
The Chronicles of Ken

A man who recently died found himself floating in a void when he is visited by an entity that sends him to a world of heroes and villains. The only problem is that he never wanted to go in the first place. Follow along as he traverses this new world and tries to be a decent person through this cruel world.

Panda_core57 · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

New Life New World No Choice

After my encounter with that entity I was no longer in the void. Still floating I think, but it also had this odd warm feeling and sometimes I could hear what I think are voices. Well don't really know what's going on or why, but there isn't much to do now except wait.

It wasn't long before I was being pushed out of wherever I was, after what felt like hours I was finally out in the cold and I'm not ashamed to say I cried out in shock. My skin felt sensitive and I was surrounded by cold. Things that I could only assume to be hands passed me from person to person. I still couldn't see anything but my hearing did become clearer and less muffled tho it did still sounded like I had cotton in my ears.

*General pov*

Doctor:" Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Yamamoto it's a healthy baby boy."

Mr. Yamamoto:" Do you hear that love it's a boy, look at him he is sure to grow up strong and as handsome as me with and a great quirk."

Mrs. Yamamoto:"huff....huff let me see him, look at him he already has a little tuft of white hair on his head."

Mr. Yamamoto:" See this is why we fight, this is why we do the things that we do, so he has a better and brighter future. So that he isn't oppressed like we were. He is why we follow Redestro."

Mrs. Yamamoto:" Yes dear we fight so he will have a better future and one day he will fight for that future to."

------------------Time skip 4 years--------------


Over the last four years I learned a lot about where I was and who my parents are. Oddly enough they are both very connected to one another. For the short while I have been with them, they both seem very fond of telling me about quirks and how great they are and how those with weak/no quirks are beneath us and are barley human. They seemed to almost go on tangents when quirks and quirk laws came up. They would go on about being oppressed and all that, not gunna lie kinda stopped listening when I figured out, they were racist. Oh Yeah, my new name is Ken Yamamoto or Yamamoto Ken, even after four years I'm still trying to get used to some of the difference of my new life.

Right now, I'm on my way to the quirk doctor with both of my parents. From what I was told I could get my mother's quirk Kyumi Yamamoto has the ability to make any knife/sword any bladed weapon really as long as she could hold it in her hand or hands. As for my father Koto Yamamoto could copy any quirk that came from the hands. For example, our neighbor could produce flames but only from his hands he could copy his quirk but not my mother's. He could copy up to five quirks for three hours. 

I was admittedly nervous quirks back in my old world was quirk mostly a descriptive word for something odd or peculiar, and in I certain anime I now found myself in it is the name for one's superpower. Truthfully I don't even know if I have one, it's not like in some fanfics where they talked to a God and got to choose what kind of power they got. I don't know what I met in the void only that I'm pretty sure it sent me here and I didn't give me a golden finger at least I don't think it did.

The wait was long for me and my parents, both for completely different reasons. My parents were excitedly discussing my possible quirk. Me on the other hand was thinking about the little money I managed to swipe and cloths I stashed away encase things went sideways, and I had to run for it. That's hoping that they don't outright kill or abandon me on our way home if I turn out to be quirkless. 

After two hours of testing, we all sat in a room looking at an x-ray of an extra joint on my pinky toe. The atmosphere in the room was cold and hostile. From the corner of my eyes, I could see my parents eyeing me with a mix of emotions anger, guilt, sadness and acceptance. Acceptance but not for me, not for what I lacked, acceptance for what they must do.

The relationship between me and my parents wasn't super close, but they cared for me as much as any parent should. Over the past four years I came to care for them do a degree despite their racist tendencies. Right now, however as we drive home from the doctors, my parents both refused to look at me the atmosphere resembling that of a funeral like they just lost me and were already mourning me. My mother quietly sniffles was the only sound that was in the car. My father kept his eyes firmly on the road and a tight grip on the steering wheel.

When we arrive home, I was sent straight to my room. I could hear muffled voices through the eerily quiet house. I was getting my go bag consisting of food clothes water paper a phone that i stole from my parents and whatever money I could scrape together or steal. While not proud of the fact that I stole especially from my new parents when I figured out what world I was in and what kind of people my parents where I wasn't taking any chances. In less than five minutes I had everything packed and ready to go and was at the top of the stares listening to my parents talk.


Kyumi:" This can't be happening to him to us, this has to be some kind of sick joke!" She begged almost on the verge of yelling.

Koto:" This isn't a joke this is real our son is quirkless you saw the x-rays same as me." The somber and resigned tone cut off my mother's soon to be rant like a hot knife through butter. The silence the followed afterwards was suffocating.

Kyumi:" I...I can't he...he is Was my son.... we could drop him off at an orphanage or maybe the downtown area in Musutafu where the rest of his kind are." It was a resigned and pleading tone almost too quiet to hear. Silence reined again in the house before my father spoke.

Koto:"No." While barley a whisper it might as well be as loud as an explosion. My mother flinched away at the words. "He...it can't be allowed to live it...it's for the best a sacrifice for the benefit of everyone...allowing it to live would be cruel putting hi...it out its misery is an act of mercy... one that this world wouldn't give him." Starting out quietly almost confused going more on reflex based on his past beliefs than anything. Slowly became more resigned and surer of himself as he spoke.

Kyumi:"I...I...*sigh* I won't stop you but... please... make it painless I don't want to see it until it's done." Her voice echoed though the house in acceptance and sorrow. Koto grabbed her hand tightly and pulled her close for not only her comfort but his as well.

Koto:"It'll be done tomorrow let it rest today...it will give me time to make it look like an accident."

*Ken's POV*

"It will give me time to make it look like an accident."

'Ight ima head out' I had hoped that my parents would, I dunno change their minds or something but I suppose that was wishful thinking. We lived in Musutafu one of the M.L.A (Meta Liberation Army) spy cells, I guess? But that doesn't matter right now my destination is downtown. My parents always told me to avoid that place because of the "quirkless trash" there but now it's the best place to get lost in but also the most dangerous.

Climbing down from the second floor on my house took longer than I care to admit but I got it done all the same. Staying in the shadows and going unnoticed was far easier than it should be, my white hair was my most memorable/noticeable trait and was easy to cover with my slightly too big coat. Late as it was when I reached the the city center it was alive. While harder to go unnoticed it was easier to get lost in the crowd especially with my height of 111cm. My new life as a street rat had just begun and had a better start than most. Although I'm pretty sure I am among the youngest... I hope.

--------------------Time skip 2 year-----------------


I took to the life of petty thief and street rat surprisingly fast. My last life was fairly nice not without hardships but nothing like this. Hero's didn't really come this way unless a "villain" came this way, or they were underground and even then most if not all of them spend there time on rooftops trying to act like batman. My opinion on hero's wasn't the best. Ignoring those who lived in this part of town because of what they lacked or because what they had wasn't socially acceptable. So many "villains" were actually people who couldn't get a job because there villainous quirk or lack of one. It was honestly sad and depressing to see so many people end up like this. Over the last year I did manage to make a few friends, most of them were the quirkless like me.

The streets, while dangerous wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I did have a few close calls with kidnapping and the local gangs but overall nothing I couldn't weasel my way out of, and the few beatings I did get I was able to walk away from usually with a bloody nose, split lip and some cuts and bruises. All around i'm not in the best place in my life, but far from rock bottom.


"Look at these lowly pieces of shit!" A loud and obnoxious voice cut through the street as the familiar sound of fists impacting person rang through the street. "You know me and my friends here got a little lost on our way home, and we wound up in this dump. Why don't you help us out by giving us whatever money you have and help us get home... or I might accidentally lose control of my quirk next time I hit you." A sick smile stretched across his face as his hands took on a silver sheen. This sight wasn't uncommon sometimes those people were gangsters, sometimes kids looking to let out steam on someone, shit even low ranking hero's have done it from time to time, out of sight of coarse, and in the name of justice. These people however seem to have on school uniforms and judging based on looks a fairly good school. 


'*sigh* you know it's times like this where I get into the most trouble' these were my thoughts as I grabbed the crow bar attached to my backpack. 'Today was gunna be one of those days where I get involved even when I shouldn't. However, in my last life I didn't let shit like this fly, and I'm not gunna start letting it fly now.' Walking swiftly and silently I noticed there were three of them. The two in the back joking around and laughing as the main one was assaulting the old man. I went for the guy attacking the old man first. A base ball swing to the back of the knee had him scream in surprise and pain. Quickly raising the crowbar above my head I aimed for his jaw. Before he or his two stunned friends could react. A wet crack echoed through the street and a pained and muffled scream soon followed. Not stopping I went for the next person.

"Hey! Who the fuck do you thiii!" An upward swing interrupted joker 1 mid yell as the crowbar hit him in his nads. Gasping and clutching at his crotch he fell to his knees where my crowbar met the side of his head with a dull thud. The joker 2 stood there shocked and taking steps back. 

"You! Leave your wallets and take your friends and get the fuck off of my street now!" I yelled trying to look as intimidating as possible, hoping he would be to shocked and scared to do anything. The only reason I could do what I did was out of surprise and shock trying to go after this guy would end up with me getting my ass beat at best. He pulled his wallet out and dropped it before screaming about a villain attack and running off. Leaving his two friends behind.

After collecting the money and giving some to old homeless man, me him and everyone else in the area booked it out of there before the "hero's" could arrive. I was gunna have to lay low for a couple of days "*sigh*" 'when someone is isakia'd aren't they supposed to be like op and live easy lives this shit sucks!' I screamed internally. I was now six standing at 136cm with white hair tied in a pony tail with golden eyes. I wore mostly dark clothes, I did my best to get cargo pants for the pockets, a new to me backpack that an suspiciously unconscious kid had on him. It felt a little weird calling someone technically older than me kid but I was like 24 almost 25 when died don't know how long I was in the void for and six now so like 30ish mentally. Looking at my loot I knew it wasn't enough I had to go out and pick some pockets.

Going to the heart of the city where your average Joe was, and their unprotected wallets lived was a long and annoying trip. When I wasn't...acquiring funds to live I was at the library reading and enjoying the heating in the winter, and air-conditioning in the summer. The librarians usually turned a blind eye to my presence, if it was out of pity or just lack of giving a shit, I couldn't tell you, but I went all the same. Other than that, this was how I spent my time riding/walking to cities to pick pocket and getting into fights with thugs and school kids.

The sky was slowly turning to amber as the sun began to set. Weaving my way through the streets a slight headache began to build, and info seeped into my mind. At first it was something easily ignored but as time went on it became unbearable. I slowly left the main street into a side ally. when picking pockets, I needed to focus to see if anybody would notice but right now, I could barely think straight. This headache slowly but surely began to worsen as strange things began to enter my head.

QUIRK: Diamond skin; allows skin to be as tough as diamonds for 30min a day.

QUIRK: Echo location; able to make a sound that maps out environment radius depends on the volume of sound made.

QUIRK: Language; allows person to speak and understand any and all languages heard.

QUIRK: Levitate

QUIRK: Spectrum eye

QUIRK: Flame blade

QUIRK: Inventory




'What the fuck is wrong with me!!!' I internally screamed the headache was reaching its peak and I knew if I yelled it would call attention to where I was and would be caught with a lot of cash someone my age shouldn't have. 'Please just make it stop!'