
chapter magical fighting arts class

" Jeez I hope you guys enjoyed looking at me while I was bathing you perverts" I said with a teasing smile.

" We didn't mean to" Lilith said while Rose agreed with her.

" That is what they all say. Admit it you guys were peeking" I said with a smile.

" No we were not and even if we did peek I bet you would have enjoyed right mr.topless" Rose said with a mocking face.

" The water pressure got my clothes it was an accident" I said with a dark expression.

" Come on guys our last lesson is going to start in a few minutes lets go" Malcolm said with a normal face.

The affect of the yellow spell was gone.

We walked in the hallway...

" So what is your last class anyway" Malcolm asked me.

" It is magical fighting arts. There aren't many people in this class care to join me Malcolm?" I said.

" I don't know man magical fighting arts is a dangerous class" Malcolm said.

" But you guys want to become stronger than Mafidius right. I am sure magical fighting arts is the class you need for this. You can also join Northen" I said with a serious face.

" Okay I am in" Malcolm said.

"Me too" Northen said with determination.

" Hey you guys are leaving me out!. damn screw it if even Malcolm will join this class then I will also join!'' Romeo said.

" So you all are joining magical fighting arts class great!" I said with joy.

" You boys can join magical fighting arts class Rose and I have decided to join a magic volleybal sports club. It is very famous for girls to join in" Lilith said.

Your last class is a class you can choose it can be something special like the famous wizard fan club class or something serious like sports. For example our magical fighting arts class and magic volleybal.

" Well boys lets go to magical fighting arts class I already have signed in by the way" I said.

At magical fighting arts class...

We were in a giant garden...

"Wow look at this beautiful open field and the lovely plants and trees at the background. I feel like I am one with nature!" Malcolm said while admiring the garden.

" So you finally have arrived Dante and what is this you brought new students for this class." A gentle female voice said.

I looked at her she had long light blue hair with blue eyes this was miss Lydia.

Next to miss Lydia was Miss Kira, big sis Jenny and Catharina.

" Hallo Miss lydia, Miss Kira, Big sis Jenny and Catharina. I have brought my friends with me they wish to join the magical fighting arts class" I said.

" Fantastic new students are always welcome but are you guys sure you want to join this class it can be very dangerous!" miss Lydia said with concern.

They looked at each other and they all said"""yes!"""" together.

" Marvelous" miss Lydia said with an excited expression.

" Hmmp it doesn't matter how many people joins the magical fighting arts class, what does matter is can they last?" miss Kira said.

" Way to ruin the fun Kira but she is right the magical fighting arts class is the hardest final class there is ,but if you complete this class there will be natural more benefits. You will learn to comprehend your own aura quicker for instance." Miss lydia explained.

" Okay now lets start with the lesson. You guys will first spar against each other. Lens will spar against Garden, Love will spar against Wood( Jenny). Love you will spar against Wood because I know that you are experienced with magical fighting arts. Oh and Spark will spar against Nova" miss Kira said.

" She knows I am experienced I guess I can't hide anything from miss Kira" I thought.

Malcolm looked at Catharina with a pale face he was thinking " I am going to die today". Catharina looked at Malcolm with disdain and thought" this fatty will be toast".

Jenny walked behind me and touched my shoulder and said" It is discipline time Dante".

" No wait Big sis Jenny wait I can explain why I got kicked out of cla-" before I could finish my sentence a fist was coming to my direction I quickly blocked it with my arms ,but a spinning lightning force went through my arms and I got blasted away.

" Ah damn my arms are burning" I thought. I could see burn marks on my arms.

" Well well it seems that your body is quite sturdy. I am delighted with this because this means I can teach you more things!" Jenny said with an evil grin. I could see the excitement in her face could it be that Jenny is a battle junkie!? If somebody else was in this situation they would probably be scared ,but strange enough I wasn't scared I was excited!

A smile was forming on my face my body was moving on his own it was like an instinct. I dashed to Jenny with my fists ready. Jenny was on a battle position she had a mocking face on right now. It was like she was looking at a baby that tries to struggle away from her. I launched my fist to her direction she also launched her fist to my direction.

Our fists had hit each other and a shockwave was created from their impact.

Two different kinds of elements were clashing on each other. On the side of jenny there was lightning sparkling everywhere and on my side flames were spreading everywhere. It looked even but I knew I was losing heavenly. Jenny had a playful expression on her face she wasn't putting any efforts in this clash at all.

I tried to hold on but I couldn't I saw the lightning dominanting my flames more and more.

I couldn't take it anymore " Raaaaa!!!" I screamed and I got blasted away again.

Jenny looked at me with pity but she was thinking" Unbelievable he is so young but he is this strong already".

I stood up and said " I admit defeat you win big sis" when I said that a fat man was blasted away like a lightbeam next to me.


It was Malcolm.