
chapter 8 cruel world

We both looked at each other and in a split second we moved away from each other to prepare our fight.

I covered my fist with magic, while his fist were covered in ice. We than ran to each other. I tried to jab his face while he blocked it with his icy fist.

Then he tried to attack me with his other fist while he was holding my left fist. I managed to Dodge his fist it even nearly touched me. Then I attacked his belly with my other fire fist and I managed to land it, but he wasn't blasted off immediately by the fire.

He managed to endure it so he could get a fast hit on my back and it worked. I got hit by the icy fist and was blown away to the ground, while he got blasted off by my fire fist.

We both coughed blood. We knew if we continued like this it can go on forever so we went with a full confrontation this time, so after we stood up we dashed to each other and we went ham.

We punched and punched. It was going superfast. I managed to hit his left eye, arms, his right part of his belly,mouth ,nose and his chest with my fire fist. He managed to hit my right eye,mouth,nose,chest, and my belly.

We stopped with fighting and prepared voor our Final move. Everything went silent it looked like the time stopped. We were concentrating on our final attack. Then we Just went voor it at the last second I jumped up and I saw his fist coming I tried to dodge it, but no matter what I did I could not dodge it and it hit me.

His fist was a lot colder now 'deadly cold', but I couldn't give up so I endured the icy cold for a second and managed to give him An uppercut not with a fire fist but with a fire lightning fist my strongest magical fist at the moment.

The injured man went up in air and he fainted. The icy cold hit me when he was in the air, but I was still concious so I won. "AAAAAH!(freezing cold)" voice 2 said.

"You did well Dante" voice 1 said and he gave him a frost poition and a mana poition.

"Thank you mother" I said and I drank the poitions.

( Yes it was the whole time his mom not his father even tho i wrote it with a he)

"Dante you haven't finished the job, you need to kill him show me your resolve that you told your father. You don't have to worry that man is scum" she said

He is a evil wizard that did a lot of crimes" she added in while she threw a wand at me.

I pointed the wand at him I was sweating and my skin turned pale I never killed a person in my whole life.

My mother saw that and said "KILL HIM!".

"Explodius!" I shouted and his body exploded a part of his arm went flying near my face, because of this blood splashed on my cheek.

"Wipe that blood off your cheek. we are going to do this a lot more sweetie" my mom said.

I wiped the blood of my face with a pale face and followed my mom.

Just 3 days left before I go to Wizardo academy.

"Please please don't kill me!" a man said

"Why are all evil wizards the same If they lose the beg for their life" I said.

"Halt that man is protected by our family" a Young girl said who appeared behind me.

"Young miss do you know who this is, this is a evil wizard that did many crimes so I am going to kill him" I said.

"Well that man has a contract with our ancient nova family so he belongs to us" she said.

"Listen Young miss I don't care about your family, Its a damn shame that we are on the opposite sides right now tho. I would have love to flirt with you or do you want to play with me because I would love to spank you" I said.

Her beautiful face darkened with her long blond Hair and shining blue eyes. She looked furious. She was about my age and I said with a grin "are you going to wizardo academy if you do I am going to spend lots of time with you".

"You bastard" she schreamed and shot laser beams at me. I dodged her laser beams with my shadow steps. "wowwow easy tigress no need to do this" I said. She didn't listen and pointed her wand at me and shot multiple lasers at me. I used shadow step multiple times to dodge her lasers.

I thought " damn it how can she shoot so many lasers, unless she is the same as me and has a bloodline. Her eyes turned golden as well when she shoot her lasers and she is from an ancient family as well that has to be it. Well guess i have to use mine ability as well".

When I said that multiple clones came out of me there were now five of us and we each cast a summoning spell. Five beautiful elemental ladies came out of it dark,fire, lightning,wind and wood spirits.

I said "yeah meet my elemental harem girl".

You're just a pervert I bet you tried to have intercourse with them as well!.

My face darkened and said " i'm just ten why the fudge will I try that you're the real pervert for thinking that".

"F*** you" she said and fired laser beams at me. We had a hard time moving around my clones couldn't keep up so I was the only one left , but I still got my spirits and we berraged her with attacks with different elements.

She started to get tired but so was I and my spirits dissapeared they have reached their limits. We were looking at each other than she used her ace spell again where she shot 10 beams at the same time.

Then I casted a new spell I created and shouted "granada x10(multiplier)"

Then ten red balls came out they had the size of a soccer ball. They had countered each laser beam and exploded "Booom Booom Booom!!!!". They were not as strong as my explodius but they still did the job.

Then I saw the little miss with a look of hesitation that changed with a look determination. She started to cast a new spell it was a giant laserbeam. I had not time to create a distance from her spell. So I casted explodius from short a distance while she fired her giant laser beam snd they hit each other.


We both were sent flying away. Blood was coming out of me I had used too much mana on explodius I can't continue on. The girl couldn't continue as well she was also bleeding.

We looked at each other, but then we realised we forgot about the man. The man had died from our battle ( whoops). The field was also destroyed.

Our fight had no meaning anymore with a complex look she left. I was sitting on the ground and looked at the sky. I thought " Damn who is she I thought for certain that nobody was my match in my age group guess I was too arrogant".

"Are you alright you really are an idiot here let me help you heal up" angel said.

"Thanks my beautiful princess" I said.

"Humpph!" she said and pouted.

I started to heal up with divine spirit energy.