
The Cold Protocol (A Star Wars/RWBY/MHA/DXD Story)

During the Clone Wars, Separatist Admiral Harper Linkovich led his droid's against the Republic and become a big problem for the Republic. The Separatist Honored the Admiral's achievements with high regard. but when the Shut Down order was given, Harper denied it and told his forces to retreat to the Unknown Regions. he and his men encounter a strange world filled with many obstacles. Fearful of the Galactic Empire finding him he initiates, The Cold Protocol.

KingRenetti · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Rebel Cells

After saving the villagers that survived, Harper remained on the bridge of the Lucrehulk with Altus trying to figure out a way to convince the Nation's that weren't apart of Union's sphere of influence. After Markus was back to full health, Harper and Altus got more questions to him, and he answered. He learned about a few Criminal groups that are like Rebels. The White Fang, Branwen Tribe, The Happy Huntresses, Night Raid and more. These groups would be beneficial to Harper's Revolution plans. But the one that caught his attention the most is the White Fang. They're already revolutionaries for the Faunus people. So, convincing them might not be that hard, then you have the Branwen Bandit Tribe.

Bandits have been useful to the CIS During the Clone Wars. But what he needs is a politician. Someone who's good with politics. If he's to convince any country to join him. He needs a good argument and a good political figure that and he needs proof that he and his Droid's can defeat this Union. He was in his room looking at a data pad of potential groups to recruit into the new Confederacy once it forms. As he was stumped on his next move, his door opened. He looked up and saw Altus.

"Altus, what is it?" he asks.

"I've had a few of our droids hack into Union's Security Network. We've found numerous secret plans to expand, grow their army's, and reinforce their influence on this world." he reports.

"Really?" he asks. "Don't know why I'm surprised. Tyrants will do anything to increase their power."

"On another note. I believe we could make quick allies with the group of assassins called Night Raid." suggested Altus.

"Night raid." Harper mumbles. "I've read a little bit about them. What do you know?" he asks, setting his data pad down.

"Night Raid is a collection of Imperial Arms users who have rebelled against Union's oppressive ways. The members of the team are unknown but there are a few known members." Altus said.

"who?" he asks.

"Akame, Bulat, Sheele and Najenda." the droid replies.


"Undetermined." Altus responded.

Harper let out a slightly annoyed sigh but quickly calmed down.

"Well, have probe droids search around for at least one of them. If we need allies before speaking to the Nations disloyal to Union. We'll need numbers. Night Raid and the White Fang seem like good starts." Harper said.

"Roger that. I will deploy all available probe droids. Especially the newer ones that have cloaking modifications." he said, before leaving the room.

Harper watched him off before grabbing his data pad and touching the name Night Riad. A long list of things Night Raid is guilty of pops up. He raised an eyebrow when he saw desertion for two of its members. Najenda and Bulat. He grabs his chin in thought.

~~~~~[Capital of Union]~~~~~

In the City that houses Union Academy—normally called Unity City—many people are going about their normal day to day lives. Most civilians in the city don't know of mistreatment beyond the city limits because of their arrogance. Around the city on multiple flag poles scattered about, a flag hung from the poles waving in the wind. 12 stars surround a rotated square of hands connected together to outline a square followed by a diamond shape in the center.

(The Flag is up on Fandalore's DeviantArt Page is ya'll want to see it)

This was the Flag of Union Academy. Scattered around the City is the Army that Union technically runs. They're commonly called, The United Forces since they're made up from Armies from the Nation's that are sort of run by Union since it has a mighty sphere of influence. The United Forces—Or Union's Army—is what enforces Union's will. Anyone who speaks out against it is silenced or tortured till they change their opinion.

Union is ruthless is their methods of containing their power. Union is run by three people. Professor Ozpin, Nezu and Sirzechs Gremory. Though Union themselves are tyrannical, some within Union don't approve of the actions Union does to contain its power. These are a small bunch of folks who truly have pure hearts and are oblivious to what Union does. Some of these pure-hearted people do know what's going on but try their best to help and not destroy.

But this number is very few as most of them are afraid of what Union will do to them. But that hasn't stopped the Happy Huntresses. They've been secretive about their goals in order to keep Union off their back. Robyn Hill had attempted to calm people down and change their opinion, being optimistic. But nothing worked. She had heard of the village that was obliterated by The United Forces. Civilians Murdered. But the fucked-up thing is, Union told the public that the entire village were Terrorist.

A clear lie to justify genocide. It sickened her. So, she snuck off to meet with someone who requested a meeting with her. She walks into Junior's bar. His bar is home to criminals, thugs and rogues alike. She looked around for the person she was meeting with. She saw someone wave her down, so she walked towards them. They were sitting in a booth.

Robyn reaches the booth and sits down beside the person she was meeting.

"about time you showed up, but I never expected Robyn Hill of all people to meet with me." they said, neutrally.

"I wouldn't have come here if it wasn't serious." Robyn said, looking around for any Union Loyal thugs.

"This is about the village, isn't it?" they ask.

Robyn looked down in shame.


The person lets out a humored exhale. Robyn glared at them.

"Listen, Union's always gone too far. They've wiped out numerous villages that spoke out against them or tried to become something more than Powerless freaks. That's the unfortunate truth of our world." they said.

"Yet Night Raid rebelled even know they are stronger than 'powerless freaks', if I'm not mistake. Najenda." she said, with slight animosity.

Najenda sighs.

"I'm not a part of the Army anymore, Hill." Najenda states.

"True that may be. But you helped in some of their operations." The Huntress said, glaring at her.

Najenda didn't glare at all. She understood Robyn's animosity towards her.

"Anyway. I'm curious as to why you even accepted this." Robyn asks, referring to their meeting.

"Night Raid has done what they could to fight back against Union, but we need to do more. We need an Army to really launch a revolution. The world sees us as ruthless murderers thanks to Union Propaganda. So, trying to start a revolution is hard." she said.

"then why call me specifically?" The huntress asks.

"You and your Happy Huntresses are clearly sick and tired of doing Union's dirty work. You've tried countless times to remove the demonized opinions on Union. But I can tell you've stopped because you've given up." the former general states.

Robyn was silent.

"So I'm right."

Robyn sighed and leaned back and crossed her arms.

"Union's going too far. They're supposed to be peacekeepers and heroes. Not Tyrants and Murderers." she said, voicing her sorrow of the situation.

"Then they demonize the League of Villains in their place, so everyone keeps seeing them as the Heroes." Najenda said. "But I believe I have a plan."

"I'm listening."

"I had sent Leone to investigate the village for survivors. When she did, the village was empty. But there was one building that had evidence of survivors. But no one was in the building." she said.

"So they left?" she asks.

"Seems like it. But where they went, we don't know." Najenda said. "So, either The United Forces came back and captured them, or someone saved them all." she said.

"Let's hope someone saved them." Robyn said, hopefully.

"If someone did, then we might have a Rebel Faction on our hand, and if it is..." she trails off.

Robyn's eyes widen as she knows what Najenda is getting at.


"exactly. That Rebellion will either explode into full blown War or be just a single Crisis like the last one." Najenda said.

"I don't think the White Fang's conflict with the Slave system counts as a Crisis. The headmasters don't refer to it as one." Robyn said.

"That so? Either way, whoever this group is. Night Raid will be looking for them." the ex-general said.

Robyn just looked at her. She really didn't want War to break out. But with what's going on with Union. War might be inevitable. If War does break out between Union and this Unidentified Rebel Faction, what side will she take?

~~~~~Some Time later~~~~~

Within the forests far from Union's Capital, the base of Night Raid remained hidden. Within the base, the members of the group went about their typical deeds. Sheele, Bulat, Leone, Lubbock, Akame, Mine and Najenda. All members of the assassin group that's been a throne in Union's side for a long time. They've killed many High-Ranking Officials within the populace who support Union's horrendous actions and profit off it. They've also killed people who make the world worse such as cruel people, corrupt police officals. People who love to torture, murder and abuse the Powerless and the Empowered.

No one was truly safe from Union's cruel actions. People with powers are also attacked by The United Forces and others within Union such as the "Heroes" of the Academy. Najenda personally wanted this world to be different. Better and without the stench that was Union Academy. It was a painful reminder of how badly Humanity, Faunus and the Supernatural poorly controlled the world. The world's willingness to hand over the keys to total power to this Organization was a terrible idea.

Then again, the world was in need need of something to keep chaos under control. But Union Academy became the sole source of Chaos now. The opposite that the world needed. The United Nations doesn't even exist anymore.

Najenda was sitting in the main hall of the base in her chair/throne. She was trying to figure out who the Unknown Rebel Faction could be. As she did, Lubbock rushed into the room.

"What is it?" She asks.

"Something just entered the perimeter!" he said urgently.

Najenda adopted a serious expression and stood up.

"Assemble the others and deal with this intruder." she orders.

~~~~~Mini Some Time Later~~~~~

Flying around the forest was a Probe Droid. It flew above the trees and looked around. It spotted the base eventually and immediately reported its findings to Altus and Harper before it made a B line to escape. But it was suddenly shot out of the sky, and it plummeted towards the ground. It crashed hard and broke even more. Soon, multiple figures emerged from the forest around it. Night Raid. They looked at the Probe Droid.

"Think it belongs to Union?" Lubbock asks.

"Doesn't look like any UF Drone that I've ever seen." Bulat comments.

Najenda grabs her chin in thought. She walks to the droid and kneels down to it. She moved it around and found a symbol on it. The symbol of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Najenda snaps her fingers and points at it. Everyone looked at it.

"that's not the symbol of the United Forces." Akame points out.

"Some new group then?" Mine asks.

"Maybe that unidentified Rebel Faction that saved the villagers from that destroyed village." Leone said.

"it's possible. Whether the case, this drone hopefully didn't have a chance to report its findings." Night Raid's leader said, standing up.

Sheele looked up.

"everyone return to base and prepare to move out. We'll need to relocate just in case." she orders.

Najenda noticed Sheele looking up.

"What is it Sheele?" she asks.

Sheele looked at her and pointed up. They all looked up and saw another Probe Droid quickly running away, or well flying away.

"ah crap."