
The Champion of The Creator book 1: The beginning

Welcome to my world

BlazePro · Action
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11 Chs

Chapter 11: Nightmares and daydreams Part 2

July 30th, 2025, 1 hour before Vanessa's wakening, Eric is fixing the car and hears a crackling of a branch behind him, he turns to investigate and as he walks slowly to origin of the sound then out of know where Mateo comes out of nowhere and attacks Eric. Then Eric switches to Richard and Richard blocks and evades Mateo's attacks until Mateo lands a lucky but heavy blow and knocks Richard away. However, as Eric's soul switches from Eric to Richard, Eric Wakes up chained to a metal floor and a door with an ominous light luminating behind. Suddenly Eric's chains disappear, and the door slightly opens and as Eric gets up watching the door menacingly, he hears cries behind the door. Then he rushes the door ramming through it with a sudden burst of energy and as the dust clears, Eric looks up and sees a dark figure holding up a woman in a house with a man begging for the woman's life Eric takes a closer look at the man and sees Richard. Eric realizes HE'S IN A MEMORY. Eric approaches the dark figure in means to figure out who he is. However, as he gets closer and closer to the figure it twitches. Eric startled backs up and as he does the figure appears more clearly, he sees a man in war armor. Then as Eric looks at the man's face, collapse, and yells. Then Eric hears an incantation in an unknown language "Είθε το κλειδί που παραδίδω, να ελευθερώσει αυτόν που είναι αλυσοδεμένο και να ελευθερώσει ό, τι έχει εγκλωβιστεί και να ευημερήσει η ελευθερία του" and sees visions of an all out war, millions dead's, planets destroyed and worst of all Eric sees himself standing over it all as he stares at an implosion of a broken star. We come back to Richards's battle; Richard is being flung across the forest as Mateo dashes to catch him, however Richard catches himself and charges headfirst at Mateo, then as they clash Mateo says "YOU THINK YOU CAN GET RID OF ME THAT EASILY! THAT IS A MISTAKE YOU WILL REGRET MAKING!" Richard grins and says, "Yea you're right this time I'll throw you farther" Mateo puts on a worried face and yells "WAIT!!!!" then he gets flung into the air, Richard catches him and punches him so hard it makes a large crater in the forest and cracks the surrounding Mountain. Then Eric switches back into his body and collapses on the ground shaken by what he saw he gets up and finishes the last repairs on the car and goes to wake Vanessa but she wakes up in a sudden burst of fear and as Eric discarded the weird wakening of Vanessa and said 'we got to go" and so they did they got up and started up the car to then drive off to reunite with the rest of the group. However, the same dark figure from before watched them drive of, to then disappear in a blink of an eye.

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