not big enough to really do anything other than work and hold small intimate meetings. My setup was situated in the corner diagonally from my office door. With a solid metal desk that was a little too big for this office space. On it I had my pc work setup, sorted trays, and other little office necessities.

Seeing how late it was, I realized almost everybody had left. Deciding to leave this issue for tomorrow I began saving my work. During this process I heard footsteps outside my office door. Knowing my office is awkwardly situated in the hallway, I was the only "office" in this hallway. As the hallway served to connect two different departments. I thought to myself 'I don't think either departments should still be here. They should have all left already.' Having just finished my thought, she entered my office.

I instantly felt my heart start palpitating. Causally dressed, I moved my eyes quickly, but methodically, from bottom to top. She wore comfortable dress shoes, black in color. Tight fitting light blue denim jeans that accentuated her skinny legs that led to perfectly balanced, voluptuous thighs. Proportions that left models in awe. Simple yet refined rings adorned her right hand. Adding an aesthetically pleasing look. For an overcoat she wore a white beautifully stitched cardigan. Underneath that was a simple blouse with the front of it tucked into her jeans.

Wholly aware of myself, I attempted to make myself look nonchalant, as if I didn't just admire her like the piece of artwork that she is. Looking into her eyes I couldn't tell if I succeeded or not. Opening my now obviously dry mouth I eked out "Hey, what's up? Do you need help with something?"

Painfully aware of my anxious and almost desperate tone, I quickly averted my eyes in an attempt to gain some semblance of composure. And as if to laugh at my struggles, she entered my office slowly yet purposefully. Adjusting myself I went to move my chair, assuming she was going to sit on one of the two chairs across from my desk. And before I could move an inch, without noticing she was at the corner of my desk next to me. Shifting my head up minutely, I found her similarly looking down at me, smiling. She proceeded to sit down on the corner of my desk.

Her legs split the corner desk, resting on either side. Feeling immensely pressured, I willed myself to look at her as she spoke to me about something I could wholly hear. Though I was looking up at her, I couldn't fight the already stirred desire from earlier, and like a beast I was ravishing her thighs with my eyes. Never truly averting them downwards as to at least appear gentlemanly. Playfully I watched her move her body so both of her legs were on my side of the corner desk and faintly closer to me. I was so enamored that I failed to pick up that she was slowing down what she was saying. Attentively watching me, she smiled deeply.

Like a dog focused on a treat, I watched as she moved her left leg on top of her right. Crossing them and in doing so put more emphasis on her lust inducing thighs. Raging thoughts and desires coursed through me. I attempted to keep some semblance of reasoning, I inhaled deeply. As I inhaled I was pleasantly assaulted by her smell. One that I have engraved into my soul. The smell of her perfume was predominantly lavender, mixed in with her natural smell intoxicated me. Having inhaled deeply it penetrated my senses, peering upwards at her, she parted her lips. The soft curve of her lips held an invitation. She said "What?"

Her voice, different from normal, was tender, soft, playful, yet almost pleading. It was as if she was gently tugging at my heartstrings, beckoning me closer. It was a voice that promised intimacy, a shared secret, a moment suspended in time. Feeling myself slipping I again vainly tried to say something.

Unsure of what I said, she started talking again. Listening to her talk about mundane work, my mind raced. Truly observing her, I was conflicted on whether I was looking for it or she was subtly giving me hints. But I started to pick up on little nuances, desires formed into physicality. Reasoning quickly left me as I was 99% sure that no one was left in the building. And anyone that is still here won't be using the hallway. Finding the courage I lifted my right hand and softly placed it on her leg that had unknowingly moved closer to me.

As if waiting for this moment she smiled at me both radiantly, like all of my troubles were being washed away, and playfully, like a mischievous child that was caught. Putting up a terrible facade, I urged her to continue. After a moment's hesitation that felt like an hour of sexually charged silence, she started talking again. Bravery overtaking me, I began massaging her leg up and down. With each back and forth, I would slowly work my way up. Her voice changing from normal with undercurrents of playfulness, to quite coquettish. One that stirred my natural instincts.

Minutes went by like this, her voice turning shy and seductive, like a gentle current, pulling me in. Unable to contain myself, under my breath I unconsciously said 'fuck it' and stopped my hand on the upper thigh. Brazenly I squeezed my hand. Instantly, my hand was sinking into her tender, malleable flesh. Like an electric shock that travel up my spine I could feel my boiling emotion raising to the top. Erratic breathing filled the room. Realizing it was her I focused on her face. Anticipation filled eyes stared back at me. Almost as if it was daring me, I caved instantly. Sitting up straight I tilted upwards, and without hesitation, eagerly, she leaned down. Kissing her pliable lips filled me with such excitement that I could stop my hand from being naughty. Satiating my own fetish, desire, I also tried to ensure that I sensually rubbed her thigh. Slipping into the gap between both thighs and crotch. I was instantly assailed by such a unique euphoric pleasure that I lost myself. This gap was something I've noticed from the very start, induced such a deep primal desire in me that it often eased itself by merely looking. But now that I have the chance to fulfill my desire, I couldn't help but revel in the feeling.

Consciously I ensured that I was dividing equal attention from my hand and kissing her. Artfully she used her tongue to invade my mouth. Unable to resist I went along with her, feeling one of my darkest kinks bubble to the surface. Anxious tension filled me. Not wanting to bring it up, but hoping for it, I was unclear if she was trying to incorporate my kink. Sensing that this was escalating I pulled back. I could feel my own flushed cheeks and erratic breath. Much to my own delight she was sharing in the same dilemma.

Unspoken words were said between us. Sexual desire pervaded the room. Having gone this far I knew that if we stopped we could still recover. As I was pitifully regaining some composure, I caught a glimpse of her eyes. 'I am done for' I thought to myself. Her piercing gaze stole me. Once again trapped by the beauty. In this lighting they were colored sea-glass: reflecting the colors of polished glass fragments that you find on sandy beaches.

In heated passion we both began to undress each other. And as if it was a biblical sin we fought to always kiss, touch, feel each other. Giving passionate attention, we were soon naked. Desire ever apparent from my lower area. Could feel it shaking in slight anticipation. Catching my eye, I could see barely noticeable glimmer from her crotch. Fueled by this I sat on my chair. Intending to pick her up, I heard in the back of my mind 'condom' panic stricken I searched my memory for any near me or if I had any. Before I could even process it, she whispered in the most inviting, seductive voice that sent chills spiraling down my spine "It's okay. I want it raw."

Lust filled I abruptly picked her up and quickly placed her over my lap. Spreading my legs slightly apart to give stable foundation, she simultaneously guided my penis into her. Warmth enveloping it that caused me to shudder, I couldn't even compare it to what it felt like while wearing a condom. Sex was all I could think about. The undeniable fact that I craved to extend and increase the pleasure for myself and her spread across my body and senses like warm sand. I started to move my hips, with no real pace or agenda other than savoring the feeling.

"Hey." She whispered. Looking up, her supple breasts bouncing momentarily caught my attention. Refocusing on her, I could see in her eyes a complex set of emotions. Tilting my head she responded by slowly blinking. After a heartbeat, as if to work up courage, she looked at me a bit anxiously.

Straightening her back a bit more she tilted her head down, pursing her lips into an o shape, I was filled with palpable exhilaration, saliva started coming out. Unbecoming of myself, I eagerly opened my mouth. As though a man stuck in a cave who just discovered a single source of water, I let her saliva pool in my mouth. Letting the string break naturally I closed my mouth in ecstasy and knowing how perverted I looked, I very self consciously savored the taste before swallowing.

Lustful glee was the only thing I could feel. My penis reached new heights of rock solidness. Bulging I was struck by pure sexual pleasure. As though she knew what I was going to say, she lowered her back and faced me straight on. Stumbling over myself I proceeded to kiss her with such affection and passion that I could feel the physical limit holding me back from conveying my feelings. I could feel a copious amount of saliva building up in my mouth. Eagerly, I held it back. Carefully letting some into her mouth using my tongue. I could feel her own tongue guiding the saliva down her throat. As if I would die waiting one second longer, I frantically adjusted, using my legs that were supporting her weight, I angled my kneecaps down as to lower her upper body. All the while, still trying to multitask using my hips to make sure I am pleasing our lower halves, I mimicked her previous position. Letting most of my saliva fall off my tongue into her mouth. Unable to hold back the pure bliss and pleasure I felt enveloping my whole body I followed my own spit down. Mixing our saliva together I could feel myself nearing orgasm. Fighting off the urge I lifted her up. Abruptly she pulled her head back letting out a high pitched squeak. Putting all her strength in her arms she wrapped herself around me for support. Knowing she doesn't like being picked up I swiftly helped her ease her feet back on the ground. Glancing at her puffed up cheeks and pouting face, I stifled a laughter and apologized. Which I could tell wasn't quite satisfactory for her, unsure of how to proceed I gently placed my hand on her lower back and pulled her in tighter. Mustering what I hoped was a sultry masculine voice I apologized again. Embarrassment quickly followed after me. Unable to contain my own increasingly obvious blushing face, I decided to seal her lips with mine. I could feel her whole body shake from holding in a laugh.

A few heartbeats later I decided I couldn't let this opportunity go. Using both hands I firmly gripped her hips, twisting her so her back was towards me, only then did I realize with utter horror and shock that we left the door open. As if to further demonstrate my lack of awareness I heard one of the doors opening at the end of the hallway. Like a blind ninja, I fumbled and stumbled uncharacteristically fast towards my door. With only a few seconds before they would even be able to see me, I reached the door, praying they were not on the left side. 'That would just give them a perfect view of my erect dick swinging side to side.' I thought to myself. And as if to answer my prayer. They were not there. As quiet as a child sneaking into the living room to catch Santa Clause, I closed the door almost all the way. Switching sides so I wasn't visible at the crack I waited until they were just in front of the door. Thankfully they were passing by and I silently shut the door.

With it being a renovated office space just for me, I was able to lock my door. Which I proceeded to do so. Looking back in relief, I found her holding her stomach, whole body shaking from laughter. With her laugh turning into a slight snort, I too couldn't help but start laughing. Believing the moment ruined I didn't rush to go back to her. Opting to let the whole experience wash over me, and before I truly could, I heard her coquettish voice say "Aren't you coming over here?" Reflexively I turned my head towards her, with an undoubtedly shocked expression, she smiled a thick, knowing and an almost relatable smile. Continuing to say in the same tone of voice, one that she must know drives my desires through the roof, "You're not the only one who has been waiting… and struggling ever since that night."

As if she just invoked a magical spell, I looked at her projecting unabated sexual desire and unbridled happiness at knowing this feeling was mutual.

Pausing for half a second I couldn't help but admire her gorgeous petite frame. Jade-like skin that perfectly matched her sexual appeal. Her straightened brunette hair accentuated her face, both highlighting her eyes and lips, while still being a main attraction, her hair cascaded straight and smooth to her shoulders. Hint of red adorning her cheeks, earlobes, and finger tips drew a beautiful piece of art. Complimenting her complexion, I held my breath, caught once again at her unbelievably beautiful proportioned legs to thighs. Feel my insatiable desire to bite her inner thigh, I was drawn towards the gap. Halting all thought processes I approached her, her body language indicating she was painfully aware of my gaze, which I presumed, was a fiery hot.

Once again turning her back towards me I knelt on the ground. The smell of sex and cum pierced my nose, though not bothered in the slightest, I couldn't help but stare at her pussy for a second. Feeling her fidget under my hands that were still gripping her waist, I moved both hands towards her vagina. Spreading it apart, seeing all the soft pink flesh, I dug in. Vigorously licking and sticking my tongue in. As if I am trying to get every last drop of water from a bottle I gulped down as much as I could. Alternating between sticking my tongue in, teasing her clit, and widening my tongue to cover as much as possible of her lips, I kept at it for a minute. Feeling her arousal and pleasure starting to climb, I decided to incorporate one of my hands. As to assist my efforts in pleasing her. She laid her face on my desk, using her hands to spread her vagina apart to provide better access, I freed my other hand to grip her leg in order to both stabilize myself and push her vagina into me more.

Using two fingers at first I accelerated her climb, rubbing and pushing her g spot, while lapping up what was now can only be described as a fountain, I kept at it. Feeling her somewhat plateau I decided to try three fingers. Expanding her vagina more, it seemed to help a tad, but not enough. Standing myself up whilst continuing to use my hand, I freed my other hand to try arousing her in a different way. Taking my hand out that was sopping wet, I stuck my still erect shaft in. Keeping the same speed but grinding a bit more. I grabbed both of her wrists and managed to hold both wrists with one hand. Using the new found leverage, I aggressively started to fuck her. Uncaring of her state I used my free hand to grab as much flesh from her ass as I could. Kneading and pulling it back to illicit better entry, I couldn't stop myself and slapped her ass. Leaving a barely noticeable palm print, I heard a moan escape from her and her hips start to quiver. Making sure to not be excessive I continued roughly playing with her. Feeling that she may be close to the peak, I flipped her around so she laid most of her back on the desk, face red from both pleasure and from being pressed on the desk, I had her legs in the air. One on each shoulder I grabbed upper thighs to stabilize her and make sure I didn't push her off the desk. 'I just want to fuck the shit out of her.' I thought to myself. And no sooner did I think that then did I enact it. The sound of pounding flesh filled the room.

Slowing myself for a moment as I could see her writhing in pleasure I briefly pushed her legs off my shoulders, leaning in I kissed her with as much passion and affection as I could. Making sure to mix saliva together i euphorically drank what I could and exchanged the excessive amount that was building up in my own mouth. Not letting her high drop, I picked her legs back up and put them in the same position. This time I grabbed both of her arms, making an X across her chest I used this position to fuck her as hard and as fast as possible. Uneven ragged breaths were escaping her mouth, mixed in with moaning pleasure. I quickly put her legs together and on one shoulder. Running my arm across her legs to keep her steady. Using my one free hand I tried a varied approach, stimulating her clit at a much different pace than how I was fucking her. In an effort to try something new I decided to let go a bit and started moaning myself. Hoping that both the physical pleasure, the sense of danger, and my own voice leaking out of me due to such immense pleasure would increase her own. And as if to answer my effort she moaned out loudly "Oh fuck." Preceded by her vagina clamping down on my dick. Refusing to let go, and hoping I wouldn't just yet, I kept at it. Trying to give her continuous sustained orgasm. And much to my delight it seemed to prolong it.

Coiling up and shaking with pure ecstasy, she bemoaned exhaustedly. Unintentionally I couldn't hold back from gruffly saying "Fffuuuucccckk…"

As I almost immediately came I pulled back at the last second. Collapsing into the chair I could feel my sweaty body stick to my chair. Leaning back a bit I watched her sit up, a glint in her eye that I know all too well, and I braced myself. Knowing she gives this look when she both feels challenged and wants to reciprocate the care she's received.

Sitting straight up I waited excitedly, watching her every move. To my surprise she knelt down in front of me and somehow both firmly and gently grabbed my penis. Taking it all in her mouth instantly, I shivered with such sexual pleasure that it was all involuntary. Trying to relax myself so I would give her the most amount of room to work with, she bobbed up and down, like the underside of my dick with her tongue. Whenever she reached the top she would imperceptibly use a tiny amount of teeth to give friction, causing my penis to twitch, as if to independently exclaim that it is in heaven.

Using one hand, she worked in unison with her mouth. Such a blowjob caught me off guard in the best way possible. Gripping the armrest as though I was riding a rollercoaster I couldn't contain my own moaning. Slipping out a "Fuck" intermittently.

Holding my dick in place she pulled her mouth out and proceeded to lick and suck the tip. Endless waves of pleasure washed over me. Unconsciously I reached out to her to pull her up in an effort to make sure we were both being pleased. But she stopped me gently with her hand and aggressively with her eyes. Relenting, my arms and hand struggled. Like a fish out of water I didn't know what to do with such sensations washing over me.

Still holding my penis still, she started to lick the sides, maintaining intimate eye contact that caused such mental orgasms that I nearly froze up. Working both sides, she gave brief attention to my balls. Sucking and licking each one. I could feel them fill her mouth. Finally finding a spot for one of my arms I placed it on top of my head. Violently gripping my hair in unbridled bliss.

Having finished her little excursion, I thought she was done. Then, unexpectedly she licked the top of my penis. Working from the top of my shaft down to the base, I convulsed uncontrollably and the sensation. And as if to finish me off, she suck just a bit above the base of my penis, and in doing so I found myself a new weak spot.

Instantaneously I let out a coarse moan laced with sexual pleasure and tension. Finally fed up I lifted her up on top my lap once again. And as if we rehearsed it, she bounced down in perfect sync with me as I started to fuck her. Uncontrollable, on the verge of violent desire did I want to absolutely destroy her. In the truest sense of primal urges did I want to fuck her until she couldn't walk straight. Continuously even if she asked me to stop. Feeling empty, I knew this connection was barely enough to contain my current sexual desire. Pulling her in tighter I stood up, somewhat reversing our positions. Placing her in the chair hunched forward, I used the wall as support for the chair has I leaned it back. Finding the right angle, I started caring less and less and purely gave into fucking her unabashedly. Placing my hand behind her head to make sure she didn't hit her head, I used the other hand to hold the arm rest. She wrapped her arms around me, quivering, twitching in absolute joy, mixed in with slight shame from being so roughly handled. But in my hazy self, I didn't notice the faint sign that she was finding herself a new kink. One that was bringing her to a first time orgasm.

Still uncaring I just wanted to fuck her. Leaning in more I kissed her heavily. Biting her lip and sucking on her tongue, I lured her tongue out of her mouth. I then let my saliva fill her mouth, feeling myself nearly orgasming I wanted nothing more than to push my dick as far as possible. She felt me nearing and between gasps of air and the sound of wet flesh I heard her say "Inside."

No longer tethered I picked her up once again. Placing her back on the desk and pulling her towards me. 'Fuck her' I thought. Seconds away from orgasming, I hunched forward to fuck her as much as possible and as dirty as possible. Then as I ejaculated into her I pulled her into it. Pumping inside her methodically thrusted in and out to make sure it all went in.

Twitching myself I couldn't even tell if she came or not, though the look on her face told me she at least thoroughly enjoyed it. Laying on top of her I kissed her neck gently. Nibbling a little I kept breathing out hot air, desperately trying to get air in my lungs. Feeling exhaustion take over I sat back in the chair.

Seconds tick by and she slowly gets up. Seductively looking at me she glances down at my half hard half soft dick. Unbelievably she got off the desk and proceeded to take the whole thing in. Feeling such euphoric sensation that caused my brain to short circuit, I shook so badly that I truly didn't know what my body was doing. All I knew was that the orgasm I thought was done was not done. Not even aware of my body, she kept licking and sucking everything off my dick.

Letting out such moans I have never done before, I nearly fainted from pleasure. What felt like an hour of this, ended in a few seconds. Standing back up and sitting on the edge of my desk. I limply looked at her, unable to muster strength. And as if to make sure I was watching she sat perfectly accentuating her thighs, lingering on them for a second I looked up at her. Making eye contact, she held it for a second, as if saying "watch this."

She then swallowed, maintaining eye contact still, she gulped once more, drinking everything. So mentally aroused I just quietly whisper "holy fuck" as I looked at her. Unable to contain myself, whether this emotion was lust, affection, appreciation, or a mix, I fought to sit up and kiss her deeply.