
Chapter bath time

" W-w-why are you naked!?" Rose said with a red face.

" Why not?" I said with an evil grin.

" Pervert" Catharina mumbled.

Noelle looked at my body with a lot of attention and said with a soulless face" Dante you got a nice body it is very refined".

" Thank you Noelle I work out a lot so thank you again for noticing" I said and looked at Noelle with a devilish handsome smile. The girls were looking at Noelle with a weird expression. Professor Azariah was looking back and forward to Noelle and me. It was like he was trying to figure out something.

Professor Azariah coughed and said" Okay does somebody else wants to ride Trunks?"

" No I am okay I can ride Trunks as many times as I want" Noelle said with a soulless voice as usual.

" I am okay after I have seen him ride Trunks I think I am alright" Rose said while she was looking at me.

" I want a shower I can't get sick can I?" Catharina said with her wet clothes shaking because of the cold.

" Alright everyone this was todays lesson we will now go back home. And make sure you take a shower and put some dry clothes on!"

The lesson ended earlier than I expected...

In my room I was taking a bath.

" Ah this feels so good taking a warm bath after I dived in the ice cold lake right Whitney!" I said with a satisfied face.

I was cleaning Whitney up while I was taking a bath.

" Grrr Grrr" Whitney said with joy.

I was quite surprised you know I thought Whitney would resist taking a bath because she is like a cat, but she went in the bath without resisting at all.

Hell she even enjoys it.

Her fur is now wet because of the water she looked adorable.

You saw her giant tiger eyes better now it was so cute.

" Oh Whitney is so cute right now damn it I want to hug her" Angel appeared again.

" Too bad you have to wait till I reach wizard saint rank before you can appear in this world" I said with a teasing face.

" Hmmp I know so get your ass up and work harder!" Angel said she was clearly triggered by my teasing face.

" Yes my lady, but do you know how hard it is to reach that level. I am already a genius for reaching regular wizard at the age of ten" I said while I felt wronged.

" Well maybe if you stop flirting with all the girls around you. You can try even harder!" Angel said.

" Angel my dear I don't flirt with the girls around me and even if I do I don't notice it at all" I said while tears were forming at the corners of my eyes.

" If what you say is true then you really are an idiot. Okay I will forgive you if you say that you are an Idiot" Angel said with a serious face.

I knew at this moment I have to listen to her If I don't there will be hell later on.

I-I'm an Idiot yes I Dante love am the idiot of my lovely Angel" I said.

" Yes you are and I am not your lovely Angel!" Angel said with a cold face but there was a smile on it.

I heard a sound coming from the door

" Knock knock!!!"

" Can you please hurry up I need to look at my face" It was malcolm's voice.

I just unlocked the door with magic while I was in the bath because we are boys who cares if he sees me naked.

" Thank you" Malcolm said.

When Malcolm walked in I was stunned. His face was yellow he looked like a banana.

" What happened" I said while I tried not to laugh.

" Mafidius!" Malcolm said with hatred.

Then I heard people rushing to the bathroom.

" Hey Malcolm I heard Mafidius made you yellow with a spell" Romeo said.

" Yes he will pay for this!" Malcolm said.

" Why did Mafidius even attack you did you make him angry?" I said with a puzzled look.

" No Malcolm wanted to show a girl from peryton a spell which can make things yellow. Well when Malcolm tried to do the spell he failed. Mafidius saw that and he went to Malcolm and mocked him. Then Malcolm said to 'Mafidius why don't you try it'. Mafidius responded with 'Okay I will but then on you' before Malcolm could respond he had cast the spell on him. Mafidius went too far how could he just cast a spell on Malcolm this wasn't even a duel" Northen said with an angry face.

" Can't you help us Dante to get revenge. Mafidius is afraid of you" Malcolm said.

" No I can't it would be like bullying a baby. Besides I think Mafidius is a good opponent for you guys to fight against I can't protect you guys forever can I? And Mafidius sister Catharina will get angry at me. I have a lot of classes with her so I don't want to do that" I explained.

When Malcolm and Northen heard my answer they were enlightened.

" You are right Dante if we can't beat him now we will just train so long till we can!" Northen said with determination.

" That's the spirit boys now go I want to have my bath time" I said.

Then I heard more people coming to the bathroom.

" Hey Malcolm I heard Mafidius had cast a spell on you are you alri-" before Lilith could finish her sentence she saw me naked in the bathroom.

" Malcolm are you oka-" Rose also entered the bathroom and saw me.

" Damn it girls is this some open church or something can you girls knock before you walk in a bathroom." I said while I tried to cover myself with my hands. I was like a lost beautiful princess that was captured by some brute.

" We are so sorry we will wait outside" Lilith said with a red face while Rose just nodded.