
The Clown And The Pink-Haired Delinquent.

A Cold and logical delinquent has a new problem when an insane mercenary loli with a violence and language problem as well as a massive kill count gets a job to protect her. During the great Multiversal War, the Black Tower was seen as the villains since they wanted to control reality. That and the fact that before the war, the Black Tower was a massive mercenary company. One of their Stars, or Star Generals, was someone who went by the name Clown, or Mara the Clown. Mara is an insane highly skilled and dangerous reality-warping clown mercenary with the appearances of a nine-year-old girl and the mind of one to boot. She is well known and feared on both sides and is a total enigma. She has been known to kill both sides for money and despite being insane, she is seen as a trustworthy mother figure for the people fighting for Black Tower. Yet no one except her boss knows what she is fighting for. Well, to find that answer, you first must go all the way back to when Mara the Clown first joined the Black Tower. Back when she died in her own world and was resurrected. Back when Mara didn't quite know how to bend reality to her will. Back when Mara was given what many would see as a pretty easy task. Protect a pink-haired delinquent. .... Only the task was far harder than anyone could have ever expected. Expect a crazy, and I do mean absolutely psycho loli with a language and violence problem try to get along with a cold and logical delinquent., and also fall in love with each other too. Oh yeah, the first four chapters are not in perfect format. I made them a while ago and some of them were made and posted on my phone. Chapter five and beyond is where the chapters are fixed, and the quality goes up. (Cover Art is not mine)

Gabewest42_West · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 7: Was School Always This Hard?

(And with this, the story on this site is all caught up. See ya when I update the story once again!)

During the three days since Mara somehow became a student here, which may or may not involve the sudden fire that started near our school and the sudden disappearance of the cop outside, I learned quite a bit about her. The biggest thing that I have learned is that I have no idea how Mara could ever have been born. She is stupid, and I mean Stupid. It's like she is a nine year old. Yet, when it comes to certain subjects, such as some things in math and angles, no one can even hope to top her.

She doesn't know much about biology but, when it comes to organs and the such, she remembers every single one a human to even a bird has. She knows how to graph extremely well, yet can't to much multiplication and division. She knows quite a lot about percentages yet not much about fractions. She knows an extensive amount about battle tactics and weaponry in history, and about the mindset of the famous figures, but not much about history itself. She didn't even know what anime was until a few years back. Then there is English class...which I won't even think about to save myself from another headache.

The only subject which I wasn't surprised about was gym. She aced everything and made everyone look like weaklings while doing it. She managed to do twenty pushups by the time the gym teacher himself did six. The first time I saw it, I had to see her do more just to make sure she really did twenty. Then, during the morning jog around the gym room, her jog was more of a sprint, and her sprint speed, when one of the gym teachers asked her why she was sprinting and Mara wanted to prove to him that she wasn't, was terrifying.

I mean, I saw first hand a fraction of what she is capable of, and have read all the stories of what she did, but seeing just how different she is from everyone else was something else. If she was in a cheesy horror flick, she would be the one the killer stays far away from. In fact, in order for the movie to happen, she would have to not be in the town in the first place less she and the killer stumble upon each other.

Then, when we played dodgeball mixed in with capture the flag.....is there really something to say? No one hit her, and no one was safe if they became her target. The very first time she grabbed the ball, she held it too tightly and it tore in her grip. The second time and she threw it too hard that the ball broke. Luckily, the ball hit no one since she wanted to use it as a distraction. However, needless to say, she got warned by the gym teachers to take it down a notch. I have no doubt in my mind that everyone wants her in their sports team.

Her confusing scores, some being horribly bad while others being the best of the best, is the only reason why she wasn't moved to the special education classes.

I'm also surprised by how no one has died yet, and how no one has recognized her as the Clown. Sure, not everyone is into things like that since there is a lot of other things going into the world but, not one person so much as looked like they even recognized her in the slightest.

Actually, I take back what I said about no one dying. A student in my gym and art class went missing the day Mara came in to our school, and the class clown suddenly disappeared, with no one having a clue to where he went. I have a good feeling of where he went. While Mara was going through the school newspaper, she read about him and muttered something about a nearby lake, which I only heard because I was close enough to her. Also, I'm pretty sure she said something about a shotgun and then a lake, which gives me much more images and details to work with the fate of said class clown.

She also has barely talked to me since, and she never returned to my house. Every time I left school, I would see her rush off to somewhere. What's she doing is beyond me, especially since I haven't seen or heard about any any disappearances or deaths around the town in the news and the paper. Even my work friends have said things in the area have been going smoothly around their areas of patrol and business. for some reason, the fact that I have no clue of what she's up to is worrying me more than if I knew she was killing people. It kinda makes me sound like a horrible person, wishing she was killing people since, if she was, I would at least know about it, than her being all mysterious.

Honestly, who knew school was always this hard? Well, it wasn't, but Mara sure made it that way.

. . . . . . . .

"Was school always this hard?" Mara asked, leaning forward while the hand her head was resting on pressed deeper into her left cheek.

"Mara, you dropped out of school when you were nine years old," Andrea pointed out, raising an eyebrow.

"...Yeah, that would make sense why school is much harder than I remember it being," Mara said, her eyes glued to the slushie she has in her right hand.

Currently, Andrea and Mara were on a planet known as Tunin, which is a planet colonized by Copper One, which they then proceeded to forget about. It was not only free from pretty much their jurisdiction, but it was close enough to Check Three that Mara can easily teleport, with the help of Andrea of course, to her target if something goes south.

Surprisingly, or not really, Mara has been working during her free time, using the armory on this planet to modern-rise some of her weapons while creating new ones. She also has been learning all about Copper One and the ships they use to keep the rift between their whole bunch of worlds and the world of Check Three open, trying to find the best way to close it in case she has to. The contract between The Black Tower and Copper One doesn't state that The Black Tower cannot attack the rift between Copper One and Check Three. The only reason why Black Tower wasn't doing it was because of the risk factor. Ark knows they can lose quite the amount of lives if they aren't careful, and they will hurt their reputation by attacking as well. While Check Three is a large source of income, Ark would rather lose it than lose lives and soil her company's reputation.

However, no one said Mara herself couldn't close the rift. Because of that, Mara is looking into it. This will be her second time destroying some kind of rift, and this time, she is definitely more prepared to do so.

"Anyway, aren't you hot in that large dark red hood of yours, Andrea?" Mara asked, taking her head off her hand and sitting up straight, "Shouldn't ya take it off and, I don't know, change your outfit?"

Andrea's eyes narrowed and, after a sip of her own strawberry slushie, answered.

"Shouldn't you change your outfit, which is the same dress you have been wearing non-stop for over eight months?"

"...Why did you make it so that I can take a shower with it on then?" Mara countered, raising an eyebrow.

"It was made so your clothes wouldn't get bogged down in the rain," Andrea responded, letting out a small sigh.

While she likes that Mara is actually innocent, or as innocent as her messed up child mind can be, it sure is hard to deal with children without treating them, or her, as children. All the business people she talks to are adults, grown ups, or are at least close to being all grown up. Mara, it seems, will never grow up. Not only can her body not grow older but, if someone were to force her mind to grow up, the results would no doubt be disastrous.

"So, going back to the whole point of this conversation, why are you asking for one of the demi-human cat girls?" Andrea asked, hoping to wrap up their conversation. She's on a tight schedule and only has a two hour break, which she would rather spend doing something she likes than have an emergency talk with Mara.

"Well, seeing as Check Three has a bunch of heroes and villains, I want my own henchmen and, seeing as I have a perfect candidate, I want to give her a prime example of what to be like all while using said dark slash purple-haired and lightish or something purple eyed captain to do so," Mara explained, kicking her legs under the table as she took a nice long sip from her cherry slushie.

"...I see," Andrea got out, trying her best to not let out a sigh, "I'll go see what I can do about getting Sarah. In the meantime, you should really get back and spend some more time with your target. A good relationship between you and your target can go a long way."

"Not unless your target becomes a yandere for ya," Mara pointed out, giving Andrea a smirk.

Andrea's eyes flared and she nearly crushed her slushie.

"R-really!? Bringing her up is a l-low blow," Andrea snapped, choking on her own salvia.

In response, Mara simply pointed behind Andrea, causing Andrea to look behind her.

Upon seeing the massive and strange shadow of the nearby alleyway, Andrea's skin went pale.

"Oh...oh Fuck no!" Andrea pretty much screamed before disappearing in a mass of blue and purple strands of light.

The mass of shadows peaking out of the alleyway, after two seconds, got out, forming a massive puddle of shadow on the ground, and slithered up right next to Mara. From within, two massive narrowed red eyes appeared, giving Mara an annoyed look.

"I'll give ya four gold coins," Mara said, taking out four gold coins from seemingly nowhere, "Two for letting me live, and two for pictures of Andrea's reaction so I can make fun of her with it later."

The shadows did nothing for a couple of seconds before a black monster-like hand with orange claws emerged from the shadows and, after Mara dropped the four golden coins into the shadow puddle, shook her hand.