
The Clown And The Pink-Haired Delinquent.

A Cold and logical delinquent has a new problem when an insane mercenary loli with a violence and language problem as well as a massive kill count gets a job to protect her. During the great Multiversal War, the Black Tower was seen as the villains since they wanted to control reality. That and the fact that before the war, the Black Tower was a massive mercenary company. One of their Stars, or Star Generals, was someone who went by the name Clown, or Mara the Clown. Mara is an insane highly skilled and dangerous reality-warping clown mercenary with the appearances of a nine-year-old girl and the mind of one to boot. She is well known and feared on both sides and is a total enigma. She has been known to kill both sides for money and despite being insane, she is seen as a trustworthy mother figure for the people fighting for Black Tower. Yet no one except her boss knows what she is fighting for. Well, to find that answer, you first must go all the way back to when Mara the Clown first joined the Black Tower. Back when she died in her own world and was resurrected. Back when Mara didn't quite know how to bend reality to her will. Back when Mara was given what many would see as a pretty easy task. Protect a pink-haired delinquent. .... Only the task was far harder than anyone could have ever expected. Expect a crazy, and I do mean absolutely psycho loli with a language and violence problem try to get along with a cold and logical delinquent., and also fall in love with each other too. Oh yeah, the first four chapters are not in perfect format. I made them a while ago and some of them were made and posted on my phone. Chapter five and beyond is where the chapters are fixed, and the quality goes up. (Cover Art is not mine)

Gabewest42_West · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 6: Monster In A Little Girl's Skin

Mara felt like a load has been taken off her chest as she made her way all the way back to her target's room. She not only helped her sudden rising urges, but she even helped her target out! No one will want to mess with her now since everyone who did suddenly died. Well, that is if they don't learn of Mara's identity. Although Mara wiped all the footage around the area using her nanobots she still can't make one hundred certainty that there was no picture or video of her.

"And there sure as hell ain't any survivors," Mara noted out loud with grim satisfaction, though to her it wasn't actually grim.

After a nice slow chuckle, taking in her success, Mara finally walked over to Maple's room and got ready to kick down the door...before realizing that she already did kick down the door. After awkwardly lowering her leg Mara went inside the room, giving the door a glare as she went for ruining her plans.

"I'm Back!" Mara announced to Maple who was still staring out the windows.

Mara waited for an answer yet, when none came, her smile faltered a bit. Did Maple want something else? What else would she want?

"...Did you want me to burn the bodies or keep one alive or..?" Mara began, trying to find out what she did wrong. Everyone was at least grateful for her work, yet Maple isn't even acknowledging her, which is something her ego can't allow, though Mara isn't aware of that fact.

"Hello?" Mara asked, jumping around Maple's back like an energetic clown would, "Hellooo!? Earth or whatever this planet is called to Maple!?"

Maple let out a sigh and closed her eyes. She has a feeling that if she didn't acknowledge Mara she wouldn't stop in her efforts but only increase them.

"This planet is still called Earth, Mara," Maple said, turning around.

Mara jumped back, doing a backflip over the bed.

"YAY! You finally turned around," Mara said, closing her eyes out of relief, "If you didn't I was going to bring one of those bodies up here and show it to ya. Or should I have brought you down there so you can see my work for yourself? Actually, I'm just assuming you don't have good eyesight and-"

Mara broke off her rambling, seeing the glare that Maple was giving her.

"H-hey, um, what's that look for? I didn't get everything about you, so you know," Mara asked, jumping back over the bed to stand in front of Maple.

"...Monster," Was Maple's simple response.

Mara titled her head, confused, before she leaped back a couple of feet, a beaming smile on her face.

"AH! I get it. Yeah, I am a monster!"

Maple let out a sigh, seeing that Mara clearly didn't get it.

"Let me put it in simpler terms, Mara," Maple snarled, pointing a finger in Mara's face, "You're horrible! How could you do that with a smile!?"

Mara's left eye twitched and her smile weakened.

"What are you saying? I did my job," Mara asked, her mind trying to wrap around what Maple was saying, "They won't be able to hurt you and others will think more than twice about messing with you. Did you need me to kill them in a specific way or-"

Maple cut Mara off by putting a finger to her lips. She knew right away that she wouldn't be able to get through to Mara. While Maple may have looked up to Mara, she also is aware that she is a monster. Yet, getting on the mercenary's bad side doesn't seem like a good idea.

"Nothing. Just...take me to my house."

Mara froze for a second before her body twitched. Then her smile widened.

"Gladly! I know exactly where it is too!" Mara said in a voice that sounded like she was boasting. That mixed in with the smug look in her eyes and Maple was almost one hundred percent sure that Mara was boasting.

"In fact, I'll take you there now!" Mara said, grabbing Maple by her shoulder.

Maple opened her mouth, saying that they can simply rent a cab, when she suddenly found herself standing in her living room.


"Quite simple, my good dear!" Mara started, sitting behind a wooden stand wearing a monocle.

"Where did you get those!?" Maple asked, practically shouting.

"Why good miss, that answer is also the same. I have the power of teleportation!"

Maple closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. She had a simple solution for this.

"Fuck this, I'm going to bed," Maple said, turning around and storming off into her bedroom.

Mara watched Maple go off with a amused grin. Although she had no idea what she did wrong before, she does know that she's going to have quite a lot of fun with Maple. Call it a feeling but you never know when a feeling may be correct.

. . . . . . . . .

I let out a sigh as I waited for the school bell to ring. I felt utterly spent despite sleeping. Maybe the nightmare I had about what I saw yesterday had something to do with it, or maybe it was all the stress from meeting Mara The Clown, or maybe it was a combination of the the two? I don't know.

There is also the fact that the news were already all over what happened yesterday. Luckily no fingers were pointed towards me yet, but some of the students, mainly my friends, were aware that I was in the apartment building nearby. I had to do her best to ignore the stars coming my way. Luckily, my natural ice-cold expression helps.

Another problem that was bothering me was that Mara was gone when I woke up, not a trace of where she went. I couldn't even find any proof that she was at my house. She didn't eat anything either. Even though I am quite aware that Mara can handle herself, I am more afraid of what she'll do without any supervision.

The bell ringing broke me from my thoughts and I looked up, watching my teacher, Mrs. April, enter the room. She seemed to be happier than usual too. I soon found out why,

"Greetings everyone! Today I have some good news," Mrs. April said with a small clap of her hands, "Today we have a new student. Please give her a warm welcome."

I didn't even have time to get a bad feeling when the door opened and a ball of energy jumped into the middle of the room. Unlike most of the students in the classroom she wore a white and light pink dress which complemented her bright pink eyes, blond hair, and toothy yet cute smile.

"Hello, everybody! My name is Mara and it's oh so nice to meetcha!" Mara said with a loud and absolutely shining voice. It was like looking at an angel.

Only I knew the truth. That was no angel nor some little girl. That was a monster in a little girl's skin and, going off the fact that her eyes instantly met mine, I had a feeling that my problems were far from over.

[End of the prologue arc of whatever....I hope you enjoy!]