
the closed lotus

the manic rise of a twisted woman

Abdulrahmon_Tijani · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The orchid which blooms like a Lotus

teacher 1: "Orchids are beautiful plants, but that beauty is often fake, or copied, orchids when young trick plants or fungi into feeding them, by mimicking the look of a friendly plant or a plant of the same species, this is an example of blah blah blah blah"

Mania:"So orchids are like the nobles in the sky,tricking the people into giving taxes while promising a return of better infrastructure instead using the money for lavish parties,so called "wars" which are just schemes to strengthen the military so that the public will be too scared to rebel"

teacher 1:"Hey no politics in class! for slandering the wonderful nobles who have brought prosperity to our land, brought us better infrastructure and many other things, I will have to call the inquisitor!"

Mania"Please sir, don't, i'm sorry for slandering the nobles.*laughs*,like hell I am cock sucker,keep on sucking the nobles off piece of shit as----"

teacher 1:"I'm baffled, how could one of the Haserburgs be so disrespectful to the nobles who they fought so hard to save in the last war, do you not remember your dad's actions way back then?"

Mania:"My dad had a kind heart but he had a small brain, he isn't someone I would look up to, but at least he wasn't a pussy like you, I remember my dad told me that,that day you were groveling under the carriers boot, begging he wouldn't send you to war.*laughs obnoxiously*

teacher 1:"*face blushes*, okay I've had it with your attitude, follow me outside!"

Mania:"*takes something from her bag and puts it in her pocket*sure teach"

Mania:"How long do we have to keep walking?"

teacher 1:"We're here"

Mania:"So teach why did you call me out her---"

teacher 1:"*takes off clothes*,I'll let you off the hook if you do me one favo---*slash*"

Mania:"I expected this, I mean with your gay ass pedo haircut I already knew you were a pedo like common bro you look like you enjoy cupcakes *laughs and keeps slashing*"

teacher 1:"Man fuck you, my hair is hereditary,you know I hate how you automatically view me as a villain just because am bald,I didn't even take off my pants, I was just showing you my scars from the inquisitor Dipshit"

Mania:"Oh sorry dude but imma still have to kill you, I know you def gonna snitch"

teacher 1:"You right, I'm def gonna snitch, just kill me, I've got nothing to lose anyways, our village is basically a slave to the nobles, nothing progresses here anyways, just kill me and eat me"

Mania:"Bro that's kinda weird not gonna lie, I'm not into Vore *laughs *"

teacher 1:"you dumb ass,did you not pay attention to any of my lessons mana is blah blah blah blah blah blah if you eat a mana filled creature you get absorb some of its mana, humans are very mana filled just like blah blah blah blah blah"

Mania:"Okay bro I guess you got a point, do I cook you or?"

teacher 1:"Raw, cooking boils the mana"

Mania:"Okay teach, I haven't had meat in a while so I don't mind"

teacher 1:"You're sick you know that right?"

Mania:"Yes, yes I am but wanna start teacher 1?"

teacher 1:"my name isn't teacher 1!,it's blah blah blah blah"

Mania:"Okay, lets start,*slashes his head off, killing him instantly,*begins to ravage his body,except for the balls of course*"

2 minutes later

Mania:"Damn that was a good meal, and I feel way stronger lemme try a spell, my dad taught me,*draws a circle with minimal centripetal force with small semi circles with a lot of centripetal force*, this should be enough!"

suddenly 5 small shadows come out

5 shadows:"Master we are at your control"

Mania:"Damn thats cool as hell, okay shadow 1, I've got a task for you!, steal me some cookies"

shadow 1:"As you wish master, *begins his journey with a tiny shadow backpack*"

Mania:"So~~~ cute, well good luck on your journey, report your journey once you return!"

shadow 1:"As you command*begins his journey to the cookie shop*"


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