

I woke with a start, and out of breath. There was a huge pain in my stomach and my shirt felt wet. I slowly sat up through the pain and set myself against a tree. 'Where am I?'

I was wearing a black, short sleeved top with back ripped jeans. I had black floppy hair that covered my eyes but this didn't bother me. I had sea green eyes and thin, cracked lips.

I was surrounded by vast trees towering over me. I swore they were looking at me. It was dark, but what time? What day? I looked down to find a knife embedded in my stomach. I would bleed out if I didn't find help soon. This was all so confusing. I had just woke up in the middle of nowhere. Who was I?

Was I running from someone? Who did this to me? I was so tempted to close my eyes but i forced through and used the support of the tree to stand up.

I stepped forward and stumbled but carried on forward using the support of the trees to help me. I needed to find answers. What was going on? I had so many questions. I was obviously there for a reason, I hadn't just stabbed myself.

"Find me.." said a voice. I thought it might have been my subconscious playing mean tricks on me but the voice was not my own. This voice was much deeper, almost inhuman.

"Find me.." I tried to listen to where the voice was coming from but it seemed to be all around me.

Who was this mysterious voice? Why did they need finding?

Just then I was overwhelmed with several voices at once. They were all screaming for help. I think they might have been arguing. My ears began to bleed. "Please stop!" I cried but the voices got louder and louder until i couldn't take it anymore. I blacked out. Of course i was dreaming, just when i thought things could not get any worse. I was still in the woods, scared out of my mind. I saw my body unconscious on the ground, slowly fading away. I watched in terror as my whole body had completely disappeared leaving nothing but dirt in its space.

"This way.." said a voice. The same voice. I still couldn't pin point where the voice was coming from. As i carefully advanced forward i didn't even notice my pain had gone, i no longer needed the support of the trees.

Behind me i heard a rattling. At first I thought the voice was trying to communicate with me but as i turned i saw a legion of skeletons all staring at me as if waiting for an order. Why was I dreaming about skeletons?

"Who are you?" I ordered. I tried to act confident but my voice was shaking. I was certain that any moment now the skeletons would lash out at me but to my surprise they were quite calm.

"We are the forgotten," the one in front answered. They were obviously the leader as they wore a crown. It looked like those little princess crowns you can get off Amazon, but the skeleton seemed pretty proud of it.

The forgotten what? Who had forgot them? I was so deep in thought I didn't even realise the skeletons surrounding me. I turned to face the leader whose calm expression had turned to anger. What could I possibly have done for it too look at me like that? It's creepy smile extended from one ear to the other. I wasn't even aware that skeletons could smile. Just then I realised why it was smiling but I was too late. I was sucked into the ground.