
Chapter 63

I knew it was going to be hard but I assumed it would be as difficult as the night five years ago. Turns out, that night was just a yearning in comparison to the burning desires that I never knew I could possess.

"Plus he's starving" Ruby added her thoughtful bit.

"I'm f*cking starving too" I finally yelled in frustration "I might as well have slept with him had I known that my sex life would be so important to the pack people. Why don't you guys just kill me before you slowly embarrass me to death?"

"Chill" Aylin said after she recovered from the shock of my loudness "The elders are almost here. They will hear you. God, you have stayed with the humans so long that you have started behaving like them. There is nothing embarrassing about craving your mate"

"Aylin, let it go" Daisy finally said "It's your first time" she told me "Don't worry, no one's judging you"