
The Clown And The Pink-Haired Delinquent.

A Cold and logical delinquent has a new problem when an insane mercenary loli with a violence and language problem as well as a massive kill count gets a job to protect her. During the great Multiversal War, the Black Tower was seen as the villains since they wanted to control reality. That and the fact that before the war, the Black Tower was a massive mercenary company. One of their Stars, or Star Generals, was someone who went by the name Clown, or Mara the Clown. Mara is an insane highly skilled and dangerous reality-warping clown mercenary with the appearances of a nine-year-old girl and the mind of one to boot. She is well known and feared on both sides and is a total enigma. She has been known to kill both sides for money and despite being insane, she is seen as a trustworthy mother figure for the people fighting for Black Tower. Yet no one except her boss knows what she is fighting for. Well, to find that answer, you first must go all the way back to when Mara the Clown first joined the Black Tower. Back when she died in her own world and was resurrected. Back when Mara didn't quite know how to bend reality to her will. Back when Mara was given what many would see as a pretty easy task. Protect a pink-haired delinquent. .... Only the task was far harder than anyone could have ever expected. Expect a crazy, and I do mean absolutely psycho loli with a language and violence problem try to get along with a cold and logical delinquent., and also fall in love with each other too. Oh yeah, the first four chapters are not in perfect format. I made them a while ago and some of them were made and posted on my phone. Chapter five and beyond is where the chapters are fixed, and the quality goes up. (Cover Art is not mine)

Gabewest42_West · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 3: Check Three's Problem

Andrea walked into the room. The room wasn't unique, but that was what made it unique. Compared to the other rooms in the tower, this looks like a normal office room. A large open window on the left side making up most of the wall. The furniture was simply yet stood out, the black and the wood of the furniture being highlighted by the light coming through the window. A simple desk with a laptop on the opposite end. And the final piece, a black door leading to the bedroom. The entire room was peaceful and nostalgic.

Standing in front of the window was Andrea's boss. There are two words that can describe her. One is black. The boss has long pitch-black hair and a simple detailed black dress. On her back were two large masses of black that resembled angel wings, only without the feathers. Her skin was a dark but light grey color. Her claws were black and so were her boots.

The next would be terrifying. Her height was tall, being around what Andrea assumes is seven point two, but her features were childish like she never really grew up. The terrifying part came with her eyes. Her eyes were pure red and larger than a normal person's. They held no emotion in them and were narrowed, not narrowed as in she was annoyed but just narrowed. If one were to look into her eyes for some time, they might go insane. Her eyes gave off the vibe of something ancient. Something holy and unholy. Something to be feared and respected. Something you never ever want to anger. Something that you shouldn't know exists. Something that, despite her looks, is by no means a child.

Her red eyes lit up a bit when she saw Andrea and a dull red and black halo appeared above her head. Andrea's boss was an angel in some way. She was one of the daughters of every signal God….despite being older than almost all of them. She wasn't a God but an angel. Her actual species is that of a Trekolalace, belonging to the Treko class. At least, that is what her boss told her. How much of it is actually true and how much of it is bullshit Andrea doesn't know. She does know, however, that the resident Time God, Mesiphisence, holds her boss in high regard and says that no God is more powerful than her, so maybe there is truth in what her boss said after all.

"Andrea, I expect you have something you want to tell me?"

The boss spoke in a monotone voice. She always did. Andrea wasn't sure if her voice just sounded like that or because she was constantly bored, or both.

"I have come to tell you about the situation on Check Three," Andrea told her, doing a slight bow, "We need to do something about it cause, the situation as of right now, we have a large chance of losing that world."

Her boss blinked before walking over to her desk, signaling Andrea to follow her. When she was close enough, Andrea noticed that on the desk were papers on Mara and on Check Three and their rivals, Copper One.

She must have noticed the situation as well. I wonder what Mara has to do with it.

The boss took a seat and signaled Andrea to do the same. Once seated, her boss sorted through the papers on her desk until she showed Andrea a paper containing information and a picture of a rather delinquent-looking girl. She turned it back to herself before turning it around and pointing at a line of information.

"Daughter of Ivan Strart. What does that have to do with Check Three?"

"Ivan Strart has a massive influence in Check Three. Copper One's target will be his daughter. Without daughter, if Ivan dies, the key to stopping Copper One would be passed on to no one. Copper One very thorough with their mission. So am I. All relatives of Ivan won't activate the key. Only she is worth protecting."

Andrea was confused and impressed. Just when did her boss start looking into this? She found out just three days ago.

"Then why not protect Ivan?"

Her boss shook her head.

"A contract has been made. Since we are enemies of Copper One and their goal, they have influenced enough that Ivan being protected is strictly against Check Three. Cannot make official contract with Ivan."

"Does Check Three want to change and fall under the control of Copper One?"

"Seventy percent seem to say yes. Luckily, officials and common people still think otherwise but no military is going to help us."

"Then how are we going to do this? Going by what you said, protecting this girl will still require a contract."

"We don't need to have a contract sign if we do a life mission."

"Well, from the report I got a couple of hours ago, out of the four people we have that can actually do this kind of mission, three of them are out on their own life mission and the fourth is….well, me. And I can assume that you would have called me if you wanted me to for this mission."

"Correction: We have two."

Andrea's boss nudged the papers on Mara.

"....The Clown?"

"Yes. She has more than enough skill to get this done. It will also be a good way to get her to use more of the...the TW-....the device in her head."

Nice one, boss.

"What your asking is for her to essentially fight an entire world!"

Andrea's boss met her eyes.

"She can do it."

Andrea let out a sigh. If her boss says so, then Mara should be able to do it. It was then that another thought came to mind.

"With Mara's personality, there is going to be a high casualty count, with a good portion being civilians."

"I know that and still think that she is the right choice."



"You just want to witness the carnage and slaughter that comes with this mission, don't you?"

Andrea's boss turned to look out the window, a small blush forming on her cheeks.




Andrea let out a sigh.

"Thought so. I'll tell my crew to get ready to do some overtime. No wonder why I felt a headache coming," Andrea added silently.

"Then you are dismissed," Andrea's boss told her, giving her a wave goodbye. It wasn't meant to be a rude gesture but more of something that she does. Honestly, if you never looked at her eyes and just listened to her voice and actions, anyone would think that Andrea's boss is a child.

With that, Andrea left the office. Outside, she gave Mara a slight nod before leaving, silently screaming in her head at why Mara was playing with two dinosaur figures that definitely weren't there before.


I've seen my boss, Ark, a couple of times before. The most memorable memory I have of her though was the first time I met her, which was when I was getting surgery when I was brought back. She was the first person in a long time to make me feel like I was safe. The warm smile she gave me despite being the boss here personally did not make any sense. Even now I cannot comprehend why she gave me that smile. I honestly thought her an idiot. Still kinda do to this day but I now know that she's pretty smart. Smart and ruthless.

I shook my head to clear myself of these thoughts. I nodded at Andrea and watched as she entered the elevator. Once the elevator doors closed, I stood up, twitching half out of excitment and half out of how nervous I am. This can either go really well or I can get a boring task. It all depends on my boss. I guess this must be what office workers feel when their boss calls for them. I wouldn't know since Imy job was being a mercenary. People wanted me for killing or guarding rather than working at an office building. I mean, I've been in one before. At least four times during jobs and twice before I started working. I think I ask-

Mara. Ark.

Ah! Sorry. Got carried away again.

I went into Ark's room and nearly had a heart attack when she appeared right in front of me. After a bit of catching my breath, Ark smiled and went back to her seat.

"Clown Mara. Please do take a seat. I am not sorry about scaring you."

"Didn't think you were."

I took a seat in front of Ark's desk and noticed that there were files about me out on it. On one of them, there was a picture of me with a fake mustache…

...How does she have that?

"I'll get right to the point, Mara. You are receiving your life mission."


Ark went through the pile of papers on her desk and pulled out one with a black and white picture of what looked to be some delinquent-looking girl with twintails.

"Check Three is in danger. In order for us to continue doing business there, we need someone who can kill a lot of people without getting hurt too much. Someone who can shrug off bullet wounds and can heal themselves fast. Someone with enough skill and smarts to kill an entire special ops team multiple times. Someone who won't give a shit when it comes to moral and completing their mission."

I'm That! I'm ll of that!

"Unfortunately, that is not you."



"....I'm just joking. Your mission is to protect this girl."


Your thoughts are showing.

"But you said, uh, that I would be, um, dealing with special ops and-"

Ark blinked and raised her hand, telling me to stop.

"I did, and you are. This girl is wanted dead by another world. To say that this girl isn't going to be alive in two or even one more day is an actual understatement."

Ark put her hand on my shoulder.

"Mara, we need this to be done. Can you do it?"

I grabbed the document showing the target I was supposed to protect. I have protected others in the past but, to think that for my life mission I would be protecting one girl…

….Still, my boss seems to think this is an actual problem. My boss needs me. I guess if I'm going to do this for anything, it should be the money.

"....You got it, boss. I'll get it done."

I lowered the paper and was met with Ark's warm and rare smile.

"I knew I could count on you."

I got up and spun around to leave.

"Oh, Mara."

I looked over to see my boss giving me a knowing smile.


"Check Three has quite a bit of connection to your old world."

I felt a dangerous smile form on my face.

"Thanks for the information, Ark. I'll put it to good use."

I'm so gonna cause a genocide.

Once again, sorry for posting this late.

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