
chapter 7 explosion!!!

When My father saw me he said " My boy it is time to train your other elemental affinities" he said. The fire,lightning and wind were basically the same as the dark element so it was easy for me to learn( I don't want to explain it again pls).

Okay now that we have have trained with your 3 elements it is time to move on to my special magic explosive magic! You already understand the basic principal of explosion magic if not all those years I raised you were wasted.

Here watch and learn" My dad said.

Dad pointed his wand at a dummy and said "Now concentrate try to Imagine you want the blow up the dummy and think of the spell you have learned in the books. EXPLODIUS!" he said and the dummy exploded into pieces.

"Now you try" My father said and he gave me the wand and I took it.

I pointed at the dummy and I had an image of an big explosion in my head and I was feeling the mana inside and outside of me.

In my head I started to concentrate and thought "come on man you can do it explosion magic is made for you. Now make your father proud" and then I roared "EXPLODIUS!". I heard a loud bang and the dummy exploded "I did it" I shouted and then I fainted.

My father's eyes was wide open and his mouth was also open too bad i couldn't see it.

He was thinking " Dante actually did it I was hoping that he would master this spell in a month or two , but to do it in your first time is ridiculous he will definitely surpass me in the future".

Half hour later I woke up.

My dad was sitting next to me and said " you did well my boy in the future we will train more explosion type spells, but now we are going to concentrate on a different kind of training it is called magical fighting arts".

"magical fighting arts?" I said.

"Yeah that's right my boy magical fighting arts uses martial arts and magic together so you don't need a wand.

As you already know a wand or you mouth isn't necessary needed to cast a spell but it helps you concentrate better ,for example high ranked wizards don't have to use there wands and mouth".

"I understand dad" I said.

"The reason why I am teaching you magical fighting arts , because it is not taught at wizardo academy.

Another reason it helps you strengtening the body and you will learn how to control your bloodline abilities better" My dad said.

"Okay dad I know now when are we going to start" I said with a impatient look.

"The best way to teach magical fighting arts is to experience it with your body so you are going to sweat,cry and bleed a lot" My father said with a evil grin on his face.

My face went pale and I said "Dad lets talk this out like two gentlemen!" I said.

"Maybe you are right we should talk it out like gentlemen a hell no you think i would be so nice" my dad said.

"Noooo!" I schreamed.

This training schedule went on for a year and a half. I am nine years old already and there is just 6 months left till I leave home for wizardo academy.

"Son you have already improved so much in the last months of training. It is time for some real experience, but before we do that I want to know what you want to achieve in life" my father said.

"I don't really know what I want to achieve in life, but I do know that I want to protect the people that are close to me. I am not naive so I am willing to sacrifice things to achieve that. I doesn't really matter If i need to get dirty to protect my close ones, so I am willing to kill people for it. so I don't care if you are good person or a bad person if you touch people that are close to me you are dead" I said with a strong will.

My father looked stunned for a while and then He said " good boy I changed my mind I will change my training to see your resolve we aren't going to train we are going to a mission for men".

In the Woods...

"He is on the move go after him" voice 1 said

"Okay i'm on it" voice 2 said.

"I don't know who you are but if you keep attacking me I will kill you I let you know i'm a loyal follower of Faldore!" an injured guy said.

"yeah yeah keep talking I will not let you escape!" voice 2 said

"You ask for it" the injured man said and he took out his wand.

"With pleasure" voice 2 said and he also took out his wand. they both ran to each other and the injured man used the spell ice arrow while voice 2 used fireball which countered the spell .

They got closer and they Both shot the spell lightning granosh which is a line of green lightning. The two spells confronted each other. Now only pure willpower will decide who the winner is. The injured man thought" How can I lose to a kid hmmpp!" and his lightning went closer to voice 2. When the lightning nearly hit voice 2. Voice 2 thought No no I can't lose I got to show everyone my worth. My journey only starts now!. The lightning went to the side of the injured man so fast that he couldn't do anything and then it hit him.

"AAAAAH!" The injured man schreamed and he got blasted away. When he har hit the ground the injured man thought "Is this the end for me?".

When the man looked up he was suprised that kid had also trouble standing up then the injured man thought "Of course how stupid of me he is just a little kid he can't use an advance spell like its nothing."

The man saw hope then he thought "I guess I have use my magical fighting arts" and he walked to the kid.

The kid saw what the men was doing he thought "why is he doing that unless". The kid dropped his wand and also started walking to the man until they were face to face to eacch other. The man said "I see you also know magical fighting arts"

voice 2 said "yeah lets get this party started".