
The Clown And The Pink-Haired Delinquent.

A Cold and logical delinquent has a new problem when an insane mercenary loli with a violence and language problem as well as a massive kill count gets a job to protect her. During the great Multiversal War, the Black Tower was seen as the villains since they wanted to control reality. That and the fact that before the war, the Black Tower was a massive mercenary company. One of their Stars, or Star Generals, was someone who went by the name Clown, or Mara the Clown. Mara is an insane highly skilled and dangerous reality-warping clown mercenary with the appearances of a nine-year-old girl and the mind of one to boot. She is well known and feared on both sides and is a total enigma. She has been known to kill both sides for money and despite being insane, she is seen as a trustworthy mother figure for the people fighting for Black Tower. Yet no one except her boss knows what she is fighting for. Well, to find that answer, you first must go all the way back to when Mara the Clown first joined the Black Tower. Back when she died in her own world and was resurrected. Back when Mara didn't quite know how to bend reality to her will. Back when Mara was given what many would see as a pretty easy task. Protect a pink-haired delinquent. .... Only the task was far harder than anyone could have ever expected. Expect a crazy, and I do mean absolutely psycho loli with a language and violence problem try to get along with a cold and logical delinquent., and also fall in love with each other too. Oh yeah, the first four chapters are not in perfect format. I made them a while ago and some of them were made and posted on my phone. Chapter five and beyond is where the chapters are fixed, and the quality goes up. (Cover Art is not mine)

Gabewest42_West · Fantasy
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9 Chs

A School Outing Shouldn't Involve Guns!

I think it's been a day or so since I woke up here. Where here was, I don't know, but I do know is that it clearly is a basement, and that I wasn't alone. There was a girl here too. Rebecca Kite. If I remember correctly, she went missing the same exact day the new transfer student came in, which meant she has been gone for at least three to four days or so. She was strapped into a chair with a gag made of black cloth in her mouth, with the same piece of cloth being long enough to wrap around her head and cover her eyes.

Now, I tried to get to her but, like I said, I wasn't alone down here. In front of her was some kind of light pink and silver somewhat futuristic turret, or sentry gun. It wasn't doing anything aside from slowly yet silently swirling on its whatever, looking around the room. If I ever got close to Rebecca, it would swivel around and face me. If I moved any closer, it would make a clicking sound and, just upon hearing it, I knew it just cocked itself like someone would for a gun.

Seeing as how I don't want to die, I decided to speak to Rebecca from the safety out the entrance to the maze. Yep. That's right! There is a literal maze in this basement, and in that maze is some kind of metal dog that I am pretty sure is guarding the key that leads out of this place. So far, I have failed to get close, and I know that part of the reason is because I'm a coward. I spent most of my time trapped here next to the maze entrance right next to the stairs out of the basement and the room where Rebecca is trapped. Since she is, well, gagged and blind, she can't really talk to me aside from nodding. Even if she could nod or shake her head, I couldn't get much out of her to the point where I think she is too scared to talk about certain things.

She's also...a lot cuter and more feminine now. Before, she could easily be seen as a guy despite how her hair is styled and her feminine face, but now, even with the gag and blindfold, she is un-mistakingly pretty and girlish. I just...can't find the words to describe it. I may...want to see if she wants to go out with me if we get out of this alive.


I wonder if anyone is looking for us? I mean, they should be, right? How many days does it take for a missing person be reported as, well, missing? I really wished I paid more attention in class since I am pretty sure they went over that. I was getting sick of being stuck in the basement and, for whatever reason, not feeling hunger. Well, I do know the reason for that one.

I had a nightmare last night. In the nightmare, I woke up to see the metal dog looming over me. It wasn't really a dog, but it was the closest thing I could describe it as. It was made of metal without any trace of fur, and their mouth was wide and rectangular in shape, looking more like some kind of robotic minion monster, and the inside of its mouth glowed pink.

In the nightmare, it pinned me down and brought its massive jaws close to me head. Just as I was about to close my eyes and accept my death, a needle sprung out of its mouth and stabbed me in the neck.

The nightmare ended after that but, when I woke up, I realized that it wasn't quite a dream when I found a small band aid in my neck. I think that robot, for whatever reason, is keeping me alive. Still, I don't want to risk going into the maze. I don't want to risk seeing if the robot is keeping me alive as long as I stay away from the key or not and is, in fact, "friendly".

"Hello, depressed girl. You doin' okay?"

I perked up at the new voice. She sounded very familiar, but I couldn't quite put my finger on where I heard it before. Regardless, it didn't matter. Whoever they were, they were clearly not in any danger by the sound of their voice, which means they are probably the one, if not involved, with me and Rebecca being here.

She might be some yandere bitch since the damn robot dog is keeping me alive, but I'm not into crazy. I already decided on what to do.

Getting up, I charged out into the main room. I saw a somewhat small person wearing pink. I recognized her instantly as the new student, Mara, before my vision went black. It took me a moment to realize I was flying through the air and slammed against the wall on the opposite side of the room.

My back ached but, luckily, I don't think anything broke. However, when I looked up, I saw Mara two feet away from me, a pink and light grey pistol aimed directly at my face.

"About time ya wokey wokey while I was here," Mara said, chuckling, "I almost thought you were half-nocturnal or something."

I let out a growl as I backed up against the wall.

"Wh-what do you w-want!?" I growled, wanting to stay defiant despite the danger right in front of me.

"Hmm... Hmmm..." Mara hummed, her eyes twinkling as she thought of an answer, or mockingly pretended to think of one.

"...You," She decided with a less peppy grin, her voice coming out almost like a snarl.

So, she does want me! Well, too bad. I'm not some pushover, psycho!

"Sorry, but I won't go out with you no matter what you do!"

The look of utter disbelief on her face nearly distracted me from my chance to get free and teach this Bitch a lesson. Lunging forward, I ripped her gun out of her hands and aimed it at her head and, not caring that she still hasn't reacted, probably because I was too fast and that she was still stunned over my utter and total rejection and pulled the trigger.

I expected her head to blow up, or at least the sound of something, but instead there was nothing. The expression on Mara's face was still the same, and is it just me or is my hand a little numb? In fact, it's starting to hurt-

It took me a couple of seconds to register what I saw, but when I did, my legs felt weak. Mara's sharp fingernail was sticking through my hand, mainly stabbed in the middle of my pointer, stopping me from pressing the trigger. Not only did she go through a knuckle, but she also went right through the bone of my finger. I can see the bone sticking out.

Finally, Mara blinked, and her eyes flickered between my finger and me.

"No... I mean, don't get me wrong. I dug into your information," Mara chirped, her smile and bubbly voice coming back like nothing even happened, "That's how I found out you were that title for three four years, and two of those years in a row, and one of them was this year, with another being two years."

She leaned closer, her smile growing, showing her sharp teeth.

"That name of yours, class "Clown"...It's not yours," She let out a tiny giggle that drove every single sense in me into overdrive; every instinct screaming danger.

She reared her arm back, her hand folding and taking the shape of a spearhead. Seeing my life flash before my eyes, I racked my head for a solution.

"Class Clown Is Just A Silly Title!" I cried, hoping it'll work. After a few seconds of nothing happening, I opened my eyes and saw that her hand stopped what had to be two inches in front of my neck.

I let out a mental sigh, relief flooding through me. However, it was short lived when I met her eyes. Her face was darkened, but her eyes glowed through, almost like they were glowing in the dark, and there was not a shred of kindness in them.

"Just a title? Just A Title!?" She snapped, her body beginning to twitch. If she was aware or bothered by her twitching, she showed no sign of it, "I dedicated Everything into gaining that title. I've killed people, been tortured many times, and even died for this title. I've Thrown Away Everything That I've Known FOR THAT TITLE!!"

Everything was going dark at this point, and it took me a moment to realize she was strangling me, lifting me up with one hand above her head. I tried to plead, but nothing came out.

Her eyes have changed. It may be due to paranoia, fear, lack of oxygen, or all of the above combined, but her eyes looked like they were drawn in a kid drawing, like the sun, while her teeth glowed just like her eyes in the dark, showing all her pointy teeth in all their unnatural, sharp, and horrifying glory.

"Even if I Die Once More, I'll Always Be The Clown!"


. . . .

"Isn't that the missing girl?" I asked, knowing full well how dumb I must look while pointing one finger at the much better-looking Rachel.

Mara looked at Rachel, then back at me with the same cheerful expression on her face, "Yep!"

"But wait, there's more!" Mara exclaimed before reaching into the bushes that surround the little clearing, she promptly dragged me to so she could show me a 'surprise'. Sure, seeing one of the missing students in my school is a surprise, but I can't help but get a very Strong feeling that Mara is the one responsible for making her disappear in the first place. Well, it's either that or she really did do something good and save Rachel from some kidnappers. If that's the case, then I must be acting like a total jerk right now.

"Hey, Mara. Can I ask you a ques-Oh my God, where did you get that shotgun from!?"

"This?" Mara asked, pointing towards the big-ass pink futuristic pump-shotgun in her hands, "Why, I hid it in this here bush!"

And of course, she said it like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"Besides, this one hasn't been fully hooked up to my nanos yet, so I can't just make it appear out of nowhere," Mara added casually, "I mean, it's a new model I made, after all."

"Please, put that away."

Mara cocked her head, confused.

"Ummm...why? I mean, having a weapon out makes it easier to protect you."

"Because, Mara," I clasp my hands together, attempting to remain as calm as possible, "A School Outing Shouldn't Involve Guns!"

"But we're at the beach," Mara pointed out, her lack of understanding nearly causing me to pull my hair out.

"It's Called A Field Trip!" I practically scream.

Before Mara could say something, Rachel places a finger on my lips.

"Shhhh. You'll attract the others, and I frankly don't want to cause a scene and ruin your trip."

...Did my heart just throb? Did I seriously find that shy girl cute? Well, that sure is something.

"What's the matter, Maple?" Mara asked, leaning forward, her face inches from me, "In my opinion, what she said ma-"

I cut her off by promptly jumping back with a yelp, for some reason being very uncomfortable with her being so close to me.

To my surprise, Mara seemed generally hurt for a second or two before she shook her head, her cheery expression returning.

"Well, you go on ahead. Me and Rachel will join you later," Mara casually tossed her shotgun back into the bush, "We have to go get rid of a body of some kid who thought he could take my name and title."

"Ah. Okay," I reply, a bit out of it. However, it didn't take long for me to realize what she just said.

"Wait, say that aga-" I asked, blinking once before looking where Mara was...well, was. She and Rachel were both gone, leaving me alone in the clearing.

"Well, this sucks."