
the closed lotus

the manic rise of a twisted woman

Abdulrahmon_Tijani · Fantasy
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2 Chs

chapter -1: the rose which blooms like a orchid

teacher -1:"roses, are beautiful plants with a red velvet look, enticing yet dangerous, this is why the main character of "WendRun" is named Rose, because it is a form of symbolism between the main character and her true nature. She always acts as though she was an illustrious unreachable elegant princess, but in fact, the truth is the opposite, she schemes, spies, kidnaps,eats, so Serena can you read your summary for the book?"

Serena:"of course sir, the book "WendRun" is a political commentary of the ruling palace in the year of the loss, in which Rose is a representation of the king's wife, who would act elegant and kind to the king and people but in secret she would sell the royal document to her home country, which led to the vassalisation of the kingdom, and the subsequent failed rebellion and instability in the western region. the book then ends with a scene of Rose dying drunk in the streets rotten and beaten mirroring the way the king's wife died, thrown away by her kingdom in order to quell the rebellion"

teacher -1:"very good Serena, now Mania, blah blah blah blah blah"

Mania:"blah blah blah blah "

teacher -1:"blah blah blah blah!"

teacher -1:"blah blah blah,follow me outside!"

them:*goes outside*

Serena: "this nigger,really do get me bussing"

*busses down sexual style*