
Chapter 64

"How long" I was afraid to let those words leave my throat "That dream, how long have you had that dream"

"I don't know" he said "I thought she was mine. But she wasn't, they took her home with them. I hated it. This time, I want to take her home, right under their nose...."

All those things that I didn't understand, they were suddenly falling into place.

A part of me, the little sane bit that remained was begging me not to pry any further.

I was unable to take in so much of new information but I still wanted to see an end to this, I wanted to know all there is to know.

"Why didn't you ever tell me? You never talked to me" I said

"You never wanted me to. You avoided me like a plague. You were close to everyone but me. You didn't want me" he replied.