
The Clown And The Pink-Haired Delinquent.

A Cold and logical delinquent has a new problem when an insane mercenary loli with a violence and language problem as well as a massive kill count gets a job to protect her. During the great Multiversal War, the Black Tower was seen as the villains since they wanted to control reality. That and the fact that before the war, the Black Tower was a massive mercenary company. One of their Stars, or Star Generals, was someone who went by the name Clown, or Mara the Clown. Mara is an insane highly skilled and dangerous reality-warping clown mercenary with the appearances of a nine-year-old girl and the mind of one to boot. She is well known and feared on both sides and is a total enigma. She has been known to kill both sides for money and despite being insane, she is seen as a trustworthy mother figure for the people fighting for Black Tower. Yet no one except her boss knows what she is fighting for. Well, to find that answer, you first must go all the way back to when Mara the Clown first joined the Black Tower. Back when she died in her own world and was resurrected. Back when Mara didn't quite know how to bend reality to her will. Back when Mara was given what many would see as a pretty easy task. Protect a pink-haired delinquent. .... Only the task was far harder than anyone could have ever expected. Expect a crazy, and I do mean absolutely psycho loli with a language and violence problem try to get along with a cold and logical delinquent., and also fall in love with each other too. Oh yeah, the first four chapters are not in perfect format. I made them a while ago and some of them were made and posted on my phone. Chapter five and beyond is where the chapters are fixed, and the quality goes up. (Cover Art is not mine)

Gabewest42_West · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 5: First Meeting

(The quality gets better up to this point)

Mara let out a well-deserved(at least, she thinks so) sigh and leaned back next to the glass doors of a tall apartment building, the building providing cover from the sun. It has been a very long time since she could let go on police. Years technically, though to Clown it felt like months, which was already too long. There was another reason for her sigh. The apartment building she was leaning on is where her target lives. How does she know? Well, besides the large mob to the right of the building, the added secret security, and the police reports all said so.

Mara, after she finished "playing", went to a local nearby library and accessed the computer. Of course, she needed a police code or whatever to log in to the police files. So, she went to the front desk where the librarian took one look at her, her dress covered in blood and a sniper rifle on her back, and wisely went back to reading.

"So, I need to grab one of those bodies to get the code," Mara said out loud to herself, though she was also talking to her computer at the same time.

Incorrect. We can ha-

"Hold your horses! I got this."

Mara walked out of the library and the librarian, seeing this, slowly reached for the help button underneath her desk. Before she could press it, Mara went back in, a frown on her face.

"I forgot I can teleport them," Mara muttered.

No need. Have you forgot your nano-

With a pink flash, one body of a cop appeared in the library. Mara looked him over, shook his head, and started teleporting bodies left and right into the library. The librarian, seeing all the dead cops and even the special forces, wisely decided not to press the button even once this psychopath left. After all, she wasn't sure the police could actually do something about her when most of them in the city were dead.

Mara, you don't need-

"Hey, how do I use these corpses to access the police files?" Mara asked her computer.


"Why are you so quiet?"

The next six minutes, to the librarian, was one psycho arguing with herself, talking about how the police body trick worked before, then saying that this is another world so she thought it was different from her own, then saying she isn't stupid, then saying why are you using caps if you yourself deny your emotions, and etc. Every now and then, a green flash of words appeared in front of the psycho but they were gone too fast for the librarian to make out. Well, that and she was trying her best not to stare and draw the psycho's attention.

Finally, the psycho stomped off to the computers again and, after doing whatever it is she wanted to do on the computer, stomped right on out again, leaving the bodies.



....And now back to the present! Mara made her way stealthy over to the apartment building, or by jumping off a building and onto the apartment building and sliding down next to the front door without being noticed.

It's still considered stealth if you don't get caught!

I said nothing.

You were thinking it.

No I wasn't.

Not even a little?

Not even a little.

We shall see...

Ignoring the silent computer, which doesn't make much sense, Mara opened the doors and entered. Right away she ran to two security guards. Before they could open their mouths, Mara whipped out two pink uzis out of seemingly nowhere and shot the two dead. Because the guns were silenced, no one heard a thing. It would have been a perfect crime...if it wasn't for the fact that Mara was going to keep on going, killing anyone that gets in her way.

"You know, I must say, this is a nice place. The windows are tinted so no one could see in from the outside and heavily reinforced. They could stop a bullet easily!" Mara told her computer while climbing the apartment levels, leaving a trail of dead bodies in her wake. She was on the sixth level and had run out of ammo for her uzis, which was an excuse since she did have ammo. She was just too lazy to reload them. So, she instead had two silenced shorty shotguns. How do you silence a shotgun?



....How am I suppose to know? She just did. Mara is a genius after all, if not also a dumbass.

Anyway, back to Mara who was now moving onto the eighth floor. The security has figured out something is wrong by now and had set up a barricade on the fifth floor. Mara simply used the vents and got behind them. Wasn't a fight from there folks! Nope, it was a slaughter.

"Say, how many floors does this building have again?"

Twelve, but the target is most likely located on the ninth.

"Damn does this world have some tall buildings."

Mara stopped suddenly in her tracks before smiling.

"Right now I bet you she is on the eighth where most of the guards are."

I'll take that bet. If I win, you'll start training with your teleportation use.

"And if I win, you have to read a bunch of BL manga!"



But you hate BL.

So What!?



"Maple, we are staying here for the last time."

I let out a sigh. I was currently on the phone with my bodyguard and head of security here, Frank. From what we both knew, the mob outside the building would break in within the hour and hunt me down. There was only so much one could do after all against an angry mob. If Frank opens fire on them, I could be put on trial. I knew my family wasn't a well-liked figure within the military but, at school and around this area, I was treated nicely. Normally. Where this angry mob came from I had no idea.

It was also saddening to see no one but the security here stepping out to stop the mob. None of my neighbors or friends. I was alone. Even though I know it isn't there fault, I still wish something happened.

"Frank, this can only end in two-"

"Hold on, we have an intruder!"

"Frank!? What do you mean? Are you okay?"

I didn't get an answer. Instead, the phone went dead. I backed up from my door and grabbed my bat in the corner of my room. I needed to know if Frank was alright. But, if there was an intruder, they probably had a gun. If that's the case then what can I do?

I shook my head. Now is not the time! I can't be a coward and I am nothing like my father. I'll show this intruder just who their messing with. With that in mind, I started walking towards the door-


I jumped back just in time to avoid my door which smashed on the ground, off its hinges. I grabbed my bat and stood up, ready to swing at whoever kicked my door down, when I felt something sharp press against my forehead. It was a sword and it was dripping with fresh blood. I looked at the owner of the sword and-



What is this?

Standing in front of me, almost two heads shorter than me, was a young girl. She had two long yellow twintails and pink eyes. She was wearing a pink and white dress which had some blood on it and wore fingerless black and red gloves as well as pink and white sneakers. Other than that, she wasn't wearing anything. It was a bizarre sight and, despite the sun being out, it was very windy outside. Was it some kind of cosplayer?

No, that looks exactly like-

The girl's eyes widened and she took a step back, lowering her sword and giving me a beaming smile, showing somewhat sharp teeth.

"Aha! I finally found ya. You were on the ninth floor just like...aw fuck."

The girl started frowning and walked right past me, muttering about a bet she lost. Still in a daze, I saw her frown deepen as her eyes settled in on my closet door. Before I could stop her, she threw open the closet doors where I keep my hero and villain stuff and grabbed one of my posters and ripped it off the wall, though she did do so in a clean matter. She then stomped right over to me and pointed at the poster.

"What. Is. This!?" She growled. The poster she was holding was about the villain with green skin who looked kinda like a goblin or troll who called himself Clown.

"T-that's C-clown," I get out, the theory I had on who this girl's identity is coming back stronger than before.

The girl's eyes twitched and she crumpled the poster up before throwing it against the wall in anger. Her eyes met mine briefly before she walked over to my bed and jumped on it, rolling around and pouting. After a minute, she stopped, sat up, and let out a sigh.

"Hey! You wouldn't happen to know where I can find him, do you?" The girl asked, her voice suddenly sounding much nicer.

"Umm...who are you?" I asked. At the same time, green words flashed in front of the girl's face before disappearing a second later. She sighed and got out of my bed and posed, her hands on her hips.

"I am Clown. The one and only Clown!" She introduced herself, pointing at herself.

I grabbed the nearby magazine about the only Clown I think she could be talking about and showed it to her.

"You're her?" I asked. Clown looked at the magazine before she frowned again and ripped it from my hands.

"They got my dress and mask wrong!" She pouted, throwing the magazine away.

"But yes," Clown said, spinning around to face me, "I am Clown! Or, as the magazine calls me, Mara The Clown."

"Impossible. She's dead as well as the world she lived in," I pointed out, frowning.

"Oh! Did boss mention my world was gone?" Clown asked, though I have no idea who she was talking to. She was still for two seconds before she nodded slowly, like she got an answer.

"Well, to make a long story short, my soul was collected by a machine where, after many years, the company owning that machine went and got my body where they fixed me up and brought me back to life with said machine stuffed into my poor head."




Mara frowned again.

"I was revived my a massive mercenary company called Black Tower because a computer chose me as its host," Mara told me, annoyance thick in her voice.

"So what are you doing here?" I asked before realizing that may have been a stupid question. If what she is saying is true, no, even if what she is saying isn't true, she is most likely here to kill me.

"You," Mara said, pointing at me, her voice back to being happy and a smile back on her face, "are my life mission!"

"Your what?"

Mara didn't get annoyed but instead started trembling, like she was holding back anger, though I doubt she was angry.

"I have to protect ya!" Mara burst out, dropping her sword and spreading her arms out like she was finishing some kind of act and awaiting applause.

"Why?" I asked, confused. I was sure there would be more people willing to pay much more than anyone wanting to keep me alive could.

"Your father is special or something to the company I work for," Mara explained, walking over to the windows, "and a contract was made that stopped them from protecting your father directly. So, since you are also a target, you were made priority and I was sent on the case since I am one of the best mercenaries they have...not to brag or anything."

The fact that you keep sneaking glances at me like that suggests otherwise.

"Speaking of which, I should probably do that."

And with that, Mara gently tapped the glass of one of my windows, breaking it. I felt my jaw drop in shock. Before I could ask how, Mara ran back to her sword, picked it up, and jumped right through the shattered window down to the ground below.


Mara jumped out of the window, her sword in her hand. When she was close enough to the ground, she stabbed her sword right through a nearby streetlight, (though is it a streetlight if it is owned by the apartment building?) and with a loud screeching sound, slowed her assent. Two security officers were down below, standing in front of the second entryway into the apartment building. The moment they heard the sound of glass shattering they looked up and saw Mara jump out. She landed in between them and twirled around, cutting one's head off and slicing the other one nearly in half. She swung her sword, clearing it from most of the blood on it, before looking at the stunned mob in front of her.

"Hello everybody here! Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Mara, but you shall know me by Clown."

"Now, you see that window that I jumped out of all the way up there?" Mara asked, pointing towards the window she just jumped out of and where Maple was peaking out of. The moment the crowd saw her, they started to rile up.

"That's my target. Unfortunately for you guys, she isn't the kill kind of target."

The people that heard her focused back on her, suddenly afraid. Mara, realizing that most of them weren't hearing her, whipped out a pink and silver microphone and spoke into it, the microphone working despite not being hooked up to anything.


Mara suddenly burst out laughing. When she stopped, a silver metal mask formed around her face which had no mouth, just six holes in place of it, and two eye holes. It somewhat resembled a welding mask. From the two eye holes, her pink eyes glowed.

"is to kill you all."

Mara dropped the microphone and her sword and pulled out a semi-ballistic hot pink and black assault rifle. Before anyone in the crowd could react, Mara started shooting them, the bullets from her gun going through multiple people. No one in the mob up to three hundred escaped. All of them were shot dead in less than ten minutes. Those who ran away were shot through what cover they had, the bullets from Mara's gun going right through steel and stone alike to hit their mark. When all was said and done, Mara finally reloaded her gun, even though this gun didn't actually need to reload. With a sigh, Mara made her way back into the apartment building while Maple looked at the massacre down below in horror.