

Once again, I awoke with a start but this time I wasn't in the woods. I was in some kind of infirmary. It was kind of hard to see my surroundings because another boy was leaning over me. He was probably about 16, 17. He had blonde messy hair and wore a surgeons outfit. "Will? Is he awake?" Asked someone from outside. So that was his name, Will.

"Nico, I'm gonna need your help!"

Nico walked in the room and stood beside Will. He had the same floppy dark hair I did, he looked about 15. He was wearing a black Led Zeppelin shirt with black ripped jeans. Nico looked really panicked. "That's the boy from my dream... Max?"

Was Max my name? Will turned to Nico and told him to fetch Percy and Jason. Nico hesitated but left to get his friends, and i was left alone with Will. I must have looked scared because Will kept reassuring me that I was going to ok but he didn't seem very confident in his words.

"What's going on?" I asked Will.

"We found you bleeding and unconscious in the woods, we thought you were dead."

How has i ended up in the woods? I don't remember anything. If the people who stabbed me were close behind had I just put these people in danger? I needed to leave, I couldn't risk these people getting hurt.

I tried to sit up but the pain in my stomach was overbearing. The cut seemed to be producing a black smoke, this worried me. I didn't remember much but I don't think cuts were supposed to do that. "What is that?" I asked Will, although he looked as puzzled as I did.

"Um.. don't worry I can fix it"

Will didn't seem very confident but this was taking too long, I needed to leave I didn't belong here.

"It's ok," I assured Will "I need to go."

I struggled but managed to sit up. I tried to stand but my arm seemed to be stuck to something.

I was handcuffed to the radiator. I was beaten and overpowered by a RaDiAtOr?!?! I was in too much pain to be angry. I looked at Will and without saying anything he seemed to understand my question: 'why?'

"I thought you might try to leave, but the truth is this is the only place that is safe for you now"

This was odd because I didn't feel very safe.

Finally Nico walked in with who I assumed to be Percy and Jason.

This was all so overwhelming. Percy and Jason shot each other nervous looks before walking over.

"I'll let you guys talk," said Will. Percy and Jason were both wearing Camp Half-Blood t-shirts. Percy had the same sea green eyes I did but his hair was brown and not as floppy. Jason on the other hand had blue eyes and blonde hair. His eyes were hard to see under his glasses. They all looked at me as if expecting answers but in all honesty I couldn't give them any. I was looking for answers myself.

"Can I help you?" I said this to try and break the awkward silence. I thought they were going to kill me but instead Jason replied

"Who are you?"

Oh gods. How was I supposed to answer that? I didn't know!

"I was hoping you could tell me," I was surprisingly calm considering I didn't know who I was. Maybe these guys knew, I mean Nico did call me Max earlier or maybe he thought I was someone else. How could Nico know who I was and I didn't?

"Wait you don't know who you are?" asked Percy. I shook my head. We all turned to face the entrance as a man entered in a wheelchair, his legs covered by a rather odd blanket. He had long brown curly hair and beard. He could have been mistaken for Santa if his hair was white.

"Chiron." said Percy. So I'm assuming the guy in the wheelchair was named Chiron.

"Percy, Jason, Nico would you meet me and Max in the Big House please?"

There was that name again, Max. The three of them were hesitant but left.

"Will, I'm afraid I have to take the patient." Chiron seemed very calm, almost to calm. Will obviously wanted to protest but Chiron's expression advised against it. Will walked over and released me from the handcuffs and helped me too my feet. I was in a lot less pain but it wasn't the pain that bothered me. The pain I could deal with. "Come with me, Max" Chiron seemed friendly enough but I couldn't trust anyone. Not now. But if going with Chiron got me answers then I had to. I began to follow Chiron out of the infirmary and towards the Big House.